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Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Personality ID

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Personality ID

Tags: pokemon-black-and-white, in-depth-guides, personality-id

Each Pokémon comes with an unsigned 32-bit integer ID, generated at random, which determines significant information about the uniqueness of the Pokémon. (This ID is sometimes called "Personality Value" or "Personality ID". It is not to be confused with a Pokémon’s Trainer ID.)


A Pokémon’s initial Ability is determined by whether the personality ID divided by 65536, rounded down (here called the "high ID") is odd or even. If it’s even, it has the first Ability, and if odd, the second Ability.

Some Pokémon, such as Pokémon befriended in the Pokémon Dream World, can have different Abilities known as "Hidden Abilities" or, as many people call them, "Dream World Abilities." Such Pokémon have a special flag set for them, which is not based on the personality ID. (This is necessary because some Pokémon, such as Starly, have the same Hidden Ability as their usual Ability.) Most Pokémon species can each have one possible Hidden Ability. If a Pokémon with the Hidden Ability flag evolves, it receives the Hidden Ability for its new species.

If a Pokémon is transferred or traded from one game to another, it keeps its Ability, even if its high ID and Hidden Ability flag indicate that it would have a different Ability in the game it’s traded to. If a Pokémon evolves in Pokémon Black Version, Pokémon White Version, and later, it receives the Ability conforming to its personality ID and Hidden Ability flag.


The remainder of a Pokémon’s personality ID divided by 256 contains that Pokémon’s gender value. Each Pokémon species has one of the following seven gender rates.
  • 12.5% female - If gender value is 0 through 30, the Pokémon is female; otherwise, male.
  • 25% female - If gender value is 0 through 63, the Pokémon is female; otherwise, male.
  • 50% female - If gender value is 0 through 126, the Pokémon is female; otherwise, male.
  • 75% female - If gender value is 0 through 190, the Pokémon is female; otherwise, male.
  • Always male - Always male regardless of gender value.
  • Always female - Always female regardless of gender value.
  • Gender-unknown - Unknown gender, regardless of gender value.

Unown form

To find the Unown form, the game does the following:
  1. Set Y to the personality ID.
  2. Set A to the remainder of Y divided by 4.
  3. Divide Y by 256 and round down.
  4. Set B to the remainder of Y divided by 4, then multiply B by 4.
  5. Divide Y by 256 and round down.
  6. Set C to the remainder of Y divided by 4, then multiply C by 16.
  7. Divide Y by 256 and round down.
  8. Set D to the remainder of Y divided by 4, then multiply D by 64.
  9. Set X to A plus B plus C plus D.
  10. Set X to the remainder of X divided by 28.
The result, X, contains the Unown form (where A through Z are 0-25, "!" is 26, and "?" is 27).


For a given Wurmple, if the remainder of the personality ID’s high 16 bits divided by 10 is less than 5, it will evolve into Silcoon; else Cascoon.