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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Spinda’s Spots

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Spinda’s Spots

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, in-depth-guides, spindas-spots

Four extra spots are drawn on Spinda’s front. Their location depends on the Spinda’s personality ID.

Here is where each spot is drawn on the 80x80 sprite. In the description below, "PID" means the Spinda’s personality ID, and "X mod Y" means "the remainder of X divided by Y." Each division is rounded down. The top left corner of the drawn sprite’s bounding rectangle appear on the given X and Y coordinates.

  • Spot A’s X coordinate = 17 + (PID mod 16)
  • Spot A’s Y coordinate = 7 + ((PID/16) mod 16)
  • Spot B’s X coordinate = 41 + ((PID/256) mod 16)
  • Spot B’s Y coordinate = 9 + ((PID/4096) mod 16)
  • Spot C’s X coordinate = 20 + ((PID/65536) mod 16)
  • Spot C’s Y coordinate = 25 + ((PID/1048576) mod 16)
  • Spot D’s X coordinate = 32 + ((PID/16777216) mod 16)
  • Spot D’s Y coordinate = 25 + ((PID/268435456) mod 16)

For the secondary sprite in Spinda’s animation, each spot is moved 14 pixels to the left before being drawn.


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