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Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Base Stats (Effort Values)

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Base Stats (Effort Values)

Tags: pokemon-black-and-white, in-depth-guides, effort-values

Base Stats (EVs) indicate the amount of training that a Pokémon has made. Here are the basics on base stats (EVs).

  • How base stats (EVs) are raised - Whenever a Pokémon earns Exp. Points in battle, usually by defeating foe Pokémon, it earns a number of base stat points (EVs) depending on the species of the Pokémon defeated. After the Pokémon earns base stat points (EVs), all its stats are recalculated. Even a Pokémon at level 100 will earn base stat points (EVs) in battle if it would have earned Exp. Points at a level less than 100. A Pokémon’s base stats (EVs) are not raised while it’s deposited in the Day-Care or when a Rare Candy is used on it.
  • Limits - Each base stat (EV) ranges from 0 to 255. A Pokémon starts with base stats (EVs) of 0 for all stats, and its base stat (EV) total can’t exceed 510. (The six stats are HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. base stat points (EVs) are also earned in that order.) A Pokémon with 510 base stat points (EVs) has "put in a great effort" according to the girl in Opelucid City, north of the Pokémon Center.
  • The "box trick" - When a Pokémon is placed in a PC storage box, the game stores, among other things, its Exp. Points (to calculate its level), its individual values, and its base stats (EVs). When the Pokémon is removed from the storage system, its stats are recalculated based on its base stats (EVs), without actually gaining a level. This effect is sometimes called the "box trick."
  • Base stats (EVs) and stats - For a level 100 Pokémon, every 4 base stat points (EVs) correspond to 1 stat point. Because of this, only 508 base stat points (EVs) overall and 252 base stat points (EVs) in a certain stat (for a stat increase of 63) are required to raise a Pokémon’s stats as much as possible.

Some kinds of items can affect Base stats (EVs):

  • Nutritious drinks - There are six nutritious drinks, also known as "vitamins", that increase the base stat (EV) of the corresponding stat by 10, but not to more than 100. Each nutritious drink only takes effect if the base stat (EV) for that stat is less than 100. After a nutritious drink is used and takes effect, all the Pokémon’s stats are recalculated.
    • HP - HP Up (won’t have any effect on a Shedinja, however)
    • Attack - Protein
    • Defense - Iron
    • Special Attack - Calcium
    • Special Defense - Zinc
    • Speed - Carbos
  • Wings - Using a wing on a Pokémon raises the base stat (EV) of the corresponding stat by 1, but not to more than 255. After a wing is used and takes effect, all the Pokémon’s stats are recalculated.
    • HP - Health Wing (won’t have any effect on a Shedinja, however)
    • Attack - Muscle Wing
    • Defense - Resist Wing
    • Special Attack - Genius Wing
    • Special Defense - Clever Wing
    • Speed - Swift Wing
  • Stat-reducing Berries - Certain kinds of Berries decrease the base stat (EV) of the corresponding stat by 10. (They can’t lower the base stat (EV) by more than 10, unlike earlier versions.) If such a Berry reduces the base stat (EV) this way, all the Pokémon’s stats are recalculated.
    • HP - Pomeg Berry (Won’t have any effect at all on a Shedinja, not even friendship gain)
    • Attack - Kelpsy Berry
    • Defense - Qualot Berry
    • Special Attack - Hondew Berry
    • Special Defense - Grepa Berry
    • Speed - Tamato Berry
  • "Power items" - Certain items commonly known as "Power items" will add 4 base stat points (EVs) of the appropriate stat to Pokémon that hold them whenever they earn base stat points (EVs) (of any kind) in battle. The additional base stat points (EVs) are added before they’re doubled by Pokérus (see below).
    • HP - Power Weight
    • Attack - Power Bracer
    • Defense - Power Belt
    • Special Attack - Power Lens
    • Special Defense - Power Band
    • Speed - Power Anklet
  • Macho Brace - The Macho Brace will double the base stat points (EVs) that a Pokémon holding it will earn in battle.
  • Pokérus - Although Pokérus is not an item, it too will double the base stat points (EVs) that a Pokémon infected with it will earn in battle, even after it’s cured of Pokérus. This effect, however, doesn’t apply if the Pokémon didn’t participate in the battle against the opposing Pokémon, even if it’s holding Exp. Share.