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Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Nature

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Nature

Tags: pokemon-black-and-white, in-depth-guides, nature

Each Pokémon can have one of 25 different natures, which is randomly chosen as it’s generated. Most natures raise one stat by 10% and lower another stat by 10%. Shown here are the stats to increase and decrease. In Pokémon Black Version, Pokémon White Version, and later, a Pokémon’s nature is not based on its personality ID.

Value Nature Stat increase Stat decrease
0 Hardy ---- ----
1 Lonely +Attack -Defense
2 Brave +Attack -Speed
3 Adamant +Attack -Special Attack
4 Naughty +Attack -Special Defense
5 Bold +Defense -Attack
6 Docile ---- ----
7 Relaxed +Defense -Speed
8 Impish +Defense -Special Attack
9 Lax +Defense -Special Defense
10 Timid +Speed -Attack
11 Hasty +Speed -Defense
12 Serious ---- ----
13 Jolly +Speed -Special Attack
14 Naive +Speed -Special Defense
15 Modest +Special Attack -Attack
16 Mild +Special Attack -Defense
17 Quiet +Special Attack -Speed
18 Bashful ---- ----
19 Rash +Special Attack -Special Defense
20 Calm +Special Defense -Attack
21 Gentle +Special Defense -Defense
22 Sassy +Special Defense -Speed
23 Careful +Special Defense -Special Attack
24 Quirky ---- ----

A Pokémon with a Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Quirky, or Serious nature doesn’t experience any special increase or decrease in a particular stat.