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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Bug-Catching Contest

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Bug-Catching Contest

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, in-depth-guides, bug-catching-contest

The game uses the following formula to calculate the number of points a bug Pokémon will earn in the Bug-Catching Contest (in HeartGold and SoulSilver):

Score = int(L * 100 / M) + int((A + B + C + D + E + F) * 100 / 186) + int(H * 100 / T) + G


  • L = Pokémon’s Level
  • M = Highest possible level for a wild Pokémon of this Pokémon’s species in the Bug Catching Contest. For example, if the Pokémon is a Paras, this value is 17 or 34, as the case may be.
  • A, B, C, D, E, F = Pokémon’s Individual Values
  • H = Pokémon’s current HP
  • T = Pokémon’s maximum HP
  • G = 60 if the Pokémon is Cascoon, Caterpie, Kakuna, Kricketot, Metapod, Silcoon, Weedle, or Wurmple; 80 if it’s a Beautifly, Beedrill, Butterfree, Combee, Dustox, Illumise, Kricketune, Nincada, Paras, Venonat, or Volbeat; or 100 if the Pokémon is Scyther or Pinsir.

The score is not affected by whether the player uses a Shiny Pokémon in the contest, despite a rumor mentioned by a contestant in the game.

Below are the levels and chances for each Pokémon in the Bug Catching Contest.

Without the National Pokédex.

  • 20% - L7-18 Caterpie
  • 20% - L7-18 Weedle
  • 10% - L9-18 Metapod
  • 10% - L9-18 Kakuna
  • 10% - L12-15 Butterfree
  • 10% - L12-15 Beedrill
  • 5% - L10-16 Venonat
  • 5% - L10-17 Paras
  • 5% - L13-14 Scyther
  • 5% - L13-14 Pinsir

With the National Pokédex. The first Pokémon given applies on Tuesdays; the second Pokémon given applies on Thursdays; and the third Pokémon given applies on Saturdays.

  • 20% - L24-36 Caterpie/Wurmple/Wurmple
  • 20% - L24-36 Weedle/Silcoon/Cascoon
  • 10% - L26-36 Metapod/Nincada/Nincada
  • 10% - L26-36 Kakuna/Volbeat/Illumise
  • 10% - L27-30 Butterfree/Kricketot/Kricketot
  • 10% - L27-30 Beedrill/Kricketune/Kricketune
  • 5% - L25-32 Venonat/Dustox/Beautifly
  • 5% - L27-34 Paras/Combee/Combee
  • 5% - L27-28 Scyther/Scyther/Scyther
  • 5% - L27-28 Pinsir/Pinsir/Pinsir

The Contest is held in the National Park every Saturday, Thursday, and Tuesday, but only once on each of those days. The player brings the first Pokémon in the party, has 20 minutes and 20 Sport Balls, can’t use any items other than Sport Balls during the Contest, and can keep only one Pokémon caught. Prizes:

  • First Prize - Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone, Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Moon Stone, Moon Stone (just, Oval Stone, Shiny Stone, Sun Stone, Thunderstone, or Water Stone the Sun Stone if without National Pokédex)
  • Second Prize - Everstone
  • Third Prize - Sitrus Berry
  • Consolation Prize - Shed Shell