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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Form Differences

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Form Differences

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, in-depth-guides, form-differences

A few Pokémon species have different forms that vary in their race values, types, moves, and abilities. (Only the different forms of Deoxys, Shaymin, Giratina, and sometimes Rotom use the special term "Forme", which was introduced in Pokémon Platinum Version.)

Name HP Atk Def Sp.Atk Sp.Def Speed Type Abilities
Deoxys Normal Forme 50 150 50 150 50 150 Psychic Pressure
Deoxys Attack Forme 50 180 20 180 20 150 Psychic Pressure
Deoxys Defense Forme 50 70 160 70 160 90 Psychic Pressure
Deoxys Speed Forme 50 95 90 95 90 180 Psychic Pressure
Wormadam Plant Cloak 60 59 85 79 105 36 Bug/Grass Anticipation
Wormadam Sandy Cloak 60 79 105 59 85 36 Bug/Ground Anticipation
Wormadam Trash Cloak 60 69 95 69 95 36 Bug/Steel Anticipation
Giratina Altered Forme 150 100 120 100 120 90 Ghost/Dragon Pressure
Giratina Origin Forme 150 120 100 120 100 90 Ghost/Dragon Levitate
Shaymin Land Forme 100 100 100 100 100 100 Grass Natural Cure
Shaymin Sky Forme 100 103 75 120 75 127 Grass/Flying Serene Grace
Rotom (normal) 50 50 77 95 77 91 Electric/Ghost Levitate
Heat Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 Electric/Ghost Levitate
Wash Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 Electric/Ghost Levitate
Frost Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 Electric/Ghost Levitate
Fan Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 Electric/Ghost Levitate
Mow Rotom 50 65 107 105 107 86 Electric/Ghost Levitate

Moves Learned

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Deoxys Normal Forme
All versions: Leer (1), Wrap (1), Night Shade (9), Teleport (17), Knock Off (25), Pursuit (33), Psychic (41), Snatch (49), Psycho Shift (57), Zen Headbutt (65), Cosmic Power (73), Recover (81), Psycho Boost (89), Hyper Beam (97)
Deoxys Attack Forme
All versions: Leer (1), Wrap (1), Night Shade (9), Teleport (17), Taunt (25), Pursuit (33), Psychic (41), Superpower (49), Psycho Shift (57), Zen Headbutt (65), Cosmic Power (73), Zap Cannon (81), Psycho Boost (89), Hyper Beam (97)
Deoxys Defense Forme
All versions: Leer (1), Wrap (1), Night Shade (9), Teleport (17), Knock Off (25), Spikes (33), Psychic (41), Snatch (49), Psycho Shift (57), Zen Headbutt (65), Iron Defense (73), Amnesia (73), Recover (81), Psycho Boost (89), Counter (97), Mirror Coat (97)
Deoxys Speed Forme
All versions: Leer (1), Wrap (1), Night Shade (9), Double Team (17), Knock Off (25), Pursuit (33), Psychic (41), Swift (49), Psycho Shift (57), Zen Headbutt (65), Agility (73), Recover (81), Psycho Boost (89), ExtremeSpeed (97)
Wormadam Plant Cloak
Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version: Tackle (1), Protect (10), Hidden Power (20), Confusion (23), Razor Leaf (26), Growth (29), Psybeam (32), Captivate (35), Flail (38), Attract (41), Psychic (44), Leaf Storm (47)
Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver: Tackle (1), Protect (10), Bug Bite (15), Hidden Power (20), Confusion (23), Razor Leaf (26), Growth (29), Psybeam (32), Captivate (35), Flail (38), Attract (41), Psychic (44), Leaf Storm (47)
Wormadam Sandy Cloak
Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version: Tackle (1), Protect (10), Hidden Power (20), Confusion (23), Rock Blast (26), Harden (29), Psybeam (32), Captivate (35), Flail (38), Attract (41), Psychic (44), Fissure (47)
Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver: Tackle (1), Protect (10), Bug Bite (15), Hidden Power (20), Confusion (23), Rock Blast (26), Harden (29), Psybeam (32), Captivate (35), Flail (38), Attract (41), Psychic (44), Fissure (47)
Wormadam Trash Cloak
Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version: Tackle (1), Protect (10), Hidden Power (20), Confusion (23), Mirror Shot (26), Metal Sound (29), Psybeam (32), Captivate (35), Flail (38), Attract (41), Psychic (44), Iron Head (47)
Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver: Tackle (1), Protect (10), Bug Bite (15), Hidden Power (20), Confusion (23), Mirror Shot (26), Metal Sound (29), Psybeam (32), Captivate (35), Flail (38), Attract (41), Psychic (44), Iron Head (47)
Giratina (Altered Forme and Origin Forme)
Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: DragonBreath (1), Scary Face (1), Ominous Wind (10), AncientPower (20), Dragon Claw (30), Shadow Force (40), Heal Block (50), Earth Power (60), Slash (70), Shadow Claw (80), Aura Sphere (90)
HeartGold/SoulSilver: DragonBreath (1), Scary Face (1), Ominous Wind (6), AncientPower (10), Slash (15), Shadow Sneak (19), Destiny Bond (24), Dragon Claw (28), Earth Power (33), Aura Sphere (37), Shadow Claw (42), Shadow Force (46)
Shaymin Land Forme
Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version: Defense Curl (1), Magical Leaf (10), Leech Seed (19), Synthesis (28), Sweet Scent (37), Natural Gift (46), Worry Seed (55), Aromatherapy (64), Energy Ball (73), GrassWhistle (82), Lucky Chant (91), Seed Flare (100)
Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver: Growth (1), Magical Leaf (10), Leech Seed (19), Synthesis (28), Sweet Scent (37), Natural Gift (46), Worry Seed (55), Aromatherapy (64), Energy Ball (73), Sweet Kiss (82), Healing Wish (91), Seed Flare (100)
Shaymin Sky Forme
Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver: Growth (1), Magical Leaf (10), Leech Seed (19), Quick Attack (28), Sweet Scent (37), Natural Gift (46), Worry Seed (55), Air Slash (64), Energy Ball (73), Sweet Kiss (82), Leaf Storm (91), Seed Flare (100)
Rotom (all forms)
All versions: Trick (1), Astonish (1), Thunder Wave (1), ThunderShock (1), Confuse Ray (1), Uproar (8), Double Team (15), Shock Wave (22), Ominous Wind (29), Substitute (36), Charge (43), Discharge (50)

Move Tutors (Pokémon Platinum Version)

Only cases where the variety of moves differs between forms of the same species are shown.

  • Deoxys Normal Forme - Mud-Slap, Icy Wind, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Trick, Knock Off, Swift
  • Deoxys Attack Forme - Mud-Slap, Superpower, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Trick
  • Deoxys Defense Forme - Mud-Slap, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Trick, Knock Off
  • Deoxys Speed Forme - Mud-Slap, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Trick, Knock Off, Swift
  • Wormadam Plant Cloak - Snore, Endeavor, Synthesis, Signal Beam, Seed Bomb, Sucker Punch, Uproar
  • Wormadam Sandy Cloak - Mud-Slap, Rollout, Snore, Endeavor, Signal Beam, Earth Power, Sucker Punch, Uproar
  • Wormadam Trash Cloak - Iron Head, Snore, Endeavor, Signal Beam, Gunk Shot, Iron Defense, Magnet Rise, Sucker Punch, Uproar
  • Giratina Altered Forme - Mud-Slap, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Ominous Wind, Snore, Spite, Air Cutter, Outrage, AncientPower, Earth Power, Twister, Swift
  • Giratina Origin Forme - Mud-Slap, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Ominous Wind, Snore, Spite, Air Cutter, Outrage, AncientPower, Earth Power, Twister, Swift
  • Shaymin Land Forme - Mud-Slap, Snore, Endeavor, Synthesis, Zen Headbutt, Earth Power, Seed Bomb, Last Resort, Swift
  • Shaymin Sky Forme - Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Snore, Air Cutter, Synthesis, Zen Headbutt, Seed Bomb, Last Resort, Swift

Move Tutors Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version

  • Deoxys Normal Forme - Mud-Slap, Icy Wind, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Trick, Knock Off, Swift, Gravity, Magic Coat, Role Play, Low Kick, Headbutt
  • Deoxys Attack Forme - Mud-Slap, Superpower, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Trick, Gravity, Magic Coat, Role Play, Low Kick, Headbutt
  • Deoxys Defense Forme - Mud-Slap, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Trick, Knock Off, Gravity, Magic Coat, Role Play, Low Kick, Headbutt
  • Deoxys Speed Forme - Mud-Slap, Snore, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Trick, Knock Off, Swift, Gravity, Magic Coat, Role Play, Low Kick, Headbutt
  • Wormadam Plant Cloak - Snore, Endeavor, Synthesis, Signal Beam, Seed Bomb, Sucker Punch, Uproar, String Shot, Worry Seed, Bug Bite
  • Wormadam Sandy Cloak - Mud-Slap, Rollout, Snore, Endeavor, Signal Beam, Earth Power, Sucker Punch, Uproar, String Shot, Bug Bite
  • Wormadam Trash Cloak - Iron Head, Snore, Endeavor, Signal Beam, Gunk Shot, Iron Defense, Magnet Rise, Sucker Punch, Uproar, String Shot, Bug Bite
  • Giratina Altered Forme - Mud-Slap, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Ominous Wind, Snore, Spite, Air Cutter, Outrage, AncientPower, Earth Power, Twister, Swift, Pain Split, Gravity, Headbutt
  • Giratina Origin Forme - Mud-Slap, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Ominous Wind, Snore, Spite, Air Cutter, Outrage, AncientPower, Earth Power, Twister, Swift, Tailwind, Gravity, Magic Coat, Headbutt
  • Shaymin Land Forme - Mud-Slap, Snore, Endeavor, Synthesis, Zen Headbutt, Earth Power, Seed Bomb, Last Resort, Swift, Worry Seed, Headbutt
  • Shaymin Sky Forme - Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Snore, Air Cutter, Synthesis, Zen Headbutt, Seed Bomb, Last Resort, Swift, Tailwind, Worry Seed, Headbutt

TMs Learned

This differs slightly for the different forms of Wormadam:

  • Plant Cloak: Toxic (TM06), Bullet Seed (TM09), Hidden Power (TM10), Sunny Day (TM11), Hyper Beam (TM15), Protect (TM17), Rain Dance (TM18), Giga Drain (TM19), Safeguard (TM20), Frustration (TM21), SolarBeam (TM22), Return (TM27), Psychic (TM29), Shadow Ball (TM30), Double Team (TM32), Facade (TM42), Secret Power (TM43), Rest (TM44), Attract (TM45), Thief (TM46), Skill Swap (TM48), Energy Ball (TM53), Endure (TM58), Giga Impact (TM68), Flash (TM70), Psych Up (TM77), Captivate (TM78), Sleep Talk (TM82), Natural Gift (TM83), Dream Eater (TM85), Grass Knot (TM86), Swagger (TM87), Substitute (TM90)
  • Sandy Cloak: Toxic (TM06), Hidden Power (TM10), Sunny Day (TM11), Hyper Beam (TM15), Protect (TM17), Rain Dance (TM18), Safeguard (TM20), Frustration (TM21), Earthquake (TM26), Return (TM27), Dig (TM28), Psychic (TM29), Shadow Ball (TM30), Double Team (TM32), Sandstorm (TM37), Rock Tomb (TM39), Facade (TM42), Secret Power (TM43), Rest (TM44), Attract (TM45), Thief (TM46), Skill Swap (TM48), Endure (TM58), Giga Impact (TM68), Flash (TM70), Psych Up (TM77), Captivate (TM78), Sleep Talk (TM82), Natural Gift (TM83), Dream Eater (TM85), Swagger (TM87), Substitute (TM90)
  • Trash Cloak: Toxic (TM06), Hidden Power (TM10), Sunny Day (TM11), Hyper Beam (TM15), Protect (TM17), Rain Dance (TM18), Safeguard (TM20), Frustration (TM21), Return (TM27), Psychic (TM29), Shadow Ball (TM30), Double Team (TM32), Facade (TM42), Secret Power (TM43), Rest (TM44), Attract (TM45), Thief (TM46), Skill Swap (TM48), Endure (TM58), Giga Impact (TM68), Flash (TM70), Gyro Ball (TM74), Stealth Rock (TM76), Psych Up (TM77), Captivate (TM78), Sleep Talk (TM82), Natural Gift (TM83), Dream Eater (TM85), Swagger (TM87), Substitute (TM90), Flash Cannon (TM91)

Base Stat (EV) Raises

Only values that differ between forms of the same species are shown.

  • Deoxys Normal Forme - 1 Attack, 1 Speed, 1 Special Attack
  • Deoxys Attack Forme - 2 Attack, 1 Special Attack
  • Deoxys Defense Forme - 2 Defense, 1 Special Defense
  • Deoxys Speed Forme - 3 Speed
  • Wormadam Plant Cloak - 2 Special Defense
  • Wormadam Sandy Cloak - 2 Defense
  • Wormadam Trash Cloak - 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense
  • Shaymin Land Forme - 3 HP
  • Shaymin Sky Forme - 3 Speed

The form a Pokémon had when it fainted is used for the purpose of determining base stat (EV) raises.

Other Notes

When a battle ends, if a Burmy participated in that battle (even if it’s now fainted), it assumes a Plant Cloak if the battle was on water, snow, ice, mud, puddles, tall grass, or very tall grass, a Sandy Cloak if the battle was in caves, on rocky ground, on sand, or on other outdoor ground, or a Trash Cloak if the battle occurred elsewhere. (This happens before evolution, if any.) When Burmy evolves into Wormadam, the evolved Wormadam inherits the current form of Burmy, but it can’t be changed further. (The evolved form Mothim has no special forms. Nevertheless, it will have the same form identifier as Burmy upon evolution.)

In the Sinnoh region, Shellos and Gastrodon come in two forms: the pink (west sea) form, and the blue (east sea) form. The west sea form is found in areas near Eterna City, Floaroma Town, and Jubilife City, whereas the east sea form is found in areas near Pastoria City, Sunyshore City, and the Pokémon League. There is no difference between the two forms in gameplay or in battle, except that each form will be added to the Pokédex once it’s encountered. Moreover, a Shellos or Gastrodon’s form can’t be changed, not even when it evolves.

Rotom can take on one of several forms depending on the motor it has entered. When Rotom enters a motor, it learns a move depending on the motor it entered. If there is no room for the move and the player chooses not to delete another move, Rotom doesn’t enter the motor. (However, the move can later be deleted without losing the new form.)

  • Microwave oven - Heat Rotom - Overheat
  • Electric fan - Fan Rotom - Air Slash
  • Refrigerator - Frost Rotom - Blizzard
  • Washing machine - Wash Rotom - Hydro Pump
  • Lawnmower - Mow Rotom - Leaf Storm

Rotom will revert to its normal form, or "emerge from its motor", when the player goes back to the spot where Rotom’s motor used to be and inspects that spot (which puts the motor back there). However, Rotom will also revert to normal as soon as it is placed in a Day Care, when it enters a Battle Arcade ch, Battle Castle, Battle Hall, or Battle Towerallenge, or when the player enters a Union Room or a Wi-Fi Club. (If any of these cases happens, the motor is put back automatically.) When Rotom reverts to its normal form, it forgets the move associated with its previous form, then if it has no moves, it learns ThunderShock.

Rotom’s special forms were introduced in Pokémon Platinum Version. The motors that allow Rotom to change form can be found in a special room, which depends on the version. When playing Pokémon Platinum Version, after receiving the Secret Key, enter the Team Galactic Eterna Building and inspect the upper left corner of the first floor. When playing Pokémon HeartGold Version or Pokémon SoulSilver Version, have a Rotom as the first Pokémon in the party and inspect the elevator at Silph Co. in Saffron City; no Secret Key is necessary here.

Deoxys can change its form if the player inspects one of the meteorites in southeastern Veilstone City. The top meteorite changes Deoxys into its Speed Forme, the middle meteorite into its Normal Forme, the bottom left into its Defense Forme, and the bottom right into its Attack Forme. (In Route 3 in Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, the top left meteorite changes Deoxys into its Normal Forme, the top right into Attack Forme, the bottom left into Defense and the bottom right into Speed.) Inspecting a meteorite changes all Deoxys in the party to the corresponding form.

Giratina is in its Origin Forme if it’s holding Griseous Orb or is currently in the Distortion World, and in its Altered Forme otherwise.

Shaymin’s form change is perhaps the most unusual. It changes into Sky Forme only if it had a fateful encounter, it isn’t night (8 p.m. through 3:59 a.m.), it is in Land Forme, and a Gracidea is used on it. (The Sky Forme has a unique cry 1 .) It changes into Land Forme when it’s placed in a Storage System box, when it becomes frozen in battle (see the notes on attacks 2 ), or when the current day changes (usually at midnight). (If the current day changes while in battle, Shaymin won’t change for that reason until after the battle ends.)

If it has Multitype, Arceus can change its type and its colors depending on the Plate it’s holding (see the notes on attacks 2 ). If it isn’t holding a Plate or doesn’t have Multitype, its type is Normal instead (its colors still depend on the Plate).

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