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Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Hidden Items

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreenPokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Hidden Items
  • Route 17 (Rare Candy): On the lane immediately to the right of the wooden sign saying, "Press the B button to stay in place."
  • Route 17 (Full Restore): Two spaces to the left of the wooden sign saying, "Watch out for discarded items."
  • Route 17 (PP Up): On the lane immediately to the left of the wooden sign saying, "All Pokémon are unique."
  • Route 17 (Max Revive): On the lane immediately to the left of the wooden sign saying, "Don’t throw the game."
  • Route 17 (Max Elixir): Three spaces to the right of the sign saying, "Slope ends here".
  • Fuchsia City (Max Revive): After reaching the back door of the Fishing Guru’s house, walk two spaces up and five spaces left.
  • Underground Path (Route 5) (Antidote): At the top staircase, walk three spaces down, face right, and press A.
  • Underground Path (Route 5) (Parlyz Heal): At the top staircase, walk one space left and eleven spaces down, and press A.
  • Underground Path (Route 5) (Awakening): At the top staircase, walk three spaces left and 20 spaces down, and press A.
  • Underground Path (Route 5) (Potion): At the bottom staircase, walk two spaces right and 29 spaces up, and press A.
  • Underground Path (Route 5) (Ice Heal): At the bottom staircase, walk three spaces right and six spaces up, and press A.
  • Underground Path (Route 5) (Burn Heal): At the bottom staircase, walk three spaces up, face left, and press A.
  • Underground Path (Route 7) (Ether): Stand on the red band at the third light from the right. Walk two spaces left and face up.
  • Route 8: Cut down one of the small trees on this route. Inspect the areas of short grass that seem greener than the rest. You can find Leppa Berry, Lum Berry this w, and Rawst Berryay.
  • Viridian Forest (Antidote): Inspect the left side of the tree in front of the entrance from Route 2.
  • Viridian Forest (Potion): At the left side, in front of the trainer at the end of the forest.
  • Pewter City (Pokeball): At the northwest corner of Pewter City, walk two steps right and face down.
  • Route 3 (Oran Berry): At the area closed off by two ledges, inspect the greener area of the grass (near the trainer who "always wears shorts").
  • Route 3 (near Mt. Moon) (Persim Berry): Near the three rocks, inspect the greener area of the grass.
  • Celadon City (PP Up): Cut down the tree on the east side, then walk three spaces right and two spaces up, then face right.
  • Treasure Beach (Ultra Ball): Southeast corner of Treasure Beach.
  • Cape Brink (Rare Candy): Northeast corner, behind the house.
  • Three Island Path (Nugget): Below the staircase, face right.
  • Bond Bridge (PP Up): Cut down the tree near the beginning of the path, and walk to the end of the path created by doing so.
  • Bond Bridge (Max Repel): Inspect the rock at the northern part of the path.
  • Bond Bridge (Pearl): Southwest corner of the beach east of the bridge.
  • Bond Bridge (Stardust): Northeast corner of the beach west of the bridge.