Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Trade and Transfer Notes
A Pokémon holding a Griseous Orb can be traded in the same way as most other
Pokémon in Pokémon Black Version
Pokémon White Version
, Pokémon Black Version 2
, and
Pokémon White Version 2
A Keldeo that knows the move Secret Sword can’t be traded to a version
earlier than Pokémon Black Version 2
Pokémon White Version 2
A Pokémon holding an item can’t be transferred. A Pokémon with the moves Cut, Fly, Rock Climb, Rock Smash, Strength, Surf, or Waterfall can’t be transferred
A transferred Pokémon is not considered to be "met" at any particular place. Its date met and level met is set to the level of the Pokémon when it was transferred and the date at which it was transferred.