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Fire Emblem (GBA) - Supporting Units

Fire Emblem (GBA)Fire Emblem (GBA) - Supporting Units

Tags: fire-emblem-gba


The two numbers after each name indicate the unit’s initial support value, and the number to increase to the support value (on the next turn) when the two units are next to each other at the end of the turn (unless one rescues the other). When it reaches a new support level, have either unit talk to each other with the "Support" command and their support levels will rise, allowing you to gain its effects. The "Support" command will appear only if the two units didn’t previously "support" themselves on the same map (not chapter). There is a limit of five support level gains per person. Silenced units can’t utilize the "Support" command, but other units may "support" them. Support can’t occur if either unit is asleep or berserk.

Support levels: C - 81; B - 161; A - 241. Until the "Support" command is executed, the support value will increase up to the value minus 1. For instance, in one map, an unsupported character’s support value can reach up to 80, and the Support command raises it to 81.

Support values do not increase in Lyn’s mode.

Support Partners

  • Eliwood - Hector (72/3), Lyn (10/2), Ninian (0/5), Marcus (25/2), Lowen (20/2), Harken (25/3), Fiora (0/2)
  • Hector - Eliwood (72/3), Lyn (0/3), Oswin (20/2), Matthew (20/3), Florina (5/2), Serra (15/1), Farina (0/1)
  • Raven - Lucius (30/3), Priscilla (20/3), Rebecca (0/2), Wil (0/1), Bartre (0/1)
  • Geitz - Dorcas (0/3), Karel (0/2), Isadora (0/2), Fiora (0/1), Dart (0/2)
  • Guy - Matthew (10/3), Rath (0/4), Karel (5/3), Priscilla (0/2), Louise (0/1)
  • Karel - Guy (5/3), Geitz (0/2), Karla (25/2), Dart (0/2), Lucius (0/1)
  • Dorcas - Bartre (15/3), Geitz (0/3), Oswin (0/2), Vaida (0/2), Farina (0/1)
  • Bartre - Dorcas (15/3), Raven (0/1), Canas (0/2), Karla (5/4), Renault (0/1)
  • Oswin - Hector (20/2), Matthew (5/2), Serra (10/1), Priscilla (0/2), Dorcas (0/2)
  • Rebecca - Wil (30/3), Lowen (5/2), Sain (0/2), Dart (35/3), Louise (0/3), Raven (0/2), Nino (0/3)
  • Louise - Pent (241/0), Erk (20/2), Hawkeye (20/3), Rebecca (0/3), Guy (0/1), Heath (0/1), Sain (0/1)
  • Lucius - Raven (30/3), Priscilla (5/2), Serra (0/2), Renault (0/2), Karel (0/1)
  • Serra - Hector (15/1), Matthew (5/1), Florina (0/1), Sain (0/2), Oswin (10/1), Lucius (0/2), Erk (2/1)
  • Renault - Bartre (0/1), Isadora (0/1), Lucius (0/2), Wallace (0/2), Canas (0/2)
  • Erk - Louise (20/2), Nino (0/3), Pent (25/3), Priscilla (15/3), Serra (2/1)
  • Nino - Jaffar (25/3), Erk (0/3), Florina (0/2), Merlinus (0/2), Legault (0/2), Canas (0/3), Rebecca (0/3)
  • Pent - Louise (241/0), Erk (25/3), Canas (0/3), Hawkeye (20/3), Fiora (10/2)
  • Canas - Pent (0/3), Nino (0/3), Renault (0/2), Bartre (0/2), Vaida (0/2)
  • Lowen - Eliwood (20/2), Marcus (20/3), Isadora (10/3), Harken (15/3), Rebecca (5/2)
  • Marcus - Eliwood (25/2), Merlinus (0/2), Lowen (20/3), Isadora (15/3), Harken (20/2)
  • Priscilla - Raven (20/3), Lucius (5/2), Erk (15/3), Oswin (0/2), Sain (0/2), Heath (0/2), Guy (0/2)
  • Fiora - Farina (30/3), Florina (35/4), Eliwood (0/2), Kent (0/3), Sain (0/2), Pent (10/2), Geitz (0/1)
  • Farina - Hector (0/1), Florina (35/3), Fiora (30/3), Kent (0/1), Dart (0/2), Karla (0/2), Dorcas (0/1)
  • Heath - Vaida (0/2), Legault (0/2), Louise (0/1), Priscilla (0/2), Kent (0/2)
  • Vaida - Heath (0/2), Harken (0/1), Karla (0/2), Wallace (0/2), Canas (0/2), Dorcas (0/2), Merlinus (0/1)
  • Hawkeye - Ninian (0/3), Pent (20/3), Louise (20/3)
  • Matthew - Hector (20/3), Jaffar (0/1), Guy (10/3), Serra (5/1), Oswin (5/2), Legault (0/2)
  • Jaffar - Nino (25/3), Matthew (0/1), Legault (5/1)
  • Ninian - Eliwood (0/5), Florina (0/4), Hawkeye (0/3)
  • Merlinus - Marcus (0/2), Nino (0/2), Vaida (0/1)
  • Wallace - Lyn (15/2), Renault (0/2), Wil (0/2), Vaida (0/2), Kent (15/2)
  • Lyn - Eliwood (10/2), Hector (0/3), Florina (76/4), Rath (15/4), Kent (20/3), Wil (17/3), Wallace (15/2)
  • Wil - Lyn (17/3), Rebecca (30/3), Rath (0/2), Dart (20/3), Wallace (0/2), Raven (0/1)
  • Kent - Lyn (20/3), Sain (30/3), Fiora (0/3), Farina (0/1), Wallace (15/2), Heath (0/2)
  • Sain - Kent (30/3), Fiora (0/2), Serra (0/2), Rebecca (0/2), Priscilla (0/2), Louise (0/1), Isadora (0/1)
  • Florina - Hector (5/2), Lyn (76/4), Farina (35/3), Fiora (35/4), Ninian (0/4), Nino (0/2), Serra (0/1)
  • Rath - Lyn (15/4), Wil (0/2), Guy (0/4)
  • Dart - Farina (0/2), Wil (20/3), Geitz (0/2), Rebecca (35/3), Karel (0/2)
  • Isadora - Legault (0/1), Lowen (10/3), Marcus (15/3), Harken (40/4), Geitz (0/2), Renault (0/1), Sain (0/1)
  • Legault - Matthew (0/2), Nino (0/2), Isadora (0/1), Jaffar (5/1), Heath (0/2)
  • Karla - Karel (25/2), Bartre (5/4), Farina (0/2), Vaida (0/2)
  • Harken - Eliwood (25/3), Isadora (40/4), Lowen (15/3), Marcus (20/2), Vaida (0/1)
  • Lloyd - Linus (241/0)
  • Linus - Lloyd (241/0)

Support Effects

After supporting two characters, their stats will be boosted if they stand up to 3 spaces close to each other. The boosts they receive depend on their affinities. To find the boost for a pertinent stat, add the stat bonuses for each character’s affinity (multiplied by support level), and divide by 2, as shown below.

Affin    POW DEF HIT Avo Cri  CE
Fire       1   0   5   5   5   0 
Thunder    0   1   0   5   5   5 
Wind       1   0   5   0   5   5 
Ice        0   1   5   5   0   5 
Light      1   1   5   0   5   0 
Darkness   0   0   5   5   5   5 
Anima      1   1   0   5   0   5 

DEF = Def and Res

POW = Str and Mag

Cri="Critical Hit" chance

CE="Critical Hit" evasion, usually equal to Luck

Example: Eliwood’s affinity is Anima, and Hector’s affinity is Thunder. According to the chart, the Cri bonus for Thunder is 5; the POW bonus for Anima is 0. If their support level is C (1), then their POW bonus is ((5*1)+(0*1))/2 = 2. Note that the game rounds down when dividing by 2.


When you begin a new game, you can choose the affinity of your tactician (default: Mark, January, male) based on its birth month:

  • January: Light
  • February: Ice
  • March: Wind
  • April: Thunder
  • May: Wind
  • June: Anima
  • July: Fire
  • August: Dark
  • September: Fire
  • October: Anima
  • November: Ice
  • December: Thunder

For each allied unit with the same affinity as the tactician’s, its Hit and Avoid are increased by the tactician’s Rating (from 1 through 9), and "Critical Hit" evasion for all allied units rises by the tactician’s Rating.