New York City Pokémon Center
Opened in mid-2001 and closed a few years later, the combination Pokémon Center and store, located in Rockefeller Plaza in New York City, was visited by Pokémon trainers from all over the country.
Important Note: The information below is a few years old, and this site’s owner is not actively maintaining it. The information may not reflect recent events and this site’s owner doesn’t warrant its suitability for any purpose. Other than the information given here, the author knows nothing about the New York Pokémon Center. Please also see the answer to the question "What happened to the Pokémon Center and" on Poké for more information.
The Center, at certain times of the year, offered some special promotional Pokémon with special moves. An incomplete listing is below.
*Starters Week* Bulbasaur-Ancientpower Charmander-Crunch Squirtle-Zap Cannon Chikorita-Petal Dance Cyndaquil-Double-Edge Totodile-Submission *Christmas Week* Delibird-Pay Day Celebi *Spring Into Spring* Psyduck-Petal Dance Chikorita-Petal Dance Pichu-Petal Dance Cleffa-Petal Dance Igglybuff-Petal Dance Smoochum-Petal Dance *Babies Week* Pichu-Sing Cleffa-Swift Igglybuff-Mimic Smoochum-Metronome Elekid-Pursuit Magby-Faint Attack *Valentine’s Day* NidoranF-Lovely Kiss NidoranF-Sweet Kiss NidoranM-Lovely Kiss NidoranM-Sweet Kiss Bellsprout-Lovely Kiss Bellsprout-Sweet Kiss *Summer Festival 1 (Tropical Giveaway)* Poliwag-Growth Horsea-Haze Goldeen-Swords Dance Magikarp-Reversal Marill-Dizzy Punch Wooper-Belly Drum *Summer Festival 2 (Tropical Giveaway)* Psyduck-Tri Attack Tentacool-Confuse Ray Lapras-Bite Chinchou-Light Screen Remoraid-Mist Mantine-Gust *Swarm Week* Marill-Hydro Pump Yanma-Steel Wing Dunsparce-Horn Drill Snubull-Lovely Kiss Qwilfish-Double-Edge Remoraid-Amnesia *Pokémon Mini Week* Chikorita-Petal Dance Wooper-Belly Drum Smoochum-Metronome *Safari Week* NidoranF-Moonlight NidoranM-Morning Sun Chansey-Sweet Scent Kanghaskhan-Faint Attack Tauros-Quick Attack Dratini-Hydro Pump *Sky Week* Spearow-Sonic Boom Farfetch’d-Fury Cutter Doduo-Low Kick Natu-Safeguard Murkrow-Beat Up Skarmory-Fury Cutter *Power Plant Week* Magnemite-Agility Voltorb-Agility Pichu-Dizzy Punch Elekid-Dizzy Punch *Halloween* Pichu-Scary Face Cleffa-Scary Face Igglybuff-Scary Face Marill-Scary Face Wooper-Scary Face *Silver Cave* Ponyta-Low Kick Doduo-Low Kick Tangela-Synthesis Misdraveus-Hypnosis Larvitar-Rage *Union Cave* Onix-Sharpen Krabby-Metal Claw Goldeen-Swords Dance Staryu-Twister Lapras-Future Sight *Psychic Type* Abra-Foresight Drowzee-Amnesia Exeggcute-Sweet Scent Mr.Mime-Mind Reader Lapras-Future Sight Natu-Safeguard *Rock Tunnel* Zubat-Flail Machop-Thrash Geodude-Rapid Spin Onix-Sharpen Cubone-Fury Attack Kangaskhan-Faint Attack *Ice Type* Seel-Flail Lapras-Future Sight Swinub-Whirlwind Delibird-Spikes *Noctournal Week* Staryu-Twister Hoothoot-Night Shade Murkrow-Beat Up Misdreavus-Hypnosis Sneasel-Moonlight *Grass Type* Oddish-Leech Seed Paras-Synthesis Tangela-Synthesis Hoppip-Agility Sunkern-Splash *Normal Type* Lickitung-Double Slap Snorlax-Splash Sentret-Dizzy Punch Aipom-Mimic Stantler-Safeguard Miltank-Mega Kick *Mt. Mortar* Machop-False Swipe Goldeen-Swords Dance Magikarp-Bubble Marill-Dizzy Punch Tyrogue-Rage *Dark Cave* Geodude-Rapid Spin Wobbuffet-Mimic Dunsparce-Fury Attack Teddiursa-Sweet Scent Phanpy-Absorb *Valentine’s Day* Poliwag-Lovely Kiss Poliwag-Sweet Kiss Bellsprout-Lovely Kiss Bellsprout-Sweet Kiss Snorlax-Lovely Kiss Snorlax-Sweek Kiss *Rare Pokémon* Eevee-Growth Porygon-Barrier Omanyte-Rock Throw Kabuto-Rock Throw Aerodactyl-Rock Throw Snorlax-Sweet Kiss Sudowoodo-Substitute *Bug Type* Scyther-Sonic Boom Pinsir-Rock Throw Ledyba-Barrier Spinarak-Growth Yanma-Sweet Kiss Pineco-Substitute Heracross-Seismic Toss