Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Battle Institute
The number of points the player will earn after a Battle Test, which lasts five battles, is determined as follows:
- Add 5 points each time the player switched Pokémon using the Pokémon command.
- Subtract 10 points for each turn each battle lasted (including turns in which each battle ended).
- Add 1 point each time an attack by a Pokémon on the player’s side was "super effective" against a Pokémon on the opposite side of the player ("opposing Pokémon").
Add 4 points each time an attack by an opposing Pokémon fails against a
Pokémon on the player’s side because:
- its type is ineffective against that Pokémon’s types;
- it’s a damaging Ground-type attack and that Pokémon has Levitate; or
- it causes poison, burn, paralysis, freezing, or sleep and that condition can’t be inflicted on that Pokémon because of that Pokémon’s type (for example, if Will-O-Wisp tries to burn a Fire-type target).
- Subtract 10 points each time an attack by a Pokémon on the player’s side fails against an opposing Pokémon for the reasons given in step 4.
- Add 2 points each time an attack by an opposing Pokémon was "not very effective" against a Pokémon on the player’s side.
- Subtract 2 points each time an attack by a Pokémon on the player’s side was "not very effective" against an opposing Pokémon.
- After each battle, subtract 80 points for each Pokémon on the player’s side with 0 HP, and add 80 points for each opposing Pokémon with 0 HP.
- For each battle the player won, add 1000 points, then add 30 more points if an opposing Pokémon took its attack segment that battle, or 15 more points if no opposing Pokémon took its attack segment that battle. (A draw is not a win.)
- For each battle, subtract 100 points, then add points equal to the percentage of HP remaining in the player’s party after the battle ended, that is, a value equal to 100 multiplied by the combined current HP of all Pokémon in the player’s party at the end of that battle, then divided by the combined maximum HP of those Pokémon at that time, then rounded down.
If the score is less than 0, it becomes 0. If it’s greater than 9999, it becomes 9999. The above score is converted to a rank as follows:
- 0-999: Beginner Rank
- 1000-1999: Novice Rank
- 2000-2999: Normal Rank
- 3000-3999: Super Rank
- 4000-4999: Hyper Rank
- 5000-5999: Elite Rank
- 6000-9999: Master Rank
During a Battle Test, the player’s party will be healed before and after each battle begins. For the purposes of scoring, each hit of a multi-hit attack is not counted separately.