Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Pokémon Super Contest
In a Pokémon Super Contest, each Pokémon is judged in three categories, namely, Acting, Dance, and Visual. This guide gives details on how each category is scored.
Fainted Pokémon can’t participate, and whether a Pokémon is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep is ignored in the contest.
There are two scores in the Visual category: the "condition score" and the "dress-up score."
The condition score is equal to the number of red hearts seen as the Pokémon is presented. To determine the condition score, a raw score is calculated according to the Pokémon’s condition:
Score = int((int((B+C+L)/2)+A)*D)
- A = Primary attribute for the contest (for example Cool)
- B and C = Secondary attributes for the contest (for example for Cool, these are Beauty and Tough)
- L = Pokémon’s sheen
- D = 1.1 if the Pokémon is holding a Scarf associated with the contest’s primary attribute; 1.05 if the Pokémon holds a Scarf associated with one of the contest’s secondary attributes; 1 otherwise. (The Red Scarf is associated with Cool; the Blue Scarf Beauty, the Pink Scarf Cute, the Green Scarf Smart, and the Yellow Scarf Tough.)
This raw score is converted to a condition score, from 0 through 8, depending on the contest rank:
- Normal Rank
- 9 or less: 0; 10-19: 1; 20-29: 2; 30-39: 3; 40-49: 4; 50-59: 5; 60-69: 6; 70-79: 7; 80 or greater: 8
- Great Rank
- 89 or less: 0; 90-109: 1; 110-129: 2; 130-149: 3; 150-169: 4; 170-189: 5; 190-209: 6; 210-229: 7; 230 or greater: 8
- Ultra Rank
- 169 or less: 0; 170-199: 1; 200-229: 2; 230-259: 3; 260-289: 4; 290-319: 5; 320-349: 6; 350-379: 7; 380 or greater: 8
- Master Rank
- 319 or less: 0; 320-359: 1; 360-399: 2; 400-439: 3; 440-479: 4; 480-519: 5; 520-559: 6; 560-599: 7; 600 or greater: 8
- Link
- 99 or less: 0; 100-199: 1; 200-299: 2; 300-399: 3; 400-449: 4; 450-499: 5; 500-549: 6; 550-599: 7; 600 or greater: 8
The dress-up score is equal to the number of pink hearts seen when the Pokémon is presented. It is based on the sum of scores of all Accessories on that Pokémon. Multiple copies of the same Accessory are counted separately. The player has 60 seconds to place up to a certain number of Accessories (depending on the rank) on the Pokémon. Accessories that match the assigned theme score higher points than other Accessories. Accessories placed too far from the Pokémon won’t count. Backdrops are only relevant in the photo gallery when the Pokémon wins the contest and are not counted in scoring. (There is a separate picture frame in the gallery for each Contest attribute, such as Cool and Smart.)
Look up the scores for each Accessory by theme.
Just like the condition score, the dress-up score depends on rank and the sum of Accessory scores:
- Normal Rank
- 3 or less: 0; 4-5: 1; 6-8: 2; 9 or greater: 3
- Great Rank
- 5 or less: 0; 6-10: 1; 11-15: 2; 16 or greater: 3
- Ultra Rank
- 7 or less: 0; 8-15: 1; 16-23: 2; 24 or greater: 3
- Master Rank
- 10 or less: 0; 11-20: 1; 21-30: 2; 31 or greater: 3
- Link
- Same as Master Rank
The maximum number of Accessories that can be placed depends on the rank:
- Normal Rank - 5
- Great Rank - 10
- Ultra Rank - 15
- Master Rank - 20
- Link (probably) - 20
The themes possible also depend on the rank:
- Normal Rank - The Colorful, The Natural, The Created
- Great Rank - All themes in Normal Rank, plus: The Shapely, The Sharp, The Solid
- Ultra Rank - All themes in Great Rank, plus: The Bright, The Gaudy, The Flexible
- Master Rank - All themes in Ultra Rank, plus: The Festive, The Intangible, The Relaxed
- Link - Probably same as Master Rank
The Visual score is the sum of the condition score and the dress-up score.
To determine the Dance score, 1 point is scored for each "good", and 2 points for each "excellent." Maximum score possible is 16 times the number of dance steps allowed per measure.
In a Dance competition, the Pokémon with the lowest entry number is the first main dancer, and all others are backup dancers. Each measure is divided into a number of beats that depends on the rank. The main dancer spends one measure performing up to the allowed number of steps, then the backup dancers spend another measure performing up to the allowed number of steps, where the goal is to imitate those of the main dancer, and this process repeats once. Then the Pokémon with the second lowest entry number becomes the main dancer, and so on until all Pokémon have finished dancing. There are four different steps -- jump (red), left (green), right (yellow), and front (blue).
For main dancers, a "miss" occurs outside of a beat, a "good" occurs closer to a beat, and an "excellent" occurs very close to a beat. For backup dancers, a "miss" occurs if the wrong color step is made or the step is made far from the beat, a "good" occurs if the right color step occurs close to the right beat, and an "excellent" occurs if the right color step occurs very close to the right beat.
The number of beats per measure and the number of dance steps allowed per measure depend on the rank:
- Normal Rank - 16 beats, 3 dance steps (in practice, 8 beats for main dancers for a measure of the same length)
- Great Rank - 16 beats, 4 dance steps
- Ultra Rank, Master Rank, link (probably) - 24 beats, 4 dance steps
Regardless of rank, a measure takes the same length, about 4 seconds.
The Acting score is equal to 10 times the number of hearts received during the Acting segment.
The Acting segment consists of four turns. In each turn, each Pokémon performs one of its moves to one of three Judges. Performing moves in this way can earn it hearts (expressed below as "getting +1", "earning +2", and so on).
After a Pokémon performs a move:
- If the move’s type matches the contest’s type, the Judge’s Voltage rises by 1. Then, if the Voltage reaches 5, it resets to 0, then the user gets +5 for the left or right Judge, or +8 for the center Judge. (Each Judge begins with a Voltage of 0.)
- If the move’s type is of an incompatible type (neither primary nor secondary), the Judge’s Voltage falls by 1.
At the end of a turn:
- If exactly three Pokémon performed for the same Judge, each gets +1.
- If exactly two Pokémon performed for the same Judge, each gets +2.
- If only one Pokémon performed for a Judge, it gets +3.
The initial performance order is determined from highest to lowest final scores (see below) in the Visual and Dance categories, treating all Acting scores as 0. In the next three turns, the performance order is determined from lowest score to highest score in the previous turn. In a tie in determining performance order, the tie is broken at random. In the Acting practice, the initial performance order is determined by entry number (lower entry numbers perform earlier).
A Pokémon can’t choose the same move twice in a row. (Because of this, a Pokémon with only one move can’t participate in a contest, not even the Visual and Dance Practice, even if that move could be used more than once in a row.)
Final Score
For each category of score (Visual, Dance, Acting), the following formula is used for each score:
Score = int((A * int(3333/B)+50) / 100)
where A is one of the scores and B is the highest value among scores in that category. In effect, this causes the highest score in each category to be 33 and the other scores to be a value proportional to the highest score. To avoid division by 0, B is 1 if it’s 0.
In reality, however, each score is modified further with this additional formula:
Score = int(int(Score * 100/B) * 64 / 100)
where B is the highest value among the modified scores in each category, thus in effect causing the highest score in each category to be 64 and the other scores to be a value proportional to the highest score. To avoid division by 0, B is 1 if it’s 0.
For each Pokémon, the modified scores in each category are added to get the final score, and the Pokémon with the highest final score is the winner of the contest. In a tie, the Pokémon that wins the tie is determined at random.
Move Type Compatibility
For each Contest type, there is a primary attribute, and two secondary attributes.
- Cool Contest: Beauty, Tough
- Beauty Contest: Cute, Cool
- Cute Contest: Smart, Beauty
- Smart Contest: Tough, Cute
- Tough Contest: Cool, Smart
Contest Moves
For each effect, the number in parentheses shows the number of hearts given to the move’s user when it performs it. Some effects cause additional hearts to be given to the user.
01: (+2) Enables the user to perform first in the next turn. (Will perform before others that used a move of this kind.)
- Agility (Cool)
- Quick Attack (Cool)
- Teleport (Cool)
- Double Team (Cool)
- Cotton Spore (Beauty)
- Mach Punch (Cool)
- ExtremeSpeed (Cool)
- Tailwind (Smart)
- Me First (Cute)
- Sucker Punch (Smart)
- Rock Polish (Tough)
- Vacuum Wave (Smart)
- Bullet Punch (Smart)
- Ice Shard (Beauty)
- Shadow Sneak (Smart)
- Aqua Jet (Beauty)
02: (+2) Enables the user to perform last in the next turn. (Will perform after others that used a move of this kind.)
- BubbleBeam (Beauty)
- Bubble (Cute)
- Scary Face (Tough)
- Icy Wind (Beauty)
- Vital Throw (Cool)
- Rock Tomb (Smart)
- Mud Shot (Tough)
- Hammer Arm (Cool)
03: (+1) At the end of the turn (after points from Judges' impressions are added), user earns +2 for each time another Pokémon chose the same Judge as the user.
(No moves.)
04: (+2) Gets +2 if the user would cause the Voltage to rise.
- Octazooka (Tough)
- Zap Cannon (Cool)
- Poison Fang (Smart)
- Weather Ball (Smart)
- Silver Wind (Beauty)
- Signal Beam (Beauty)
- Poison Tail (Smart)
- Brine (Smart)
- Poison Jab (Smart)
- Bug Buzz (Cute)
- Dragon Pulse (Smart)
- Stone Edge (Tough)
- Grass Knot (Smart)
- Attack Order (Smart)
- Spacial Rend (Tough)
05: (+3)
- Pound (Tough)
- Karate Chop (Tough)
- Scratch (Tough)
- ViceGrip (Tough)
- Cut (Cool)
- Gust (Smart)
- Wing Attack (Cool)
- Slam (Tough)
- Vine Whip (Cool)
- Stomp (Tough)
- Jump Kick (Cool)
- Rolling Kick (Cool)
- Headbutt (Tough)
- Horn Attack (Cool)
- Tackle (Tough)
- Body Slam (Tough)
- Take Down (Tough)
- Bite (Tough)
- SonicBoom (Cool)
- Acid (Smart)
- Ember (Beauty)
- Water Gun (Cute)
- Peck (Cool)
- Drill Peck (Cool)
- Submission (Cool)
- Low Kick (Tough)
- Seismic Toss (Tough)
- Strength (Tough)
- Razor Leaf (Cool)
- Dragon Rage (Cool)
- ThunderShock (Cool)
- Rock Throw (Tough)
- Confusion (Smart)
- Night Shade (Smart)
- Egg Bomb (Tough)
- Smog (Tough)
- Bone Club (Tough)
- Waterfall (Tough)
- Clamp (Tough)
- Hi Jump Kick (Cool)
- Poison Gas (Smart)
- Psywave (Smart)
- Rock Slide (Tough)
- Tri Attack (Beauty)
- Super Fang (Tough)
- Slash (Cool)
- Struggle (Cool)
- Snore (Cute)
- Powder Snow (Beauty)
- Mud-Slap (Cute)
- Spark (Cool)
- Steel Wing (Cool)
- Sleep Talk (Cute)
- Twister (Cool)
- Brick Break (Cool)
- Knock Off (Smart)
- Needle Arm (Smart)
- Hyper Voice (Cool)
- Crush Claw (Cool)
- Astonish (Smart)
- Air Cutter (Cool)
- Night Slash (Beauty)
- Aqua Tail (Cute)
- Seed Bomb (Smart)
- Power Gem (Beauty)
- Thunder Fang (Smart)
- Ice Fang (Cool)
- Fire Fang (Beauty)
- Power Whip (Beauty)
- Cross Poison (Cool)
- Gunk Shot (Cool)
- Magnet Bomb (Cool)
06: (+1) At the end of the turn (after points from Judges' impressions are added), user earns +3 if no other Pokémon has chosen the same Judge as the user.
- Razor Wind (Cool)
- Fly (Smart)
- SolarBeam (Cool)
- Dig (Smart)
- Skull Bash (Tough)
- Sky Attack (Cool)
- Focus Punch (Tough)
- Dive (Beauty)
- Bounce (Cute)
- Payback (Cool)
07: (+2) If user didn’t use this move on the last turn, the user can use this move again during the next turn.
- DoubleSlap (Tough)
- Comet Punch (Tough)
- Double Kick (Cool)
- Fury Attack (Cool)
- Thrash (Tough)
- Twineedle (Cool)
- Pin Missile (Cool)
- Spike Cannon (Cool)
- Barrage (Tough)
- Fury Swipes (Tough)
- Bonemerang (Tough)
- Triple Kick (Cool)
- Flame Wheel (Beauty)
- Bone Rush (Tough)
- Outrage (Cool)
- Rollout (Tough)
- Fury Cutter (Cool)
- Beat Up (Smart)
- Arm Thrust (Tough)
- Ice Ball (Beauty)
- Bullet Seed (Cool)
- Icicle Spear (Beauty)
- Rock Blast (Tough)
- Double Hit (Smart)
- Magma Storm (Tough)
08: (+0) Gets +X, where X is the Judge’s Voltage. (Applied before Voltage is added for type matches.)
- Recover (Smart)
- Softboiled (Beauty)
- Rest (Cute)
- Milk Drink (Cute)
- Heal Bell (Beauty)
- Morning Sun (Beauty)
- Synthesis (Smart)
- Moonlight (Beauty)
- Swallow (Tough)
- Wish (Cute)
- Refresh (Cute)
- Slack Off (Cute)
- Aromatherapy (Smart)
- Roost (Cool)
- Healing Wish (Cute)
- Aqua Ring (Beauty)
- Heal Order (Smart)
- Lunar Dance (Beauty)
09: (+1) At the end of the turn (after points from Judges' impressions are added), user earns +15 if all the Pokémon choose the same Judge as the user.
- Guillotine (Cool)
- Whirlwind (Smart)
- Horn Drill (Cool)
- Double-Edge (Tough)
- Fissure (Tough)
- Selfdestruct (Beauty)
- Explosion (Beauty)
- Destiny Bond (Smart)
- Memento (Tough)
- Sheer Cold (Beauty)
0A: (+2) Lowers the Voltage of all Judges by one each.
- Screech (Smart)
- SmokeScreen (Smart)
- Confuse Ray (Smart)
- Spore (Beauty)
- Flash (Beauty)
- Perish Song (Beauty)
- Mean Look (Beauty)
- Pain Split (Smart)
- Uproar (Cute)
- Grudge (Tough)
- Metal Sound (Smart)
0B: (+0) After user performs a move in the next turn, it earns twice the amount of hearts it earned because of that move.
- Swords Dance (Beauty)
- Growth (Beauty)
- Meditate (Beauty)
- Rage (Cool)
- Focus Energy (Cool)
- Amnesia (Cute)
- Kinesis (Smart)
- Acid Armor (Tough)
- Sharpen (Cute)
- Belly Drum (Cute)
- Psych Up (Smart)
- Stockpile (Tough)
- Charge (Smart)
- Tail Glow (Beauty)
- Cosmic Power (Cool)
- Howl (Cool)
- Bulk Up (Beauty)
- Calm Mind (Smart)
- Dragon Dance (Cool)
- Acupressure (Cool)
- Nasty Plot (Cute)
- Defend Order (Smart)
- Ominous Wind (Smart)
0C: (+0) If the Pokémon before the user has caused a Judge’s Voltage to reach 5 this turn, the user gets +X, where X is that Pokémon’s score (even if the Pokémon chose a different Judge from the user).
- Mimic (Cute)
- Thief (Tough)
- Trick (Smart)
- Recycle (Smart)
- Skill Swap (Smart)
- Snatch (Smart)
- Covet (Cute)
- Pluck (Cute)
- Copycat (Cool)
- Switcheroo (Cool)
- Bug Bite (Tough)
0D: (+2) No effect can raise any Judge’s Voltage for the rest of the turn. (This includes the current use of the move.)
- Mist (Beauty)
- Harden (Tough)
- Minimize (Cute)
- Withdraw (Cute)
- Defense Curl (Cute)
- Barrier (Cool)
- Light Screen (Beauty)
- Haze (Beauty)
- Reflect (Smart)
- Spider Web (Smart)
- Spikes (Smart)
- Sandstorm (Tough)
- Endure (Tough)
- Safeguard (Beauty)
- Rain Dance (Tough)
- Sunny Day (Beauty)
- Hail (Beauty)
- Camouflage (Smart)
- Mud Sport (Cute)
- Iron Defense (Tough)
- Block (Cute)
- Water Sport (Cute)
- Gravity (Beauty)
- Embargo (Cute)
- Heal Block (Cute)
- Gastro Acid (Beauty)
- Lucky Chant (Cute)
- Toxic Spikes (Smart)
- Magnet Rise (Cute)
- Defog (Beauty)
- Stealth Rock (Cool)
0E: (+2) Makes the order of contestants random in the next turn. (Overrides effects that cause a Pokémon to perform in a given position.)
- Metronome (Cute)
- Follow Me (Cute)
- Nature Power (Beauty)
- Assist (Cute)
- Secret Power (Smart)
- Teeter Dance (Cute)
- Trick Room (Cute)
- Judgment (Smart)
0F: (+2) Gets +X if user performs last this turn, where X is user’s score. (Applied before Swords Dance and the like; applied before score is raised for max Voltage.)
- Counter (Tough)
- Bide (Tough)
- Mirror Move (Smart)
- Flail (Cute)
- Reversal (Cool)
- Mirror Coat (Beauty)
- Facade (Cute)
- Magic Coat (Beauty)
- Revenge (Tough)
- Endeavor (Tough)
- Gyro Ball (Beauty)
- Metal Burst (Beauty)
- Assurance (Beauty)
- Avalanche (Cool)
- Crush Grip (Tough)
10: (+0) Gets +X, where X is 4 minus the chosen Judge’s Voltage. (Won’t be higher than 4.)
- Lick (Tough)
- Dizzy Punch (Cool)
- Splash (Cute)
- Protect (Cute)
- Detect (Cool)
- False Swipe (Cool)
- Present (Cute)
- Baton Pass (Cute)
- Torment (Tough)
- SmellingSalt (Smart)
- Taunt (Smart)
- Wake-Up Slap (Smart)
- Feint (Beauty)
- U-turn (Cute)
- Psycho Shift (Cool)
- Power Trick (Cool)
- Power Swap (Beauty)
- Guard Swap (Cute)
- Heart Swap (Cool)
11: (+2) Gets +2 if the user performs first this turn.
- Fire Punch (Beauty)
- Ice Punch (Beauty)
- ThunderPunch (Cool)
- Flamethrower (Beauty)
- Hydro Pump (Beauty)
- Surf (Beauty)
- Ice Beam (Beauty)
- Blizzard (Beauty)
- Psybeam (Beauty)
- Aurora Beam (Beauty)
- Thunderbolt (Cool)
- Thunder (Cool)
- Psychic (Smart)
- Fire Blast (Beauty)
- Swift (Cool)
- Return (Cute)
- DragonBreath (Cool)
- Rapid Spin (Cool)
- Shadow Ball (Smart)
- Future Sight (Smart)
- Fake Out (Cute)
- Heat Wave (Beauty)
- Will-O-Wisp (Beauty)
- Blaze Kick (Beauty)
- Shadow Punch (Smart)
- Extrasensory (Cool)
- Sky Uppercut (Cool)
- Aerial Ace (Cool)
- Dragon Claw (Cool)
- Magical Leaf (Beauty)
- Leaf Blade (Cool)
- Shock Wave (Cool)
- Water Pulse (Beauty)
- Doom Desire (Cool)
- Aura Sphere (Beauty)
- Dark Pulse (Cool)
- Air Slash (Cool)
- X-Scissor (Beauty)
- Focus Blast (Cool)
- Energy Ball (Beauty)
- Shadow Claw (Cute)
- Psycho Cut (Cool)
- Mirror Shot (Cute)
- Flash Cannon (Smart)
- Discharge (Cool)
- Lava Plume (Tough)
- Charge Beam (Beauty)
12: (+2) Gets +2 if the user performs last this turn.
- Mega Punch (Tough)
- Mega Kick (Cool)
- Earthquake (Tough)
- Sludge (Tough)
- Crabhammer (Tough)
- Hyper Fang (Cool)
- Faint Attack (Smart)
- Sludge Bomb (Tough)
- Frustration (Cute)
- Magnitude (Tough)
- DynamicPunch (Cool)
- Megahorn (Cool)
- Iron Tail (Cool)
- Metal Claw (Cool)
- Cross Chop (Cool)
- Crunch (Tough)
- AncientPower (Tough)
- Rock Smash (Tough)
- Spit Up (Tough)
- Superpower (Tough)
- Eruption (Beauty)
- Meteor Mash (Cool)
- Muddy Water (Tough)
- Natural Gift (Cool)
- Force Palm (Cool)
- Dragon Rush (Cool)
- Brave Bird (Cute)
- Earth Power (Smart)
- Mud Bomb (Smart)
- Zen Headbutt (Beauty)
- Rock Climb (Cool)
- Iron Head (Tough)
- Wood Hammer (Tough)
13:(+2) No effect can lower any Judge’s Voltage for the rest of the turn. (This includes the current use of the move.)
- Sand-Attack (Cute)
- Tail Whip (Cute)
- Poison Sting (Smart)
- Leer (Cool)
- Growl (Cute)
- Roar (Cool)
- Sing (Cute)
- Supersonic (Smart)
- Disable (Smart)
- PoisonPowder (Smart)
- Stun Spore (Smart)
- Sleep Powder (Smart)
- String Shot (Smart)
- Thunder Wave (Cool)
- Toxic (Smart)
- Hypnosis (Smart)
- Glare (Tough)
- Lovely Kiss (Beauty)
- Nightmare (Smart)
- Spite (Tough)
- Sweet Kiss (Cute)
- Charm (Cute)
- Swagger (Cute)
- Attract (Cute)
- Sweet Scent (Cute)
- Flatter (Smart)
- Yawn (Cute)
- FeatherDance (Beauty)
- Fake Tears (Smart)
- GrassWhistle (Smart)
- Tickle (Cute)
- Worry Seed (Beauty)
- Captivate (Beauty)
- Dark Void (Smart)
14: (+1) Gets +3 if the previous Pokémon caused a Judge’s Voltage to rise and the user would also cause the Voltage to rise (even if the previous Pokémon chose a different Judge from the user).
- Absorb (Smart)
- Mega Drain (Smart)
- Dream Eater (Smart)
- Leech Life (Smart)
- Mind Reader (Smart)
- Foresight (Smart)
- Lock-On (Smart)
- Giga Drain (Smart)
- Encore (Cute)
- Pursuit (Smart)
- Helping Hand (Smart)
- Imprison (Smart)
- Odor Sleuth (Smart)
- Miracle Eye (Cute)
- Drain Punch (Beauty)
15: (+0) Gets +1 if user performed first, +2 if second, +3 if third, and +4 if fourth.
- Bind (Tough)
- Wrap (Tough)
- Leech Seed (Smart)
- Petal Dance (Beauty)
- Fire Spin (Beauty)
- Constrict (Tough)
- Curse (Tough)
- Whirlpool (Beauty)
- Ingrain (Smart)
- Sand Tomb (Smart)
- Trump Card (Cool)
- Last Resort (Cute)
16: (+2) If the Pokémon before the user has caused a Judge’s Voltage to reach 5 this turn, the user gets +3 (even if the Pokémon chose a different Judge from the user).
- Hyper Beam (Cool)
- Aeroblast (Cool)
- Sacred Fire (Beauty)
- Luster Purge (Smart)
- Mist Ball (Smart)
- Blast Burn (Beauty)
- Hydro Cannon (Beauty)
- Overheat (Beauty)
- Water Spout (Beauty)
- Frenzy Plant (Cool)
- Volt Tackle (Cool)
- Psycho Boost (Smart)
- Close Combat (Smart)
- Wring Out (Smart)
- Flare Blitz (Smart)
- Giga Impact (Beauty)
- Draco Meteor (Smart)
- Leaf Storm (Cute)
- Rock Wrecker (Tough)
- Head Smash (Tough)
- Roar of Time (Cool)
- Seed Flare (Cool)
- Shadow Force (Smart)
17: (+1) At the end of the turn (after points from Judges' impressions are added), if user’s score is the lowest of all scores this turn, it gets +3 (even if more than one is tied for lowest).
- Pay Day (Smart)
- Transform (Smart)
- Conversion (Beauty)
- Substitute (Smart)
- Sketch (Smart)
- Conversion 2 (Beauty)
- Hidden Power (Smart)
- Role Play (Cute)
- Fling (Tough)
- Punishment (Smart)
- Chatter (Smart)