Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Held Items
- Potion
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 20 HP.
- Griseous Orb
The power of Dragon- and Ghost-type attacks by holder is multiplied by 1.2. Can be held only by Giratina. (This item was introduced in Pokémon Platinum Version.)
- RageCandyBar
Has no effect. (A key item.)
- Full Heal , Heal Powder , Old Gateau , Lava Cookie
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.
- Full Restore
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains all HP and stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.
- Max Potion
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains all HP.
- Hyper Potion , Energy Root
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 200 HP.
- Super Potion , EnergyPowder
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 50 HP.
- Fresh Water
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 50 HP.
- Soda Pop
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 60 HP.
- Lemonade
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 80 HP.
- Moomoo Milk
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 100 HP.
- Ether
Restores 10 PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner.
- Max Ether
Restores all PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner.
- Elixir
Restores 10 PP to all original moves of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner.
- Max Elixir
Restores all PP to all original moves of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner.
- Berry Juice
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 20 HP and this item is consumed. (This item is not considered a Berry.) If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner gains 20 HP.
- Black Flute
If used, halves the rate of wild Pokémon battles. (Not consumed after use.)
- White Flute
If used, doubles the rate of wild Pokémon battles. (Not consumed after use.)
- Blue Flute
If used, makes the chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner wake up, even if it has Soundproof. (Not consumed after use. Can’t be used from the menu screen.)
- Yellow Flute
If used, the chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of confusion, even if it has Soundproof. (Not consumed after use. Can’t be used from the menu screen.)
- Red Flute
If used, the chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is no longer infatuated, even if it has Soundproof. (Not consumed after use. Can’t be used from the menu screen.)
- Adamant Orb
If holder’s current species is Dialga, power of Dragon- and Steel-type attacks by holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Lustrous Orb
If holder’s current species is Palkia, power of Dragon- and Water-type attacks by holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Cheri Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is paralyzed, it is cured of paralysis and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of paralysis.
- Chesto Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is asleep, it wakes up and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner wakes up.
- Pecha Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is poisoned, it is cured of poison and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of poison.
- Rawst Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is burned, it is cured of burns and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of burns.
- Aspear Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is frozen, it thaws out and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner thaws out.
- Leppa Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if one of holder’s original moves has 0 PP, restores 10 PP to the first original move listed with zero PP and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: Restores 10 PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner.
- Oran Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 10 HP and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner gains 10 HP.
- Persim Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is confused, holder is cured of confusion and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of confusion.
- Lum Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, or confused, holder stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.
- Sitrus Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and this item is consumed. If used from the Bag: The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner gains 1/4 of its maximum HP.
- Figy Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and this item is consumed. Unless holder’s HP was full beforehand, if its nature is Bold, Calm, Modest, or Timid, it becomes confused if it wasn’t already. (Prevented by Safeguard and Substitute.) (No effect if used from the menu screen; can’t be used from the Bag.)
- Wiki Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and this item is consumed. Unless holder’s HP was full beforehand, if its nature is Adamant, Careful, Impish, or Jolly, it becomes confused if it wasn’t already. (Prevented by Safeguard and Substitute.) (No effect if used from the menu screen; can’t be used from the Bag.)
- Mago Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and this item is consumed. Unless holder’s HP was full beforehand, if its nature is Brave, Quiet, Relaxed, or Sassy, it becomes confused if it wasn’t already. (Prevented by Safeguard and Substitute.) (No effect if used from the menu screen; can’t be used from the Bag.)
- Aguav Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and this item is consumed. Unless holder’s HP was full beforehand, if its nature is Lax, Naive, Naughty, or Rash, it becomes confused if it wasn’t already. (Prevented by Safeguard and Substitute.) (No effect if used from the menu screen; can’t be used from the Bag.)
- Iapapa Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has half its maximum HP or less, holder gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and this item is consumed. Unless holder’s HP was full beforehand, if its nature is Gentle, Hasty, Lonely, or Mild, it becomes confused if it wasn’t already. (Prevented by Safeguard and Substitute.) (No effect if used from the menu screen; can’t be used from the Bag.)
- Occa Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Fire-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Passho Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Water-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Wacan Berry
As the holder is damaged by an Electric-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Rindo Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Grass-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Yache Berry
As the holder is damaged by an Ice-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Chople Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Fighting-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Kebia Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Poison-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Shuca Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Ground-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Coba Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Flying-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Payapa Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Psychic-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Tanga Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Bug-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Charti Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Rock-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Kasib Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Ghost-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Haban Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Dragon-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Colbur Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Dark-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Babiri Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Steel-type attack against the holder, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation.
- Chilan Berry
As the holder is damaged by a Normal-type attack against the holder, that attack’s damage is halved, and if it’s halved this way, this item is consumed during damage calculation. (Doesn’t affect Future Sight or Doom Desire, either as they’re used or as they return an attack.)
- Liechi Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, and holder’s Attack can be raised, raises holder’s Attack by 1 stage and this item is consumed.
- Ganlon Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, and holder’s Defense can be raised, raises holder’s Defense by 1 stage and this item is consumed.
- Salac Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, and holder’s Speed can be raised, raises holder’s Speed by 1 stage and this item is consumed.
- Petaya Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, and holder’s Special Attack can be raised, raises holder’s Special Attack by 1 stage and this item is consumed.
- Apicot Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, and holder’s Special Defense can be raised, raises holder’s Special Defense by 1 stage and this item is consumed.
- Lansat Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, and Focus Energy is not in effect for the holder, begins the effect of Focus Energy and this item is consumed.
- Starf Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less and at least one of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed can be raised, raises by 2 stages one of those stats that can be raised, chosen at random, and this item is consumed.
- Enigma Berry
Whenever another Pokémon hits the holder with a damaging attack, if that attack is "super effective" against holder’s types and if holder has at least 1 HP, holder gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP), and this item is consumed.
- Micle Berry
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, this item is consumed, then the accuracy of attacks used by the holder is multiplied by 120/100. Effect ends as soon as holder leaves the battle, or after an accuracy check is done for an attack by the holder.
- Custap Berry
At the beginning of the turn, if holder has 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, holder strikes before all other Pokémon whose moves have equal or lower priority than holder’s move this turn. If this item is activated this way, the item held by the holder is consumed at the beginning of holder’s attack segment (even if it has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo) unless holder strikes last this turn, and holder’s held item can’t be removed from it, either by the holder or by other Pokémon, and Embargo will fail against the holder, until the end of holder’s attack segment or the end of the turn, whichever comes first. (Affected by Gluttony. No effect if consumed with Bug Bite, Fling, or Pluck. If holder uses Pursuit as a Pokémon is about to switch, it skips its attack segment that turn.) (See timing.)
- Jaboca Berry
Whenever holder loses HP because of a physical attack by another Pokémon and that attack is successful, if holder has at least 1 HP, that other Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP but not less than 1 HP (not considered recoil). If that other Pokémon lost HP this way, this item is consumed.
- Rowap Berry
Whenever holder loses HP because of a special attack by another Pokémon and that attack is successful, if holder has at least 1 HP, that other Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP but not less than 1 HP (not considered recoil). If that other Pokémon lost HP this way, this item is consumed.
- BrightPowder
Accuracy of attacks against the holder is multiplied by 9/10.
- White Herb
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder has a stat stage that’s less than 0, resets all holder’s stat stages that are less than 0 to zero and this item is consumed.
- Macho Brace
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder’s Speed is halved and holder earns twice as many base stat points (EVs) whenever a Pokémon is defeated.
- Exp. Share
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder earns Exp. Points even if it doesn’t participate in a battle (see "Experience")
- Revive
The HP of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is half of its maximum HP, rounded down, if it has fainted. This happens as commands are chosen. (If a Pokémon is revived after it used to be a Pokémon in battle, it doesn’t enter the battle again.)
- Max Revive , Revival Herb
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner has all HP if it has fainted. This happens as commands are chosen. (If a Pokémon is revived after it used to be a Pokémon in battle, it doesn’t enter the battle again.)
- Quick Claw
At a 20% chance, holder strikes before all other Pokémon with equal or lower priority than holder’s move. (See timing.)
- Soothe Bell
Raises holder’s friendship faster (See "friendship" in the various notes page).
- Mental Herb
At the end of a Pokémon’s attack segment and each turn, after an attack is used (before fainting if any, but not Pursuit as a target is switching out), and whenever holder or another Pokémon enters the battle, if holder is infatuated, holder is no longer infatuated and this item is consumed.
- King’s Rock
If the holder uses an attack with flag "f", the attack’s target may flinch after the holder uses that attack and that attack is successful (a 10% chance). This is considered an additional effect by Shield Dust but not Serene Grace. Prevented by Substitute. (This effect is cumulative with additional effects that already cause their target to flinch.)
- Amulet Coin
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, if holder participated in winning a Trainer battle, the player earns twice more money than usual. (This effect is not cumulative with multiple instances of Luck Incense, this item, or both.)
- Cleanse Tag
Multiplies the rate of wild Pokémon battles by 2/3 if held by first Pokémon in party. (See encounters.)
- Soul Dew
If holder’s current species is Latias or Latios, its Special Attack and Special Defense is multiplied by 1.5 except in the Battle Tower and Battle Frontier.
- DeepSeaTooth
If holder’s current species is Clamperl, its Special Attack is doubled.
- DeepSeaScale
If holder’s current species is Clamperl, its Special Defense is doubled.
- Smoke Ball
Holder can always run from a wild Pokémon battle even if an effect prevents it from running (applied after "Run Away" ability).
- Focus Band
As the first hit of an attack against the holder begins, there is a 10% chance that if any damage during that attack would reduce holder’s HP to less than 1, instead that damage reduces holder’s HP to 1 and this item is consumed immediately or, for a multi-hit attack, consumed after the last hit of that attack. (Includes returned attack from Future Sight and Doom Desire, as well as damage from confusion. Endure takes precedence over this item’s effect.)
- Lucky Egg
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, the amount of Exp. Points holder earns in battle is multiplied by 1.5.
- Scope Lens
Raises the holder’s critical hit rate.
- Leftovers
At the end of each turn, holder gains 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP).
- Dragon Scale
Has no effect in battle.
- Light Ball
If holder’s current species is Pikachu, its Attack and Special Attack are doubled.
- SilverPowder
Power of Bug-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Metal Coat
Power of Steel-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Soft Sand
Power of Ground-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Hard Stone
Power of Rock-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Miracle Seed
Power of Grass-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- BlackGlasses
Power of Dark-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Black Belt
Power of Fighting-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Magnet
Power of Electric-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Mystic Water
Power of Water-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Sharp Beak
Power of Flying-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Poison Barb
Power of Poison-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- NeverMeltIce
Power of Ice-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Spell Tag
Power of Ghost-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- TwistedSpoon
Power of Psychic-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Charcoal
Power of Fire-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Dragon Fang
Power of Dragon-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Silk Scarf
Power of Normal-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Flame Plate
Power of Fire-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Splash Plate
Power of Water-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Zap Plate
Power of Electric-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Meadow Plate
Power of Grass-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Icicle Plate
Power of Ice-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Fist Plate
Power of Fighting-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Toxic Plate
Power of Poison-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Earth Plate
Power of Ground-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Sky Plate
Power of Flying-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Mind Plate
Power of Psychic-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Insect Plate
Power of Bug-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Stone Plate
Power of Rock-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Spooky Plate
Power of Ghost-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Draco Plate
Power of Dragon-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Dread Plate
Power of Dark-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Iron Plate
Power of Steel-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Odd Incense
Power of Psychic-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Rock Incense
Power of Rock-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Wave Incense
Power of Water-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Rose Incense
Power of Grass-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Shell Bell
At the end of a damaging attack by the holder, if that attack was successful against at least one of its targets, holder gains 1/8 of the total amount of HP lost by all targets because of that attack, but not less than 1 HP, unless that total amount is 0.
- Sea Incense
Power of Water type attacks by holder is multiplied by 1.2.
- Lax Incense
Accuracy of attacks against the holder is multiplied by 9/10.
- Lucky Punch
If holder’s current species is Chansey, its critical hit ratio is increased.
- Metal Powder
If holder’s current species is Ditto, its Defense is doubled.
- Thick Club
If holder’s current species is Cubone or Marowak, its Attack is doubled.
- Stick
If holder’s current species is Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is increased.
- Wide Lens
Accuracy of attacks by holder is multiplied by 110/100.
- Muscle Band
Power of physical attacks by the holder is multiplied by 110/100.
- Wise Glasses
Power of special attacks by the holder is multiplied by 110/100.
- Expert Belt
If an attack by holder is "super effective" against its target’s types, that attack’s damage is multiplied by 1.2.
- Light Clay
If holder uses Reflect or Light Screen, its effect lasts eight turns instead of five turns.
- Life Orb
Damage of attacks by holder against other Pokémon is multiplied by 1.3. At the end of a damaging attack by the holder, the holder loses 1/10 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) if the holder hit at least one other Pokémon at least once with that attack (not considered recoil; only 1/10 of its maximum HP each attack even if the same attack, including the same multi-hit attack, hits another Pokémon multiple times or hits multiple targets; no HP loss for Future Sight and Doom Desire, either while it’s used or as an attack is returned; includes the use of Pursuit as a Pokémon is about to switch; doesn’t include Present if it chooses for its target to gain HP).
- Power Herb
Whenever the holder uses a two-turn attack, if that attack would take two attack segments, it takes one attack segment instead and this item is consumed. (Triggers after holder prepares to use a two-turn attack. Hyper Beam and the like are not two-turn attacks.)
- Toxic Orb
At the end of each turn, holder becomes badly poisoned. (Prevented by Safeguard, but not Substitute. If it wasn’t poisoned already, holder doesn’t lose HP because of the poison until next turn.)
- Flame Orb
At the end of each turn, holder becomes burned. (Prevented by Safeguard, but not Substitute. If it wasn’t burned already, holder doesn’t lose HP because of the burn until next turn.)
- Quick Powder
If holder’s current species is Ditto, its Speed is doubled.
- Focus Sash
If holder’s HP is full as the first hit of an attack begins, and damage during that attack would reduce holder’s HP to less than 1, instead that damage reduces holder’s HP to 1 and this item is consumed immediately or, for a multi-hit attack, consumed after the last hit of that attack. (Includes returned attack from Future Sight and Doom Desire, as well as confusion damage. Endure takes precedence over this item’s effect.)
- Zoom Lens
Accuracy of attacks by the holder is multiplied by 120/100 if holder strikes after their target this turn.
- Metronome
Damage of attacks by holder is multiplied by (10+(X-1))/10. X roughly corresponds to the number of consecutive times that the holder chose the same move for use since it entered the battle, but not more than 11. (See below for details.)
Detailed Information
For Metronome, the value X starts at 0 as soon as the Pokémon enters the battle, and changes as follows:
- At the beginning of the holder’s attack segment, increase X by 1 (but not to more than 11) if holder has this item and the move it chose for use this turn is the same as the last move used by the user; else set X to 0. However, X remains unchanged if the holder "can’t take any action" this turn because it used a move such as Thrash, Hyper Beam, a two-turn attack, and so on.
- At the end of the holder’s attack segment, set X to 0 if holder doesn’t have this item; otherwise, decrease X by 1 (but not to less than 0) if the last move called (including for this attack segment) by the user missed, failed, or was ineffective, or if the holder’s attack was prevented from being used this attack segment.
Metronome ignores the use of Pursuit as a Pokémon is about to switch.
- Iron Ball
Holder’s Speed is halved even if Embargo is in effect for the holder and even if it has Klutz. Ground-type moves are effective against the holder, and the holder can receive the effect of Spikes and Toxic Spikes, and the holder is prevented from switching and running because of Arena Trap, as though it didn’t have Levitate and as though its current type didn’t include Flying. (Overrides Magnet Rise.)
- Lagging Tail
Holder strikes after all other Pokémon whose moves have equal or greater priority than holder’s move. (See timing.)
- Destiny Knot
Whenever an attack by another Pokémon or an ability from another Pokémon causes holder to become infatuated, that other Pokémon is also infatuated (not considered an additional effect).
- Black Sludge
At the end of each turn, holder gains 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) if it’s a Poison type. Otherwise, it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP).
- Icy Rock
If holder uses Hail, its effect lasts eight turns instead of five turns.
- Smooth Rock
If holder uses Sandstorm, its effect lasts eight turns instead of five turns.
- Heat Rock
If holder uses Sunny Day, its effect lasts eight turns instead of five turns.
- Damp Rock
If holder uses Rain Dance, its effect lasts eight turns instead of five turns.
- Grip Claw
If holder uses a multi-turn attack, its effect lasts six turns.
- Sticky Barb
At the end of each turn, holder loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP). Whenever holder loses HP because of a direct attack by another Pokémon and that other Pokémon actually isn’t holding an item and has at least 1 HP, that other Pokémon receives this item even if the holder has Sticky Hold or Multitype or has zero HP, unless the holder had a substitute as the attack was dealt.
- Power Bracer
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder’s Speed is halved and the holder, whenever it earns Exp. Points in battle, also gains 4 Attack base stat points (EVs) of the specified stat. (Its base stats (EVs) will also still be raised as normal. Applied before base stat points (EVs) are doubled by Pokérus virus.)
- Power Belt
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder’s Speed is halved and the holder, whenever it earns Exp. Points in battle, also gains 4 Defense base stat points (EVs) of the specified stat. (Its base stats (EVs) will also still be raised as normal. Applied before base stat points (EVs) are doubled by Pokérus virus.)
- Power Lens
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder’s Speed is halved and the holder, whenever it earns Exp. Points in battle, also gains 4 Special Attack base stat points (EVs) of the specified stat. (Its base stats (EVs) will also still be raised as normal. Applied before base stat points (EVs) are doubled by Pokérus virus.)
- Power Band
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder’s Speed is halved and the holder, whenever it earns Exp. Points in battle, also gains 4 Special Defense base stat points (EVs) of the specified stat. (Its base stats (EVs) will also still be raised as normal. Applied before base stat points (EVs) are doubled by Pokérus virus.)
- Power Anklet
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder’s Speed is halved and the holder, whenever it earns Exp. Points in battle, also gains 4 Speed base stat points (EVs) of the specified stat. (Its base stats (EVs) will also still be raised as normal. Applied before base stat points (EVs) are doubled by Pokérus virus.)
- Power Weight
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, holder’s Speed is halved and the holder, whenever it earns Exp. Points in battle, also gains 4 HP base stat points (EVs) of the specified stat. (Its base stats (EVs) will also still be raised as normal. Applied before base stat points (EVs) are doubled by Pokérus virus.)
- Shed Shell
Holder can always switch even if an effect prevents it from switching. (Effects can still prevent the holder from running.)
- Big Root
The amount of HP the holder gains because of the effect of Aqua Ring, Ingrain, and Leech Seed is multiplied by 1.3. The amount of HP the holder gains after it uses Absorb, Drain Punch, Dream Eater, Giga Drain, Leech Life, and Mega Drain is multiplied by 1.3. (Affects Liquid Ooze.)
- Choice Band
Holder’s Attack is multiplied by 1.5. If a Pokémon at holder’s position uses a move that wasn’t used by another move and holder held this item at the end of that attack segment, the holder can’t choose any other move it has for use for as long as holder remains in battle, has that move, and is holding this item. (See notes below.)
Detailed Information
The following notes apply to Choice Band, Choice Scarf, and Choice Specs (the "choice items").
- If the holder entered the battle because of U-turn (as long as it wasn’t used by another move), it can’t choose any other move for use in the Diamond and Pearl version if it has U-turn, or the first move used is reset in later versions.
- If the holder entered the battle because of Baton Pass (but not Lunar Dance or Healing Wish) (as long as Baton Pass wasn’t used by another move), the first move used is reset.
- The choice item effect ignores moves the holder used because of Magic Coat, but not attacks that the holder used and that were then "bounced back" to the holder because of Magic Coat.
- The choice item effect doesn’t ignore moves that can’t be used because they have zero PP or no target.
- The move affected by the choice items is not reset if the move runs out of PP and then has its PP restored.
- The choice items ignore Struggle and moves that are prevented from being used.
- The choice item effect does set the move to moves the holder used because of Snatch. Thus, if the holder uses Snatch and no move affected by Snatch is used, the holder can’t choose moves other than Snatch next turn. On the other hand, if holder uses Snatch, a move affected by Snatch is used, and the holder takes that move, the holder can’t choose moves other than the move affected by Snatch next turn if the holder also has that move; otherwise, the choice items ignore the move affected by Snatch. However, the effect ignores attacks that the holder used and that were taken by another Pokémon because of Snatch.
- The choice items share the same move; the effect is not removed if the holder loses one choice item and gains either the same item or a different one with Trick or Switcheroo.
- The choice item effect also applies to the use of Pursuit as a Pokémon is about to switch. (In that case, the check for a choice item is made after Pursuit is used, not at the end of the holder’s attack segment.) However, in the Japanese language version of Diamond and Pearl, if during the first use of Pursuit the opponent faints as it’s about to switch, the holder is not prevented from choosing a different move next turn (assuming no moves were set by the choice items yet).
- Choice Scarf
Holder’s Speed is multiplied by 1.5. If a Pokémon at holder’s position uses a move that wasn’t used by another move and holder held this item at the end of that attack segment, the holder can’t choose any other move it has for use for as long as holder remains in battle, has that move, and is holding this item. (See notes below.)
Detailed Information
The following notes apply to Choice Band, Choice Scarf, and Choice Specs (the "choice items").
- If the holder entered the battle because of U-turn (as long as it wasn’t used by another move), it can’t choose any other move for use in the Diamond and Pearl version if it has U-turn, or the first move used is reset in later versions.
- If the holder entered the battle because of Baton Pass (but not Lunar Dance or Healing Wish) (as long as Baton Pass wasn’t used by another move), the first move used is reset.
- The choice item effect ignores moves the holder used because of Magic Coat, but not attacks that the holder used and that were then "bounced back" to the holder because of Magic Coat.
- The choice item effect doesn’t ignore moves that can’t be used because they have zero PP or no target.
- The move affected by the choice items is not reset if the move runs out of PP and then has its PP restored.
- The choice items ignore Struggle and moves that are prevented from being used.
- The choice item effect does set the move to moves the holder used because of Snatch. Thus, if the holder uses Snatch and no move affected by Snatch is used, the holder can’t choose moves other than Snatch next turn. On the other hand, if holder uses Snatch, a move affected by Snatch is used, and the holder takes that move, the holder can’t choose moves other than the move affected by Snatch next turn if the holder also has that move; otherwise, the choice items ignore the move affected by Snatch. However, the effect ignores attacks that the holder used and that were taken by another Pokémon because of Snatch.
- The choice items share the same move; the effect is not removed if the holder loses one choice item and gains either the same item or a different one with Trick or Switcheroo.
- The choice item effect also applies to the use of Pursuit as a Pokémon is about to switch. (In that case, the check for a choice item is made after Pursuit is used, not at the end of the holder’s attack segment.) However, in the Japanese language version of Diamond and Pearl, if during the first use of Pursuit the opponent faints as it’s about to switch, the holder is not prevented from choosing a different move next turn (assuming no moves were set by the choice items yet).
- Choice Specs
Holder’s Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. If a Pokémon at holder’s position uses a move that wasn’t used by another move and holder held this item at the end of that attack segment, the holder can’t choose any other move it has for use for as long as holder remains in battle, has that move, and is holding this item. (See notes below.)
Detailed Information
The following notes apply to Choice Band, Choice Scarf, and Choice Specs (the "choice items").
- If the holder entered the battle because of U-turn (as long as it wasn’t used by another move), it can’t choose any other move for use in the Diamond and Pearl version if it has U-turn, or the first move used is reset in later versions.
- If the holder entered the battle because of Baton Pass (but not Lunar Dance or Healing Wish) (as long as Baton Pass wasn’t used by another move), the first move used is reset.
- The choice item effect ignores moves the holder used because of Magic Coat, but not attacks that the holder used and that were then "bounced back" to the holder because of Magic Coat.
- The choice item effect doesn’t ignore moves that can’t be used because they have zero PP or no target.
- The move affected by the choice items is not reset if the move runs out of PP and then has its PP restored.
- The choice items ignore Struggle and moves that are prevented from being used.
- The choice item effect does set the move to moves the holder used because of Snatch. Thus, if the holder uses Snatch and no move affected by Snatch is used, the holder can’t choose moves other than Snatch next turn. On the other hand, if holder uses Snatch, a move affected by Snatch is used, and the holder takes that move, the holder can’t choose moves other than the move affected by Snatch next turn if the holder also has that move; otherwise, the choice items ignore the move affected by Snatch. However, the effect ignores attacks that the holder used and that were taken by another Pokémon because of Snatch.
- The choice items share the same move; the effect is not removed if the holder loses one choice item and gains either the same item or a different one with Trick or Switcheroo.
- The choice item effect also applies to the use of Pursuit as a Pokémon is about to switch. (In that case, the check for a choice item is made after Pursuit is used, not at the end of the holder’s attack segment.) However, in the Japanese language version of Diamond and Pearl, if during the first use of Pursuit the opponent faints as it’s about to switch, the holder is not prevented from choosing a different move next turn (assuming no moves were set by the choice items yet).
- Full Incense
Holder strikes after all other Pokémon whose moves have equal or greater priority than holder’s move. (See timing.)
- Luck Incense
Even if holder has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo, if holder participated in winning a Trainer battle, the player earns twice more money than usual. (This effect is not cumulative with multiple instances of Amulet Coin, this item, or both.)
- Pure Incense
Multiplies the rate of wild Pokémon battles by 2/3 if held by first Pokémon in party.
- Exp. Share
Holder earns Exp. Points and base stat points (EVs) in a battle, even if it didn’t participate in that battle (See notes).
- Razor Claw
Holder’s critical hit rate rises by 1.
- Razor Fang
If the holder uses certain attacks, the attack’s target may flinch after the holder uses that attack and that attack is successful (a 10% chance). This is considered an additional effect by Shield Dust but not Serene Grace. Prevented by Substitute. (This effect is cumulative with additional effects that already cause their target to flinch.)
- Pok Doll
Ends the wild Pokémon battle, even if an effect prevents a Pokémon from running.
- Fluffy Tail
Ends the wild Pokémon battle, even if an effect prevents a Pokémon from running.
- Guard Spec.
Begins the effect of Mist for the current Pokémon on its owner’s side (unless it’s already in effect).
- Dire Hit
Begins the effect of Focus Energy for the current Pokémon on its owner’s side (unless it’s already in effect).
- Parlyz Heal
The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of paralysis.
- X Attack
Raises the Attack of the current Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Defend
Raises the Defense of the current Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Speed
Raises the Speed of the current Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Accuracy
Raises the accuracy of the current Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Special
Raises the Special Attack of the current Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Sp. Def
Raises the Special Defense of the current Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- Ice Heal
The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner thaws out.
- Burn Heal
The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of burns.
- Awakening
The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner wakes up.
- Antidote
The chosen Pokémon (in battle or not in battle) controlled by its owner is cured of poison.
- Sacred Ash
Each fainted Pokémon in the player’s party has all HP. Can’t be used in battle.