Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Stat Potential Judge
The man near the PC in the Battle Frontier’s Battle Tower will "judge" Pokémon based on their Individual Values, as shown here:
Sum of all Individual Values
- 0-90: This Pokémon’s potential is decent all around.
- 91-120: This Pokémon’s potential is above average overall.
- 121-150: This Pokémon has relatively superior potential overall.
- 151-186: This Pokémon has outstanding potential overall.
Highest Individual Value
"Incidentally, I would say the best potential lies in its [stat] stat."
- 0-15: It’s rather decent in that regard. That’s how I judged it.
- 16-25: It’s very good in that regard. That’s how I judged it.
- 26-30: It’s fantastic in that regard. That’s how I judged it.
- 31: It can’t be better in that regard. That’s how I judged it.
If more than one Individual Value is the highest, in Pokémon Platinum Version one of them is chosen at random, or in Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, each of those Individual Values is mentioned in the order of HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defense each time the player talks to the Judge with the same Pokémon, but only one such value each time.
This man will appear only in the HeartGold, Platinum, and SoulSilver versions.