Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Encounters
In the methods below, the "first Pokémon in party" means the Pokémon or Egg on the top of the player’s Pokémon party. An Egg is treated as having no ability or item for the purposes of these methods.
Each area has a probability of Pokémon appearing, such as 30. Whenever the player takes a step in which Pokémon could appear, the game does the following:
- X begins at the map’s encounter rate.
If the first Pokémon in party:
- has Arena Trap, Illuminate, or No Guard, X is doubled.
- has Sand Veil and sand is blowing, X is halved.
- has Snow Cloak and snow is falling, X is halved.
- has Quick Feet, Stench, or White Smoke, X is halved.
- X is set to 100 if it’s greater than 100.
- If the Black Flute had been used, X is halved. If the White Flute had been used, X is multiplied by 1.5.
- If the first Pokémon in party is holding a Cleanse Tag or Pure Incense, X is multiplied by 2/3.
- C is set to the number of steps in which a Pokémon could appear which were taken by the player since a battle ended or the current map was entered.
- If 8 minus one tenth X (rounded down) is less than C, then at a 95% chance no Pokémon will be encountered.
- Z begins with 40, or the player is on a Bicycle, 30.
- If a random integer from 0 through 99 is less than X, and another is less than Z, a Pokémon will be encountered.
If a Pokémon is encountered, after choosing the Pokémon to appear, the game resets C to 0 and then does the following:
- If the first Pokémon in party has Magnet Pull or Static, at a 50% chance, if some but not all Pokémon in each encounter slot are Steel-type or Electric-type Pokémon, respectively, one encounter slot from among all slots with Pokémon of the respective type is chosen at random with an equal probability.
- If the first Pokémon in party has Hustle, Pressure, or Vital Spirit, at a 50% chance the encounter slot with the highest maximum level of the same Pokémon species is chosen, or if there is more than one such slot, the first such slot (or in water, the maximum level for the current encounter slot is used).
- If the first Pokémon in party has Intimidate or Keen Eye, at a 50% chance the encountered Pokémon won’t appear if its level is equal to or less than the first Pokémon’s level minus 5.
- If a Repel is in effect, the encountered Pokémon won’t appear if its level is equal to or less than the level of the first Pokémon in the player’s party that hasn’t fainted and isn’t an Egg. (Repel lasts for 100 steps after use; Super Repel for 200 steps; and Max Repel for 250 steps.)
- If the first Pokémon in party has Cute Charm, the encountered Pokémon’s gender is changed to match that of the first Pokémon (if possible) at a 2/3 chance. If the first Pokémon has Synchronize, the encountered Pokémon’s nature is changed to match that of the first Pokémon at a 50% chance.