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Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Islands Walkthrough (part 1)

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreenPokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Islands Walkthrough (part 1)

After you defeat Blaine in his gym, leave it. You will encounter Bill. He asks you to take a ferry to One Island. When you agree, he brings the ferry and you set sail.

Once in the island, he takes you to his friend, Celio, who is in charge of the PC system. Inside a building you see Celio working on a huge machine. The island is so remote that the PCs here can’t be used now. Soon, Bill asks you to go to Two Island, which is near One Island, where you can find a man who loves collecting rare rocks and gems. Bill entrusts you with a Meteorite to deliver to him. Before you go, Celio gives you a Tri-Pass, which you can present to the ferry that serves One, Three Islands, and Two. He also gives you an extra portion of the Town Map that covers the islands.

Leave the island by surfing east, then north. Keep going north, battling the trainers along the way. You may notice that several areas are blocked off by rocks. Eventually you will reach a cave; enter it.

This is the Ember Spa, named after the volcano where it’s found, Mt. Ember. It has hot springs which will heal you and your Pokémon. Talk to the man at the northwest end to get HM06 (Rock Smash), which allows you to break the rocks you may have seen in the way. Now, leave the spa, make your way to the sand, and surf north. You will soon reach the foot of Mt. Ember. ----

Fly back to One Island, and go south to take the ferry to Two Island.

In Two Island, the current is too fast to fish or surf on. The mart has only recently set up shop.

On this island you can find a man known as the Pokémon Move Maniac. Bring him two TinyMushrooms or one Big Mushroom, and he will teach one of your Pokémon a move that the Pokémon can learn as it grows. You can sometimes find a TinyMushroom in wild Paras in Mt. Moon. Check for them using the Thief attack.

Go east to find the Game Corner. You notice a man who is looking for someone named Lostelle. He asks you to go to Three Island to find her. The games are not yet available.

Take the ferry to Three Island. You see two bikers, one of whom is circling around a woman. This island appears to be overrun by bikers. Keep going north. You will be challenged; agree, and you will engage in four battles in succession with the bikers.

After you defeat them, they will leave. Talk to the two people that remain. One will give you a Full Restore; the other will tell you that Lostelle went off to Bond Bridge. Heal at the Pokémon Center. Thankfully, the PCs are now working. Go north and west to reach Bond Bridge. Simply follow the path. You will eventually reach Berry Forest.

You will find that Berry Forest is a natural maze. At the end you will meet Lostelle, who seems to be terrified of the Pokémon that she is seeing. You engage in a battle with a Pokémon called Hypno. After defeating it, Lostelle tells you that she is berry picking and gives you an Iapapa Berry.

You are now in Two Island’s Game Corner, where Lostelle is reunited with her father. Talk to Lostelle’s father, and you hand him the Meteorite. In return, you receive a Moon Stone. The Game Corner’s games will be set up shortly. Fly back to One Island. Go into the Pokémon Center and talk to Bill, who takes you back to Cinnabar Island. You can always return to One Island via Vermilion Port.