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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - Tips and Tricks

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance PagesFinal Fantasy Tactics Advance - Tips and Tricks

Tags: final-fantasy-tactics-advance

Reset the game

To reset, press A+B+Start+Select.

Story Characters

After you beat the game, you can get characters in the storyline to join your clan. The methods of getting them are as follows. Be sure to make room in your clan.

  • Babus: Complete the mission "Left Behind". Then visit any town, thus beginning a cut scene involving Babus looking for the left-behind item. After the scene, don’t leave the town but visit the pub and accept the mission "With Babus". Complete this mission, located in Ambervale, and you’ll have the chance to have Babus join your clan.
  • Shara: Complete the mission "A Maiden’s Cry". Then visit any town - the woman mentioned in the mission was Shara, and Doned wants to have Shara in your clan.
  • Ritz: Complete the mission "Mortal Snow" (found in Lutia Pass), in which Ritz tags along. (Ritz is considered a viera in job selection and the totema, but a human for Dmg2:Human and Dmg2:Viera.)
  • Ezel: After "gossiping" enough with Ezel and procuring items for his antilaws, visit Ezel’s card shop in Cadoan, where he asks you to mediate for him. Then accept the mission "Reconcilliation" [sic] (found in the Koringwood), complete it, and Ezel will offer to join your group.
  • Cid: First, complete all 300 regular missions. Visit Bervenia Palace to begin a storyline about judicial corruption. Then accept the mission "Cleanup Time" and complete it in Cadoan. Afterwards, you can get Judgemaster Cid in your clan.

Other Characters

You may get these characters when you complete a mission. Be sure to make room in your clan.

  • Lini (moogle, Mog Knight) - Complete any mission with the mission item "The Hero Gaol" (obtained from "Oasis Frogs").
  • Cheney (human, Hunter) - Complete any mission with the mission item "Snake Shield".
  • Quin (nu mou, Sage) - Complete the mission "Missing Prof". (This mission won’t reappear.)
  • Littlevili (nu mou, Sniper) - Complete the mission "Clan League".
  • Eldena (viera, Red Mage) - Complete any mission with the mission item "Elda’s Cup".
  • Pallanza (bangaa, Gladiator) - Complete any mission with the mission item "Wyrmstone".