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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Walkthrough

Pokémon Diamond and PearlPokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Walkthrough

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum

Please note that this walkthrough is incomplete in places as it was written while the game was played. It should not be followed step by step, but rather used as a reference.

You find your friend at the door. He asks you to go to the lake with him, but then decides to go back home. Go to his house, and then upstairs where you will find him again.

Now leave the house and the town. This is Route 201. There your friend stands waiting for you.... your friend will follow you as you walk. You can’t enter the tall grass east for now though, so you must move west. The path to the lake, known as Verity Lake, is very straightforward.

There you and your friend notice a professor and a woman named Dawn....

...your friend follows you to the grass. He notices a briefcase that the professor had apparently forgotten. Suddenly two Pokémon come near you and your friend. Your friend opens the case and finds three PokeBalls, each of which contain a Pokémon. Choose the one you want.

Finally Dawn returns and finds the briefcase, but saw that the Pokémon there had been used. You and your friend, concerned about this event, leave the lake. Along the way, you find the professor and Dawn. Though the professor didn’t appear angry, he wants you to visit his lab.

You return to your house. Through your Mom, you learn that the Professor is named Rowan and he works in Sandgem Town. She also gives you Running Shoes to wear. With Running Shoes, you can move faster by holding the B button while walking.

Now leave Twinleaf Town for Route 201 again, this time taking the path to the east, through the tall grass. If you walk on the tall grass, a wild Pokémon can appear, so you need to use your Pokémon to battle it.

As soon as you reach Sandgem Town, you notice Dawn and she follows you to the lab. As soon as you reach the entrance, your friend comes out and leaves. You have a talk with the Professor, who lets you have the Pokémon that you had used. In addition, to help collect data on all the Pokémon in the region, --Rowan-- gives you a "high-tech" device called the Pokédex.

As soon as you leave the lab, Dawn waits for you and shows you the various things in Sandgem Town.

You should return to Twinleaf Town to your house. There, talk to your Mom, who will give you a Journal, which records your day-to-day progress in the game. Then your friend’s mother will come in. Since her child has apparently left without coming home, she wants you to deliver a Parcel to him, which she gives to you. Now leave your house for Sandgem Town again and move north to Route 202.

There you meet Dawn again, and this time she teaches you how to catch a Pokémon with a battle, and after that that gives you five Poké Balls so you can try on your own.

Route 202 is where you’ll have battles with other people, known as Trainers, for the first time. Before you reach the end, enter the grass to pick up an Antidote.

Soon you will reach Jubilife City. There you encounter Dawn once again. Jubilife is home to the "Pokémon Trainer’s School," and Dawn says that your friend might be found there. Be sure to find the Pokémon Center and heal your Pokémon there. You can find the Trainer’s School just west of the Pokémon Center.

At the Trainer’s School, you can find your friend at the blackboard. Talk to him, and you give him the Parcel. Opening it, your friend finds a Town Map -- actually two, and you receive one of them. He leaves the Trainer’s School.

As you try to go further, you are noticed by a man who says he makes a device called a "Pokétch", or Pokémon Watch. In order to get one, you have to find three clowns in this city, each of whom will ask a quiz question, as a promotional campaign. You can find one north of the Pokémon Center, one behind the doors of Jubilife TV, and one near the Pokétch Company. Answer each question correctly, and you will receive a Coupon. Then talk to the man, with the three Coupons, to receive the Pokémon Watch, which will appear on the lower Touch Screen. (The Poketch currently has four items, or "apps": a watch, a calculator, a pedometer [step counter], and an overview of the party.)

In Jubilife Condominiums, talk to the young woman to receive a Quick Claw.

Now leave Jubilife City east and head to Route 203. Your friend will appear and wants to battle with you. After the battle, keep moving east.


The man at the entrance will give you HM06 (Rock Smash), a Hidden Machine that teaches a move to Pokémon. You can use it to break rocks if you receive the Oreburgh City Badge. At the end of this rather small cavern is Oreburgh City.

Once you reach Oreburgh, a young man will show you the Pokémon Gym. You will notice that your friend is blocking the entrance. He will say that the Gym’s leader is not at the Gym, but at the Oreburgh Mine. Much machinery is between the city and the mine’s entrance.

--Wild Pokémon can appear anywhere in the mines, and some of the miners here are also Trainers. One of these miners is the Gym Leader. If you find him, he will leave. After finding him, leave the mine.

After getting to Oreburgh City again, go to the Gym. The Leader’s name is Roark, who uses Rock-type Pokémon, which are weak against Grass and Water moves and strong against Fire types. -- talk to the Gym Leader -- Coal Badge, which allows your Pokémon to use Rock Smash outside of battle, as well as TM76 (Stealth Rock).

Now leave the Gym and try to go back to the Oreburgh Gate. Your friend stops you --. Once in the gate, teach Rock Smash to a Pokémon. Go to the northern end of the path and use Rock Smash to break the rock in front of you. The lower floor of the cave has many more such rocks as well as TM70 (Flash)

[Get back to Jubilife City.]

Now try to go north. You see Rowan and Dawn along with two strange people, who apparently have annoyed them. You and Dawn engage in a battle with them. After the battle, it was revealed that the two men were "Team Galactic."... A man then appears, who had seemed to have watched the battle. He gives you a "Fashion Case", which contains Accessories and Backdrops for dressing up Pokémon at the Jubilife TV station.

Now keep moving north, through Route 204, and into the Ravaged Path.

Like the Oreburgh Gate, the Ravaged Path is blocked by similar-looking rocks. Break the rock on the west to find TM39 (Rock Tomb). Break the rocks on the east to get to the other side of Route 204. Floaroma Town, a town filled with colorful flowers. This town has a flower shop and two Berry plants just outside it. Enter it and a woman there will give you a Sprayduck for watering Berry plants.

To the east of Floaroma Town is Route 205. A young girl is there asking for help. At the end of the bridge at one side of the path stand two men, who prevent you from going past it. Continue east to reach the Valley Windworks. Amongst the windmills stands the power plant building, with a member of Team Galactic blocking its entrance. Talk to him to engage in a battle. After the battle, he’ll enter the building and lock the door behind him. Leave for Floaroma Town again and get to the northwestern corner of the town to reach Floaroma Meadow.

---there you notice two Team Galactic Members harassing an old man. Talk to them to battle them one after the other. After you defeat them, they leave. The old man notices that they had dropped a Works Key, which you receive. The old man also gives you Honey.

Now get back to Valley Windworks and use the Works Key you found to unlock the door.

This building here is filled with Team Galactic members.... defeating the Commander, all of Team Galactic leaves. The man remaining thanks you, and soon arrives the young girl you had seen earlier.

When you leave the Valley Windworks, the bridge is no longer blocked.


As soon as you enter Eterna Forest, you meet someone named Cheryl. Since it’s scary to go there alone because of Team Galactic, you decide to go with Cheryl. You will notice that sometimes two wild Pokémon will appear at once, and also that as long as Cheryl is with you, your entire party is restored to health after each battle.

At the exit, you’ve reached Route 205, alone again.


In Eterna City, you learn that a Team Galactic Building has been installed, changing the face of the city. You also meet a Trainer named Cynthia, who gives you HM01 (Cut). The Team Galactic building, right next to where you found Cynthia, is blocked by three trees, so you can’t enter it right away. At the Pokémon Center, a woman will add a new app to your Poketch, called "Friendship Checker".

The leader of Eterna’s Gym, Gardenia, uses Grass-type Pokémon, which are weak to fire. But before you can battle her, you need to find and defeat all the Trainers in the Gym. As soon as you enter the Gym’s interior, you will see that it’s like a forest inside. If you defeat a Trainer, talk to the Trainer to get hints about where to find the next Trainer. There are four Trainers you need to find before Gardenia appears in the back. -- the Forest Badge, which lets your Pokémon use Cut outside of battle and makes all Pokémon up to level 30 obey you. In addition, you receive TM86 (Grass Knot), which is more powerful against heavier foes.

Now leave the Gym and get to the Team Galactic building. Teach Cut to a Pokémon and use it to cut down one of the trees blocking the way. In the -- The fourth floor contains - at first glance - just a woman and a man, but talk to the woman to find out that she is a Galactic Commander, thus beginning a battle. -- talk to the man on the floor. --

Leave the building, which has now become deserted.

The building south of the Pokémon Center is the bike shop. Talk to the man at the counter to get a Bicycle.

The building east of the Pokémon Center is the Underground Man’s house. The bald man there is the Underground Man. You receive from him an Explorer Kit, which takes you underground when used.

The gate south of Eterna City provides access to Cycling Road, or Route 206. Once you get there, you will automatically equip your Bicycle. At the end, talk to the woman there to receive a Flag. You may notice two trees east of the gate. You may use Cut on them to access a field full of grass under Cycling Road.

As you get to Route 207 further south, you notice Dawn. She is here to give you a Vs. Seeker [if right hand chosen] as well as a new Poketch app, "Dowsing Machine."

East from here, the ground turns rough -- Mt. coronet -- man saying something -- short path

-- Berry Master’s house

As soon as you leave the gates to Hearthome City, --a Pokémon comes to you - a woman finds it -- Keira --. Hearthome City, as you will find out, has a Contest Hall. It’s the brown dome-shaped building, which the man in red and white will lead you to. A woman is blocking its door. Talk to her, and you realize that she is the city’s Gym Leader, Fantina. She’ll leave. Go past the Hall’s doors. -- Keira, and your Mom, whose name we learn is Johanna -- Glitter Powder Accessory -- Tuxedo (it is not obtained as an item).

The building east of the Pokémon Mart is the Pokémon Fan Club. Inside, talk to the man in the hat to get a Poffin Case. The building on the left is the Poffin House, where "Poffins" can be made.

As you try to leave Hearthome City from the south, your friend will arrive and challenge you.

Enter the southeastern gates from Hearthome City, leading to Route 209. Talk to the man at the bridgelike pier to get a Good Rod. -- You will eventually come to several dug-up spots on the ground. These spots are followed by a tower, and then Solaceon Town. In this relatively small town, you can find the Pokémon Day Care.

In one house within the convoluted formation of ledges, you can receive a Seal Case. The same formation provides access to ruins known as Solaceon Ruins. The inscription on the ruins is quite easy to decipher -- they refer to which stairs should be taken to advance. As you advance, you may encounter Pokémon named Unown, which are similar to the inscription. If you follow the directions given in the inscription, you will find four items and another inscription.

The tower just mentioned which is south of this town is called the Lost Tower.

The Lost Tower is a cemetery for Pokémon, and the higher you are in the tower, the more tombstones you will see on the floor. At the top of the tower, you will find two old ladies, one of whom will give you HM04 (Strength), and the other will give you a Cleanse Tag.

In this route, the grass is taller than usual -- cafe, where Moomoo Milk can be bought and several Trainers are resting. Nearby, four Psyducks are blocking the way.


Veilstone is a city of stone, and many of the buildings are on raised ground. Talk to the man on the southwest of the city to get TM63 (Embargo), which prevents a Pokémon from using items. At the house nearby, a young woman can massage one of your Pokémon, but only once per day. At the house near that one, talk to the clown, guess which hand the coin is in, and you will receive a Coin Case for a correct answer.

If you reach the Veilstone Gym, Dawn will talk to you for a while. You may now enter.

Veilstone’s Gym Leader, Maylene, is a user of Fighting-type Pokémon. Normal-type Pokémon are at risk, but Flying- and Psychic-types pose a threat to them. To get through the Gym, you need to push a number of sliding wooden tabs protruding from the floor to open new paths. Black Belt Trainers occupy the Gym’s small rooms. -- receive the Cobble Badge from Maylene. This Badge lets its holder use Fly when not in battle. You also receive TM-- (Drain Punch).

As soon as you receive the Badge and leave the Gym, you see Dawn waiting there. Apparently, she had dropped her Pokédex in the Galactic Warehouse and wants you to retrieve it for her.

Get to near the Galactic Warehouse, where Dawn is now. Talk to her, and accept her offer to team with her in a battle. After the battle, Dawn retrieves the Pokédex, and the Galactic Grunts stop guarding the Warehouse. Apparently, supplies are being moved to Pastoria City. Enter the Warehouse now and pick up HM02 (Fly). Teach it to a Pokémon now.

The gate to the southeast of Veilstone City is Route 214. In the middle of this route you may see a hole leading to Ruin Maniac Cave, where you can find TM28 (Dig).

..Verity Lakefront. As you get nearer, two people block the path to a forest. You will soon reach a group of buildings. You can go to the building with the awning, which is the restaurant, and fight the dining Trainers there, if you want. You can find a Hyper Potion under the pool’s parasol. At the back of the building to the south, you can talk to the man at the counter to rest and heal your Pokémon. When you reach the beach, you should notice a small passage at the southwest that you should go through.


Pastoria City is home to the Great Marsh, where a Safari Game can be played. The Great Marsh’s entrance building is the first you will see when you reach Pastoria. You pay P500 to play the Safari Game using 30 Safari Balls. Once you get to the Safari Game, talk to the man east of you to get HM05 (Defog). The rules to the Safari Game are simple: throw a Safari Ball at a wild Pokémon; throw Bait to make it less likely to run; or throw Mud to make it easier to catch. Once you’ve walked 500 steps, the Safari Game is over.

Pastoria City also has a Gym, and it’s led by "Crasher" Wake. He prefers to use Water-type Pokémon, whom Fire- and Ground-types will have a hard time against. Push the buttons in the Gym to control the level of the water. -- Fen Badge, which allows you to use the move Defog outside of battle. You also receive TM55 (Brine).

Exit the Gym and talk to the man near the Great Marsh building (who is, as we should know by now, a Galactic Grunt). Apparently, he will leave for the lake. Now try to leave the city and you will see him again at the gate -- your friend will spot you and, once again, you engage in a battle.

Now you need to follow the grunt by going from Pastoria City, through the beach, through Valor Lakefront, where eventually the grunt will battle you.

Once you get to the lake, you spot Cynthia, who tells something about this lake and also gives you a SecretPotion, for the group of Psyduck at Route 210. Now fly to Solaceon Town.

Once you see the cafe, the group of Psyduck should be next to it. Go up to it, and you will use the SecretPotion, which apparently cured their headaches; after that they will leave, giving unblocked passage. You then spot Cynthia again, who entrusts you with an Old Stone to give to her grandmother in Celestic Town, who is also the town’s elder.

Here, as in Route 210, the grass is very tall.. As you go further, the screen will turn white -- don’t worry, it’s actually fog. Teach Defog to a Pokémon and use it now to remove the fog.

Once you are in Celestic, an old woman will point you to the ruins. There you see a Team Galactic grunt blocking the ruins entrance. Accept his offer to battle. After defeating him, he will leave and the old woman will talk to you. It turns out that she is the elder of Celestia Town and you give her the Old Charm. Enter the ruins and examine the strange design. Then the town elder will come, explain the design, and give you HM03 (Surf).

In the house to the southwest, talk to the man to get the Poketch app "Analog Watch".

Once you leave the ruins, the man you saw before at Coronet City --. Fly back to Hearthome City.

In Hearthome City, visit the Gym. Its Leader, Fantina, has returned. She uses Ghost-type Pokémon, which are harmless against Normal-type attacks. Here, you need to answer arithmetic questions by choosing the right door. If you answer incorrectly, a Trainer will battle you.

-- Relic Badge -- TM65 -- among other things, suggests to go to Canalave City next.

To get to Canalave City, you first need to fly back to Jubilife City. Leave the city from the west. You should soon see a large body of water. Teach Surf to a Pokémon, and use it to move north from here. -- Inside the gate to Canalave City, a man will add an upgrade to your Pokédex. --

As you cross the bridge separating the city, you will be stopped by your friend and--again--you will engage in another battle.

This side of the city has the library, the docks, and the Gym.

------ Riley, and you decide to go with him. Just as in Eterna Forest, two wild Pokémon will appear at once, and Riley will heal your party after each battle. -- two Galactic grunts -- after the battle, Riley will offer you a Pokémon Egg. ------

Canalave’s Gym Leader is Byron, who uses Steel-type Pokémon. The Gym itself has an iron sheet as a floor. -- Mine Badge -- TM65

When you leave the Gym, your friend is waiting and wants you to wait for him at the library. You can find him at the third floor and the two of you get seated along with Dawn and Rowan. Rowan studies the evolution of Pokémon, and he believes that the three lakes of the Sinnoh region each contain a mirage Pokémon that may go a long way in solving many mysteries regarding evolution. Rowan assigns you to investigate Lake Valor. Suddenly, there is a tremor, and Rowan, your friend, and Dawn hurry outside. When you get outside, you learn from a sailor that the cause was an explosion at Lake Valor.

Fly to either Veilstone City or Pastoria City and reach the entrance to Valor Lake.

As you get nearer, you notice several Galactic grunts, and also that much of the water has been removed from the lake. Eventually you should see a small cavern. Enter it, and talk to the first man you see. He turns out to be one of the Galactic Commanders and a battle begins. --

Fly back to Twinleaf Town and get to the Verity Lakefront. Rowan is there asking you to help Dawn. -- Commander Mars -- Mars reveals that by the time the battle was over, the three mirage Pokémon had already been taken from the lakes and into the headquarters in Veilstone City. But first, Rowan wants you to go to Lake Acuity and check on your friend.

Fly back to Celestic Town and leave the town from the west to Route 211. -- the hole that leads to Mt. Coronet.

The gray rocks are boulders that can be pushed. Teach Strength to a Pokémon and use it now. The cracked rocks can be broken using Rock Smash.

--end of Mt. Coronet, you will notice that it’s a rather snowy route and that some parts of the snow can be quite deep. You will see a house where you can go to the bed and rest. Up north, the snow gets heavier and the fallen snow can become very deep -- Spell Tag --. Be sure to pick up HM08 (Rock Climb), which is behind the house in the middle of Route 217.

Soon you will find the Acuity Lakefront, but two Galactic grunts block the entrance to the lake, so you need to continue east to Snowpoint City.

Snowpoint City is a city of snow. There is also a ship dock, apparently, and a temple on the north of the city, which you are not allowed to enter. The leader of Snowpoint Gym is Candice, who uses Ice-type Pokémon. To get to Candice, you need to break all the snowballs in the middle of the Gym and clear the path for her. According to your assistant, "You need to slide on the ice with enough momentum to crush them." If you manage to reach Candice and defeat her, you will receive the Icicle Badge, which allows you to use Rock Climb outside of battle. You also get TM72.

Now leave Snowpoint City to the Acuity Lakefront. The entrance to the lake is no longer blocked.

There you see your friend and Commander Jupiter. Apparently he had failed to stop their plans and Jupiter says to return to Veilstone City. Talk to your friend and he will leave.

Fly to Veilstone City.

You can find the Galactic Building northeast of here, led by stairs. Talk to the Galactic grunt outside. He will leave, but drop a Storage Key. Now get to the Galactic Warehouse.

Find the double doors and use the Storage Key on it. Pick up the Dusk Stone and go down the stairs. This is Team Galactic’s HQ. The first part of it is relatively straightforward.

The next part of it is much more complicated. All around the floor lie warp tiles that connect rooms in a strange way. -- You should find the Galactic Key and pick it up. Once you do, leave the Warehouse.

Now get to the Galactic Building from the left or middle door. Find the door and use the Galactic Key on it. Then take the stairs. In the room labeled "TV Room", use the warp tile. There you can find some beds to rest in. -- him, he will give you the Master Ball and will head to Mt. Coronet. Take the warp panel to the northeast. -- a room with the three legendary Pokémon -- Commander Saturn -- push the button on the machine. Leave the Galactic Building now.

Fly to Hearthome City and leave the city from the west.

..Teach Rock Climb to a Pokémon and use it to scale the wall. Then take the stairs. [Navigate the mountain. At the end is a summit, called Space Pillar, two Galactic grunts, then the Galactic Boss will battle. After the battle...]

Fly to either Veilstone City or Pastoria City and reach the Valor Lakefront.

Since you can now use Rock Climb, try exploring areas where rocky walls are, especially the house surrounded on all sides by walls. If you go there, a young man will add the "Coin Toss" app to your Pokétch. If you start with the rocky wall next to the house by the pool, you will eventually find TM85 (Dream Eater).

The path to the east from the lakefront is not blocked anymore. This path leads to Route 222. In Route 202, the beach and the grass are separated by a long ledge. The southern part has fishermen on the beach, and a man on the northern part will give you TM56 (Fling). To continue, walk through the northern part and at the end is Sunyshore City.

As soon as you leave the gate, you are met by a man named Flint. He reveals that the city’s Gym Leader is bored because of so few worthy challengers. The first thing you may notice when entering the city is the elevated pathway of orange and black. That pathway starts at the northeast.

At one end of the elevated pathway is a lookout spot for "Pokémon Rock"; a Thunderstone; and a house accessible only through a rocky wall. If you show the man who lives there a Pokémon with the appropriate nature, he will add a new app to your Poketch.

At the southeast end is the Vista Lighthouse. If you get to the top of it, talk to the man with yellow hair. He turns out to be the city’s Gym Leader and will leave the lighthouse.

The Gym can be found at the northeast end. Flint can be found at its door. Talk to him, and he will leave. You may now visit it.

The Gym Leader uses Electric-type Pokémon, and his name is Volkner. This Gym is also a puzzle consisting of gears that turn when you press the buttons on them. Upon defeating Volkner, you will receive the Beacon Badge as well as TM55. Now that you have eight Badges, all Pokémon at any level will obey you.

A small area of sand can be found north of Sunyshore City. Talk to the woman there. Her name is Jasmine, from the Johto region. Since you received this city’s Gym Badge, she will give you HM07 (Waterfall). Teach Waterfall to a Pokémon now.

Use Surf to move on the water and head north. This is Route 223, which leads to the Pokémon League.


--trained to at least Level 50--

After the battle, you will be returned to your house in Twinleaf Town. As you leave your room, your Mom tells you that your friend is waiting in Snowpoint City.

Fly to Snowpoint City and talk to the man at the ship docks. You are transported to a place called the Battle Zone. There you see your friend, as well as a red-haired zone. He reveals that a volcano can be found east of here, where a treasure can be found. Your friend rushes toward it. ...