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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Berries and Poffins

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Berries and Poffins

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum

Planting Berries

Berries can be planted either in patches of "soft, earthy soil" in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, or using the item Berry Pots in HeartGold and SoulSilver. (There are four patches of soil, one for each pot, provided with the Berry Pots item.)

There are five stages to a plant’s growth:

  1. The X Berry is planted!
  2. The X Berry Plant has sprouted.
  3. This X Berry Plant is growing!
  4. The X Berry Plant is in bloom!
  5. There are (number) X Berries!

Before a Berry is planted, and only then, the player can add one Mulch to the soil once. During a plant’s life, the player can water the plant. For the Berry Pots, however, the player can’t water a plant at stage 5 directly, but the player can still water it by choosing another plant at stages 1 through 4 and moving the SquirtBottle to the fully grown plant.

The time it takes to advance from one growth stage to the next is:

  • If planted with Growth Mulch, 45 minutes times the growth rate.
  • If planted with Damp Mulch, 90 minutes times the growth rate.
  • Otherwise, 60 minutes times the growth rate.

The maximum berry yield is given for each berry in the list of berries. The berry yield is set to the maximum berry yield whenever a new Berry is planted or whenever a new plant grows where the old plant used to be.

Whenever a new Berry is planted or the Berry plant is watered, the soil moisture is set to 100. (Rain is not considered a watering of the plant.) After that point or after a new plant grows where the old plant used to be (whichever occurs last), every 60 minutes, if the plant hasn’t reached its final growth stage (no berries can be picked yet), the following happens.

  1. If the soil moisture is 0, the berry yield for that plant is reduced by the maximum berry yield divided by 5, but not to less than 2.
  2. The soil moisture is reduced by X times the moisture intake value, rounded down, but not to less than 0, where X is 0.5 if planted with Damp Mulch, 1.5 if planted with Growth Mulch, and 1 otherwise. The moisture intake is given for each berry in the list of berries.

The shade of the soil color gives an approximation of soil moisture:

  • 51-100 - Dark
  • 1-50 - Medium
  • 0 - Light

Once a plant reaches the final stage of growth, it will remain on that stage for 240 minutes times the growth rate, or if planted with Stable Mulch, 360 minutes times the growth rate. The growth rate is given for each berry in the list of berries. Upon reaching the end of the plant’s final stage of growth, the plant withers, and a new plant can grow in its place. If that happens, the new plant will start at stage 2 of its growth, thus beginning a new growth cycle for that plant. (However, berry plants that weren’t planted by the player since the game began will remain indefinitely.)

A Berry plant will have 10 growth cycles, or if it’s planted with Gooey Mulch, 15 growth cycles. The growth cycles include the initial cycle when the Berry is planted. After the last growth cycle, the plant’s soil returns to its normal state.

Picking Berries from a plant at the final stage of growth will remove the entire plant, thus returning the soil where the plant used to be to its normal state.


The game uses this procedure as it creates a Poffin.

  • For each flavor, a value begins at 0, and for each berry, that value:
    • rises by that berry’s corresponding intensity of that flavor, and
    • falls by the intensity of the flavor that follows that flavor in the order of Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour, Spicy.
  • X is set to the number of values, as determined above, that are less than 0.
  • For each value, that value falls by X, then set to 0 if it’s less than 0.
  • For each value, that value is multiplied by 60, divided by an amount equal to the cooking time in seconds (including fractional seconds), then rounded to the nearest integer, then lowered by the number of times the batter burned plus the number of times it overflowed, then set to 0 if the result is less than 0 or to 99 if greater than 99. (The cooking time can’t be greater than 60 seconds.)
  • If all five values are 0 or if two or more of the same Berry are used, then a Foul Poffin is created with three random flavors each with an intensity of 2. Otherwise, the Poffin will have the same flavors as the values just determined in the preceding steps. The number of flavors is the number of values that are greater than 0. A Poffin’s primary flavor is the one with the highest intensity, and its secondary flavor is the one with the second highest intensity. If a tie occurs, the tie is broken by ranking the flavors as follows: Spicy first, then Dry, then Sweet, then Bitter, then Sour. The level of a Poffin is the highest value among the Poffin’s flavors. A Poffin can have one of the following kinds:
    • [Primary] Poffin, with one flavor (red is spicy, blue is dry, pink is sweet, green is bitter, yellow is sour)
    • [Primary]-[Secondary] Poffin, with two flavors (body in primary color; sprinkles in secondary color)
    • Rich Poffin (gray), with three flavors
    • Overripe Poffin (white), with four or five flavors
    • Foul Poffin (black), as determined above (takes precedence over other kinds)
    • Mild Poffin (gold), level 50 or greater (takes precedence over other kinds except Foul)
  • The Poffin’s feel is equal to (Y/Z-Z), rounded down, where Y is the sum of the smooth factor of each berry, and Z is the number of berries. If there are two or more players, the feel is additionally reduced by the number of times all players turned the batter in the correct direction (up to 10), but not to less than 0. When a Pokémon eats a Poffin, its sheen rises by the Poffin’s feel, but not to more than 255. A Pokémon can’t eat any more Poffins if its sheen equals 255.

If a Pokémon’s Contest value is 200 or greater, it can receive the corresponding Scarf from the young man at the house in Pastoria City, between the Great Marsh building and the gate. However, only one Scarf per Contest attribute can be received per game.


A Poffin’s flavor affects a Pokémon’s condition in a Pokémon Contest.

  • Spicy (raises Coolness)
  • Dry (raises Beauty)
  • Sweet (raises Cuteness)
  • Bitter (raises Smartness)
  • Sour (raises Toughness)

If a Pokémon likes a flavor, the respective Contest attribute for that Pokémon rises by X+int(X/10) where X is the flavor’s intensity. If a Pokémon dislikes a flavor, the respective Contest attribute for that Pokémon rises by X-int(X/10) where X is the flavor’s intensity. If a Pokémon neither likes nor dislikes a flavor, the respective Contest attribute for that Pokémon rises by the flavor’s intensity.

The Trainer memo shows that the Pokémon’s flavor preferences are based on nature:

  • A Pokémon with a Adamant, Brave, Lonely, or Naughty nature "likes spicy food."
  • A Pokémon with a Bold, Impish, Lax, or Relaxed nature "likes sour food."
  • A Pokémon with a Hasty, Jolly, Naive, or Timid nature "likes sweet food."
  • A Pokémon with a Mild, Modest, Quiet, or Rash nature "likes dry food."
  • A Pokémon with a Calm, Careful, Gentle, or Sassy nature "likes bitter food."
  • A Pokémon with a Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Quirky, or Serious nature "happily eats anything."

List of Berries

No.NameMax. Berry
1Cheri 5315 10000025
2Chesto 5315 01000025
3Pecha 5315 00100025
4Rawst 5315 00010025
5Aspear 5315 00001025
6Leppa 5415 10010101020
7Oran 5415 10100101020
8Persim 5415 10101001020
9Lum 5128 10101010020
10Sitrus 587 01010101020
11Figy 5510 15000025
12Wiki 5510 01500025
13Mago 5510 00150025
14Aguav 5510 00015025
15Iapapa 5510 00001525
16Razz 10235 101000020
17Bluk 10235 010100020
18Nanab 10235 001010020
19Wepear 10235 000101020
20Pinap 10235 100001020
21Pomeg 588 1001010020
22Kelpsy 588 0100101020
23Qualot 588 1001001020
24Hondew 588 1010010020
25Grepa 588 0101001020
26Tamato 588 201000030
27Cornn 10610 020100030
28Magost 10610 002010030
29Rabuta 10610 000201030
30Nomel 10610 100002030
31Spelon 15158 301000035
32Pamtre 15158 030100035
33Watmel 15158 003010035
34Durin 15158 000301035
35Belue 15158 100003035
36Occa 5186 150100030
37Passho 5186 015010030
38Wacan 5186 001501030
39Rindo 5186 100015030
40Yache 5186 010001530
41Chople 5186 150010030
42Kebia 5186 015001030
43Shuca 5186 100150030
44Coba 5186 010015030
45Payapa 5186 001001530
46Tanga 5186 200001035
47Charti 5186 102000035
48Kasib 5186 010200035
49Haban 5186 001020035
50Colbur 5186 000102035
51Babiri 5186 251000035
52Chilan 5186 025100035
53Liechi 5244 3010300040
54Ganlon 5244 0301030040
55Salac 5244 0030103040
56Petaya 5244 3000301040
57Apicot 5244 1030003040
58Lansat 5244 301030103050
59Starf 5244 301030103050
60Enigma 5247 401000060
61Micle 5247 040100060
62Custap 5247 004010060
63Jaboca 5247 000401060
64Rowap 5247 100004060