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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Battle Frontier Rules

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Battle Frontier Rules

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, in-depth-guides, battle-frontier-rules

In a Battle Frontier challenge, unless noted otherwise, each Pokémon entered must be of a different species and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item. Mew, Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Manaphy, Phione, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, and Eggs are not allowed to enter. The number of Pokémon that must be entered varies as follows:

  • Battle Arcade: 3 for Single Battles, 3 for Double Battles, 2 for Multi Battles. More than one entered Pokémon is allowed to hold the same item.
  • Battle Factory: no need to enter Pokémon. Supports Double Battles, Multi Battles, and Single Battles. Each Single Battle and Double Battle uses 3 Pokémon. Each Multi Battle uses 2 Pokémon for each player. Supports Level 50/Open Level.
  • Battle Tower: 3 for Single Battles, 4 for Double Battles, 2 for Multi Battles, 3 for Wi-Fi battles (which are Single Battles).
  • Battle Hall: 1 for Single Battles, 2 for Double Battles, 1 for Multi Battles. Each entered Pokémon must be level 30 or higher. For Double Battles and Multi Battles, both Pokémon entered must be the same species and are allowed to hold the same item.
  • Battle Castle: 3 for Single Battles, 3 for Double Battles, 2 for Multi Battles. More than one entered Pokémon is allowed to hold the same item.

The Battle Factory offers the choice between Level 50 and Open Level. All rental Pokémon are level 50, with weaker moves to start, for the level 50 option, and they are level 100 for the Open Level option. In the Battle Hall, levels of entered Pokémon aren’t adjusted and the Pokémon levels of opposing Pokémon are set as described later. In other Battle Frontier challenges, all entered Pokémon over level 50 are set to level 50 and all opposing Pokémon are level 50.

In the Battle Hall, the opposing Trainer’s Pokémon level is set as follows:

  • The opposing Trainer’s level equals (X - (unrounded square root of X) * 3), not rounded. X is the highest level among Pokémon entered in the challenge.
  • If X is less than 25, add the rank number minus 1 to the opposing Trainer’s level. (Rank can range from 1 through 10. After beating rank 10 for a given type, that type becomes unavailable.)
  • If X is 25 or greater, add (X * (rank number - 1)) / ((unrounded square root of X) * 5) to the opposing Trainer’s level. The division given is not rounded.
  • The opposing Trainer’s level is rounded up to the nearest integer and is adjusted so it isn’t less than 1 or greater than 100.