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Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Battle Modes

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Battle Modes

Tags: pokemon-black-and-white, in-depth-guides, battle-rules

In Pokémon Black and White, the following battle modes are supported:

  • Single Battle - For two players, each with three to six Pokémon. Only one Pokémon can be in battle on the same side at a given time.
  • Double Battle - For two players, each with four to six Pokémon. Up to two Pokémon can be in battle on the same side at a given time.
  • Triple Battle - For two players, each with three to six Pokémon. Up to three Pokémon can be in battle on the same side at a given time.
  • Rotation Battle - For two players, each with four to six Pokémon. Up to three Pokémon can be in battle on the same side at a given time; however, only one of them can take an action each turn.
  • Multi Battle - For four players, each with up to three Pokémon. Up to two Pokémon can be in battle on the same side at a given time, with each one controlled by a different player.
  • Launcher Battle - For two players, each with six Pokémon. This battle is a Triple Battle, and the Wonder Launcher is used.

For many Link Battles, the player can choose between having no restrictions and using Flat Battle rules.

In a Flat Battle , each Pokémon higher than level 50 is reduced to level 50. The following Pokémon are not allowed under Flat Battle rules: Arceus, Celebi, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Genesect, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Keldeo, Kyogre, Kyurem, Lugia, Manaphy, Meloetta, Mew, Mewtwo, Palkia, Phione, Rayquaza, Reshiram, Shaymin, Victini, and Zekrom. A Pokémon also can’t hold Soul Dew, and Eggs are not allowed. Finally, each Pokémon must be of a different species, and no more than one Pokémon can hold the same item.

In some battles, each player can see the other player’s Pokémon team and change his or her team’s Pokémon order accordingly before a battle begins. For each Pokémon, its icon, its level, its gender, and whether it’s holding an item will be shown. This feature is sometimes known as " Team Preview ." Battles with Team Preview use three Pokémon per player for the Multi Battle, Rotation, and Single modes, four Pokémon for the Double Battle mode, and six Pokémon for the Triple and Launcher Battle modes.

In Pokémon Black Version, Pokémon White Version, Pokémon Black Version 2, and Pokémon White Version 2, different communication methods support different battle modes, as shown here:

  • Infrared: Single, Double, Triple, Rotation, and Multi Battle. All Pokémon are adjusted to level 50 during the battle. The Wonder Launcher is always used. For the Single, Double, Rotation, and Triple Battle modes, up to six Pokémon per player can participate.
  • Union Room: Single, Double, Triple, Rotation, and Multi Battle. Either Flat Battle or no restrictions. Wonder Launcher on or off.
  • Wi-Fi Club: Single, Double, Triple, and Rotation Battle. Either Flat Battle or no restrictions. Team Preview. Wonder Launcher on or off.
  • Random Matchup: Single, Double, Rotation, Triple, and Launcher Battle. Flat Battle. Chatot is not allowed. Wonder Launcher is used only for Launcher Battles. Team Preview. Battles last 60 minutes, with command time 3 minutes (or 2 minutes for Single Battles), and 90 seconds to select Pokémon at the start of the battle.

In the Battle Subway and Battle Institute, the Flat Battle rules are used, the Wonder Launcher is not used, and all Pokémon are adjusted to level 50 during the battle.