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Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Item List

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreenPokémon FireRed and LeafGreen - Item List
image000: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image001: MASTER BALL (Purchase price: $0)
The best BALL with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild POKéMON without fail.
image002: ULTRA BALL (Purchase price: $1200)
A very high-grade BALL that offers a higher POKéMON catch rate than a GREAT BALL.
image003: GREAT BALL (Purchase price: $600)
A good, quality BALL that offers a higher POKéMON catch rate than a standard POK BALL.
image004: POK BALL (Purchase price: $200)
A BALL thrown to catch a wild POKéMON. It is designed in a capsule style.
image005: SAFARI BALL (Purchase price: $0)
A special BALL that is used only in the SAFARI ZONE. It is finished in a camouflage pattern.
image006: NET BALL (Purchase price: $1000)
A somewhat different BALL that works especially well on WATER- and BUG-type POKéMON.
image007: DIVE BALL (Purchase price: $1000)
A somewhat different BALL that works especially well on POKéMON deep in the sea.
image008: NEST BALL (Purchase price: $1000)
A somewhat different BALL that works especially well on weaker POKéMON.
image009: REPEAT BALL (Purchase price: $1000)
A somewhat different BALL that works especially well on POKéMON caught before.
image010: TIMER BALL (Purchase price: $1000)
A somewhat different BALL that becomes progressively better the more turns there are in a battle.
image011: LUXURY BALL (Purchase price: $1000)
A comfortable BALL that makes a captured wild POKéMON quickly grow friendly.
image012: PREMIER BALL (Purchase price: $200)
A rare BALL that has been specially made to commemorate an event of some sort.
image013: POTION (Purchase price: $300)
A spray-type wound medicine. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 20 points.
image014: ANTIDOTE (Purchase price: $100)
A spray-type medicine. It heals one POKéMON from a poisoning.
image015: BURN HEAL (Purchase price: $250)
A spray-type medicine. It heals one POKéMON of a burn.
image016: ICE HEAL (Purchase price: $250)
A spray-type medicine. It defrosts a frozen POKéMON.
image017: AWAKENING (Purchase price: $250)
A spray-type medicine. It awakens a sleeping POKéMON.
image018: PARLYZ HEAL (Purchase price: $200)
A spray-type medicine. It heals one POKéMON from paralysis.
image019: FULL RESTORE (Purchase price: $3000)
A medicine that fully restores the HP and heals any status problems of one POKéMON.
image020: MAX POTION (Purchase price: $2500)
A spray-type wound medicine. It fully restores the HP of one POKéMON.
image021: HYPER POTION (Purchase price: $1200)
A spray-type wound medicine. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 200 points.
image022: SUPER POTION (Purchase price: $700)
A spray-type wound medicine. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 50 points.
image023: FULL HEAL (Purchase price: $600)
A spray-type medicine. It heals all the status problems of one POKéMON.
image024: REVIVE (Purchase price: $1500)
A medicine that revives a fainted POKéMON, restoring HP by half the maximum amount.
image025: MAX REVIVE (Purchase price: $4000)
A medicine that revives a fainted POKéMON, restoring HP fully.
image026: FRESH WATER (Purchase price: $200)
Water with a high mineral content. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 50 points.
image027: SODA POP (Purchase price: $300)
A fizzy soda drink. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 60 points.
image028: LEMONADE (Purchase price: $350)
A very sweet drink. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 80 points.
image029: MOOMOO MILK (Purchase price: $500)
Highly nutritious milk. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 100 points.
image030: ENERGYPOWDER (Purchase price: $500)
A very bitter medicine powder. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 50 points.
image031: ENERGY ROOT (Purchase price: $800)
A very bitter root. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 200 points.
image032: HEAL POWDER (Purchase price: $450)
A very bitter medicine powder. It heals all the status problems of one POKéMON.
image033: REVIVAL HERB (Purchase price: $2800)
A very bitter medicinal herb. It revives a fainted POKéMON, restoring HP fully.
image034: ETHER (Purchase price: $1200)
Restores a selected move’s PP by 10 points for one POKéMON.
image035: MAX ETHER (Purchase price: $2000)
Fully restores a selected move’s PP for one POKéMON.
image036: ELIXIR (Purchase price: $3000)
Restores the PP of all moves for one POKéMON by 10 points each.
image037: MAX ELIXIR (Purchase price: $4500)
Fully restores the PP of all moves for one POKéMON.
image038: LAVA COOKIE (Purchase price: $200)
LAVARIDGE TOWN’s local specialty. It heals all the status problems of one POKéMON.
image039: BLUE FLUTE (Purchase price: $100)
A blue glass flute that awakens a sleeping POKéMON.
image040: YELLOW FLUTE (Purchase price: $200)
A yellow glass flute that snaps one POKéMON out of confusion.
image041: RED FLUTE (Purchase price: $300)
A red glass flute that snaps one POKéMON out of infatuation.
image042: BLACK FLUTE (Purchase price: $400)
A black glass flute. When blown, it makes wild POKéMON less likely to appear.
image043: WHITE FLUTE (Purchase price: $500)
A white glass flute. When blown, it makes wild POKéMON more likely to appear.
image044: BERRY JUICE (Purchase price: $100)
A 100% pure juice. It restores the HP of one POKéMON by 20 points.
image045: SACRED ASH (Purchase price: $200)
Revives all fainted POKéMON, restoring HP fully.
image046: SHOAL SALT (Purchase price: $20)
Pure salt obtained from deep inside the SHOAL CAVE. It is extremely salty.
image047: SHOAL SHELL (Purchase price: $20)
A pretty seashell found deep inside the SHOAL CAVE. It is striped in blue and white.
image048: RED SHARD (Purchase price: $200)
A small red shard. It appears to be from some sort of a tool made long ago.
image049: BLUE SHARD (Purchase price: $200)
A small blue shard. It appears to be from some sort of a tool made long ago.
image050: YELLOW SHARD (Purchase price: $200)
A small yellow shard. It appears to be from some sort of a tool made long ago.
image051: GREEN SHARD (Purchase price: $200)
A small green shard. It appears to be from some sort of a tool made long ago.
image052: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image053: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image054: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image055: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image056: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image057: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image058: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image059: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image060: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image061: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image062: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image063: HP UP (Purchase price: $9800) image064: PROTEIN (Purchase price: $9800) image065: IRON (Purchase price: $9800) image066: CARBOS (Purchase price: $9800) image067: CALCIUM (Purchase price: $9800) image068: RARE CANDY (Purchase price: $4800)
A candy that is packed with energy. It raises the level of a POKéMON by one.
image069: PP UP (Purchase price: $9800)
Slightly raises the maximum PP of a selected move for one POKéMON.
image070: ZINC (Purchase price: $9800)
A nutritious drink for POKéMON. It raises the base SP. DEF stat of one POKéMON.
image071: PP MAX (Purchase price: $9800)
Raises the PP of a selected move to its maximum level for one POKéMON.
image072: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image073: GUARD SPEC. (Purchase price: $700)
An item that prevents stat reduction among party POKéMON for five turns after use.
image074: DIRE HIT (Purchase price: $650)
Raises the critical-hit ratio of POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON is withdrawn.
image075: X ATTACK (Purchase price: $500)
Raises the ATTACK stat of POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON is withdrawn.
image076: X DEFEND (Purchase price: $550)
Raises the DEFENSE stat of POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON is withdrawn.
image077: X SPEED (Purchase price: $350)
Raises the SPEED stat of POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON is withdrawn.
image078: X ACCURACY (Purchase price: $950)
Raises the accuracy stat of POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON is withdrawn.
image079: X SPECIAL (Purchase price: $350)
Raises the SP. ATK stat of POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON is withdrawn.
image080: POK DOLL (Purchase price: $1000)
An attractive doll. Use it to run from any battle with a wild POKéMON.
image081: FLUFFY TAIL (Purchase price: $1000)
An attractive item. Use it to run from any battle with a wild POKéMON.
image082: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image083: SUPER REPEL (Purchase price: $500)
Prevents weak wild POKéMON from appearing for 200 steps.
image084: MAX REPEL (Purchase price: $700)
Prevents weak wild POKéMON from appearing for 250 steps.
image085: ESCAPE ROPE (Purchase price: $550)
A long, durable rope. Use it to escape instantly from a cave or a dungeon.
image086: REPEL (Purchase price: $350)
Prevents weak wild POKéMON from appearing for 100 steps.
image087: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image088: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image089: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image090: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image091: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image092: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image093: SUN STONE (Purchase price: $2100)
A peculiar stone that makes certain species of POKéMON evolve. It is as red as the sun.
image094: MOON STONE (Purchase price: $0)
A peculiar stone that makes certain species of POKéMON evolve. It is as black as the night sky.
image095: FIRE STONE (Purchase price: $2100)
A peculiar stone that makes certain species of POKéMON evolve. It is colored orange.
image096: THUNDERSTONE (Purchase price: $2100)
A peculiar stone that makes certain species of POKéMON evolve. It has a thunderbolt pattern.
image097: WATER STONE (Purchase price: $2100)
A peculiar stone that makes certain species of POKéMON evolve. It is a clear light blue.
image098: LEAF STONE (Purchase price: $2100)
A peculiar stone that makes certain species of POKéMON evolve. It has a leaf pattern.
image099: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image100: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image101: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image102: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image103: TINYMUSHROOM (Purchase price: $500)
A small and rare mushroom. It is quite popular among certain people.
image104: BIG MUSHROOM (Purchase price: $5000)
A large and rare mushroom. It is very popular among certain people.
image105: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image106: PEARL (Purchase price: $1400)
A relatively small pearl that sparkles in a pretty silver color. It can be sold cheaply.
image107: BIG PEARL (Purchase price: $7500)
A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a pretty silver color. It can be sold at a high price.
image108: STARDUST (Purchase price: $2000)
A pretty red sand with a loose, silky feel. It can be sold at a high price.
image109: STAR PIECE (Purchase price: $9800)
A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles in a red color. It can be sold at a high price.
image110: NUGGET (Purchase price: $10000)
A nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a high price.
image111: HEART SCALE (Purchase price: $100)
A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is extremely rare. It glows faintly in the colors of a rainbow.
image112: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image113: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image114: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image115: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image116: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image117: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image118: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image119: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image120: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image121: ORANGE MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute ZIGZAGOON print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image122: HARBOR MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute WINGULL print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image123: GLITTER MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute PIKACHU print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image124: MECH MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute MAGNEMITE print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image125: WOOD MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute SLAKOTH print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image126: WAVE MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute WAILMER print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image127: BEAD MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL to be held by a POKéMON. It will bear the print of the POKéMON holding it.
image128: SHADOW MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute DUSKULL print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image129: TROPIC MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a cute BELLOSSOM print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image130: DREAM MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL to be held by a POKéMON. It will bear the print of the POKéMON holding it.
image131: FAB MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a gorgeous, extravagant print. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image132: RETRO MAIL (Purchase price: $50)
A piece of MAIL featuring a print of three cute POKéMON. It is to be held by a POKéMON.
image133: CHERI BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to heal paralysis.
image134: CHESTO BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to wake up.
image135: PECHA BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to cure poison.
image136: RAWST BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to heal a burn.
image137: ASPEAR BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle for defrosting.
image138: LEPPA BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to restore 10 PP.
image139: ORAN BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to restore 10 HP.
image140: PERSIM BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to lift confusion.
image141: LUM BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to heal any problem.
image142: SITRUS BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to restore 30 HP.
image143: FIGY BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may cause confusion when used.
image144: WIKI BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may cause confusion when used.
image145: MAGO BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may cause confusion when used.
image146: AGUAV BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may cause confusion when used.
image147: IAPAPA BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may cause confusion when used.
image148: RAZZ BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image149: BLUK BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image150: NANAB BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image151: WEPEAR BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image152: PINAP BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image153: POMEG BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image154: KELPSY BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image155: QUALOT BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image156: HONDEW BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image157: GREPA BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image158: TAMATO BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image159: CORNN BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image160: MAGOST BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image161: RABUTA BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image162: NOMEL BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image163: SPELON BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image164: PAMTRE BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image165: WATMEL BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image166: DURIN BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image167: BELUE BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image168: LIECHI BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it raises the ATTACK stat in a pinch.
image169: GANLON BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it raises the DEFENSE stat in a pinch.
image170: SALAC BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it raises the SPEED stat in a pinch.
image171: PETAYA BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it raises the SP. ATK stat in a pinch.
image172: APICOT BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it raises the SP. DEF stat in a pinch.
image173: LANSAT BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it raises the critical-hit ratio in a pinch.
image174: STARF BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
When held by a POKéMON, it sharply raises one stat in a pinch.
image175: ENIGMA BERRY (Purchase price: $20)
Can be ground up into a powder as an ingredient for medicine.
image176: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image177: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image178: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image179: BRIGHTPOWDER (Purchase price: $10)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It casts a tricky glare that lowers the target’s accuracy.
image180: WHITE HERB (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It restores any lowered stat in battle. It can be used only once.
image181: MACHO BRACE (Purchase price: $3000)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It promotes strong growth but lowers SPEED while it is held.
image182: EXP. SHARE (Purchase price: $3000)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. The holder gets a share of EXP. points without having to battle.
image183: QUICK CLAW (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A light and sharp claw. The holder may be able to strike first.
image184: SOOTHE BELL (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A bell with a comforting chime that makes the holder calm and friendly.
image185: MENTAL HERB (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It snaps the holder out of infatuation. It can be used once.
image186: CHOICE BAND (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It powers up one move, which becomes the only usable one.
image187: KING'S ROCK (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It may cause the foe to flinch upon taking damage.
image188: SILVERPOWDER (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A shiny silver powder that boosts the power of BUG-type moves.
image189: AMULET COIN (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It doubles the battle money if the holding POKéMON takes part.
image190: CLEANSE TAG (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It repels wild POKéMON if the holder is first in the party.
image191: SOUL DEW (Purchase price: $200)
An orb to be held by a LATIOS or LATIAS. It raises the SP. ATK and SP. DEF stats.
image192: DEEPSEATOOTH (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A fang that gleams a sharp silver. It raises the SP. ATK stat.
image193: DEEPSEASCALE (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A scale that shines a faint pink. It raises the SP. DEF stat.
image194: SMOKE BALL (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. The holding POKéMON can run from any wild POKéMON for sure.
image195: EVERSTONE (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. The holding POKéMON is prevented from evolving.
image196: FOCUS BAND (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. The holding POKéMON may endure an attack, leaving just 1 HP.
image197: LUCKY EGG (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. An Egg filled with friendship that earns extra EXP. points in battle.
image198: SCOPE LENS (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A lens that boosts the critical-hit ratio of the holding POKéMON.
image199: METAL COAT (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A special metallic film that boosts the power of STEEL-type moves.
image200: LEFTOVERS (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. The holding POKéMON gradually regains HP during battle.
image201: DRAGON SCALE (Purchase price: $2100)
A thick and tough scale. A DRAGON-type POKéMON may be holding it.
image202: LIGHT BALL (Purchase price: $100)
An orb to be held by a PIKACHU that raises the SP. ATK stat. Touching it may cause a shock.
image203: SOFT SAND (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A loose, silky sand that boosts the power of GROUND-type moves.
image204: HARD STONE (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. An unbreakable stone that boosts the power of ROCK-type moves.
image205: MIRACLE SEED (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A seed imbued with life that boosts the power of GRASS-type moves.
image206: BLACKGLASSES (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A shady-looking pair of glasses that boosts DARK-type moves.
image207: BLACK BELT (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A belt that boosts determination and FIGHTING-type moves.
image208: MAGNET (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A powerful magnet that boosts the power of ELECTRIC-type moves.
image209: MYSTIC WATER (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A teardrop-shaped gem that boosts the power of WATER-type moves.
image210: SHARP BEAK (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A long, sharp beak that boosts the power of FLYING-type moves.
image211: POISON BARB (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A small, poisonous barb that boosts the power of POISON-type moves.
image212: NEVERMELTICE (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A piece of ice that repels heat and boosts ICE-type moves.
image213: SPELL TAG (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A sinister, eerie tag that boosts GHOST-type moves.
image214: TWISTEDSPOON (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A spoon imbued with telekinetic power boosts PSYCHIC-type moves.
image215: CHARCOAL (Purchase price: $9800)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A combustible fuel that boosts the power of FIRE-type moves.
image216: DRAGON FANG (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A hard and sharp fang that boosts the power of DRAGON-type moves.
image217: SILK SCARF (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. A sumptuous scarf that boosts the power of NORMAL-type moves.
image218: UP-GRADE (Purchase price: $2100)
A transparent device filled with all sorts of data. It is made by SILPH CO.
image219: SHELL BELL (Purchase price: $200)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. The holding POKéMON regains some HP upon striking the foe.
image220: SEA INCENSE (Purchase price: $9600)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It slightly boosts the power of WATER-type moves.
image221: LAX INCENSE (Purchase price: $9600)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. Its tricky aroma slightly reduces the foe’s accuracy.
image222: LUCKY PUNCH (Purchase price: $10)
A glove to be held by a CHANSEY. It raises CHANSEY’s critical-hit ratio.
image223: METAL POWDER (Purchase price: $10)
A fine, hard powder to be held by a DITTO. It raises DITTO’s DEFENSE stat.
image224: THICK CLUB (Purchase price: $500)
A hard bone of some sort to be held by a CUBONE or MAROWAK. It raises the ATTACK stat.
image225: STICK (Purchase price: $200)
A stick of leek to be held by a FARFETCH'D. It raises FARFETCH'D’s critical-hit ratio.
image226: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
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image250: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image251: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image252: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image253: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image254: RED SCARF (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It boosts the holding POKéMON’s COOL condition in CONTESTS.
image255: BLUE SCARF (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It boosts the holding POKéMON’s BEAUTY condition in CONTESTS.
image256: PINK SCARF (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It boosts the holding POKéMON’s CUTE condition in CONTESTS.
image257: GREEN SCARF (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It boosts the holding POKéMON’s SMART condition in CONTESTS.
image258: YELLOW SCARF (Purchase price: $100)
An item to be held by a POKéMON. It boosts the holding POKéMON’s TOUGH condition in CONTESTS.
image259: MACH BIKE (Purchase price: $0)
A folding bicycle that is at least twice as fast as walking.
image260: COIN CASE (Purchase price: $0)
A case for holding COINS obtained at the GAME CORNER. It holds up to 9,999 COINS.
image261: ITEMFINDER (Purchase price: $0)
A device used for finding items. If there is a hidden item nearby when it’s used, it emits a signal.
image262: OLD ROD (Purchase price: $0)
An old and beat-up fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild POKéMON.
image263: GOOD ROD (Purchase price: $0)
A new, good-quality fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild POKéMON.
image264: SUPER ROD (Purchase price: $0)
An awesome, high-tech fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild POKéMON.
image265: S.S. TICKET (Purchase price: $0)
The ticket required for sailing on the ferry S.S. ANNE. It has a drawing of a ship on it.
image266: CONTEST PASS (Purchase price: $0)
The pass required for entering POKéMON CONTESTS. It has a drawing of an award ribbon on it.
image267: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image268: WAILMER PAIL (Purchase price: $0)
A nifty watering pail. Use it to promote strong growth in BERRIES planted in soft soil.
image269: DEVON GOODS (Purchase price: $0)
A package that contains mechanical parts of some sort made by the DEVON CORPORATION.
image270: SOOT SACK (Purchase price: $0)
A sack used to collect volcanic ash automatically during walks over deep ash.
image271: BASEMENT KEY (Purchase price: $0)
The key to NEW MAUVILLE, which was constructed beneath MAUVILLE CITY.
image272: ACRO BIKE (Purchase price: $0)
A folding bicycle that is capable of stunts like jumps and wheelies.
image273: POKBLOCK CASE (Purchase price: $0)
A case for holding POKBLOCKS made with a BERRY BLENDER. It releases one POKBLOCK when shaken.
image274: LETTER (Purchase price: $0)
An extremely important letter to STEVEN from the PRESIDENT of the DEVON CORPORATION.
image275: EON TICKET (Purchase price: $0)
The ticket required for sailing on a ferry to a distant southern island. It features a drawing of an island.
image276: RED ORB (Purchase price: $0)
An orb that glows red. It is said to contain an incredible power from ancient times.
image277: BLUE ORB (Purchase price: $0)
An orb that glows blue. It is said to contain an incredible power from ancient times.
image278: SCANNER (Purchase price: $0)
A device used to search for life-forms in water. It looks too difficult to use.
image279: GO-GOGGLES (Purchase price: $0)
A pair of protective goggles. They enable a TRAINER to travel through even desert sandstorms.
image280: METEORITE (Purchase price: $0)
A meteorite that fell from space onto MT. MOON long ago. It is very lumpy and hard.
image281: RM. 1 KEY (Purchase price: $0)
A key that opens the door to Room 1 inside the ABANDONED SHIP. It is old and looks easily broken.
image282: RM. 2 KEY (Purchase price: $0)
A key that opens the door to Room 2 inside the ABANDONED SHIP. It is old and looks easily broken.
image283: RM. 4 KEY (Purchase price: $0)
A key that opens the door to Room 4 inside the ABANDONED SHIP. It is old and looks easily broken.
image284: RM. 6 KEY (Purchase price: $0)
A key that opens the door to Room 6 inside the ABANDONED SHIP. It is old and looks easily broken.
image285: STORAGE KEY (Purchase price: $0)
A key that opens the storage hold inside the ABANDONED SHIP. It is old and looks easily broken.
image286: ROOT FOSSIL (Purchase price: $0)
A fossil of an ancient, seafloor- dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be part of a plant root.
image287: CLAW FOSSIL (Purchase price: $0)
A fossil of an ancient, seafloor- dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be part of a claw.
image288: DEVON SCOPE (Purchase price: $0)
A scope that signals the presence of any unseeable POKéMON. It is made by the DEVON CORP.
image289: TM01 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack that is executed last. The user flinches if hit beforehand.
image290: TM02 (Purchase price: $3000)
Sharp, huge claws hook and slash the foe quickly and with great power.
image291: TM03 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack with a pulsing blast of water. It may also confuse the foe.
image292: TM04 (Purchase price: $3000)
The user focuses its mind to raise the SP. ATK and SP. DEF stats.
image293: TM05 (Purchase price: $1000)
The foe is made to switch out with an ally. In the wild, the battle ends.
image294: TM06 (Purchase price: $3000)
A move that badly poisons the foe. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
image295: TM07 (Purchase price: $3000)
A hailstorm lasting five turns damages all POKéMON except the ICE-type.
image296: TM08 (Purchase price: $3000)
The user bulks up its body to boost both its ATTACK and DEFENSE stats.
image297: TM09 (Purchase price: $3000)
The user shoots seeds at the foe. Two to five seeds are shot at once.
image298: TM10 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack that varies in type and intensity depending on the user.
image299: TM11 (Purchase price: $2000)
The sun blazes for five turns, powering up FIRE-type moves.
image300: TM12 (Purchase price: $3000)
The foe is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves.
image301: TM13 (Purchase price: $3000)
The foe is struck with an icy beam. It may freeze the foe solid.
image302: TM14 (Purchase price: $5500)
The foe is blasted with a blizzard. It may freeze the foe solid.
image303: TM15 (Purchase price: $7500)
A severely damaging attack that makes the user rest on the next turn.
image304: TM16 (Purchase price: $3000)
A wall of light cuts damage from SP. ATK attacks for five turns.
image305: TM17 (Purchase price: $3000)
Enables the user to evade all attacks. It may fail if used in succession.
image306: TM18 (Purchase price: $2000)
A heavy rain falls for five turns, powering up WATER- type moves.
image307: TM19 (Purchase price: $3000)
A harsh attack that absorbs half the damage it inflicted to restore HP.
image308: TM20 (Purchase price: $3000)
It protects the user’s party from all status problems for five turns.
image309: TM21 (Purchase price: $1000)
This attack move grows more powerful the less the user likes its TRAINER.
image310: TM22 (Purchase price: $3000)
A 2-turn move that blasts the foe with absorbed energy in the 2nd turn.
image311: TM23 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack with a steel-hard tail. It may lower the foe’s DEFENSE stat.
image312: TM24 (Purchase price: $3000)
A strong electrical attack that may also leave the foe paralyzed.
image313: TM25 (Purchase price: $5500)
A brutal lightning attack that may also leave the foe paralyzed.
image314: TM26 (Purchase price: $3000)
An earthquake that strikes all POKéMON in battle excluding the user.
image315: TM27 (Purchase price: $1000)
This attack move grows more powerful the more the user likes its TRAINER.
image316: TM28 (Purchase price: $2000)
An attack that hits on the 2nd turn. Can also be used to exit dungeons.
image317: TM29 (Purchase price: $2000)
A strong telekinetic attack. It may also lower the foe’s SP. DEF stat.
image318: TM30 (Purchase price: $3000)
A shadowy blob is hurled at the foe. May also lower the foe’s SP. DEF.
image319: TM31 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack that also breaks any barrier like LIGHT SCREEN and REFLECT.
image320: TM32 (Purchase price: $2000)
The user creates illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
image321: TM33 (Purchase price: $3000)
A wall of light cuts damage from physical attacks for five turns.
image322: TM34 (Purchase price: $3000)
A rapid jolt of electricity strikes the foe. It can’t be evaded.
image323: TM35 (Purchase price: $3000)
The foe is scorched with intense flames. The foe may suffer a burn.
image324: TM36 (Purchase price: $1000)
Filthy sludge is hurled at the foe. It may poison the target.
image325: TM37 (Purchase price: $2000)
A 5-turn sandstorm that damages all types except GROUND, ROCK, and STEEL.
image326: TM38 (Purchase price: $5500)
The foe is hit with an intense flame. It may leave the target with a burn.
image327: TM39 (Purchase price: $3000)
Boulders are hurled at the foe. It also lowers the foe’s SPEED if it hits.
image328: TM40 (Purchase price: $3000)
An extremely fast attack against one target. It can’t be evaded.
image329: TM41 (Purchase price: $3000)
It enrages the foe, making it incapable of using the same move successively.
image330: TM42 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack that is boosted if user is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed.
image331: TM43 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack that may have an additional effect that varies with the terrain.
image332: TM44 (Purchase price: $3000)
The user sleeps for two turns to fully restore HP and heal any status problem.
image333: TM45 (Purchase price: $3000)
If it is the other gender, the foe is made infatuated and unlikely to attack.
image334: TM46 (Purchase price: $3000)
An attack that may take the foe’s held item if the user isn’t holding one.
image335: TM47 (Purchase price: $3000)
The foe is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the user’s DEFENSE.
image336: TM48 (Purchase price: $3000)
The user employs its psychic power to swap abilities with the foe.
image337: TM49 (Purchase price: $3000)
Steals the effects of the foe’s healing or status- changing move.
image338: TM50 (Purchase price: $3000)
An intense attack that also sharply reduces the user’s SP. ATK stat.
image339: HM01 (Purchase price: $0)
A basic attack. It can be used to cut down thin trees and grass.
image340: HM02 (Purchase price: $0)
A 2-turn move that hits on the 2nd turn. Use it to fly to any known town.
image341: HM03 (Purchase price: $0)
A big wave crashes down on the foe. Can also be used for crossing water.
image342: HM04 (Purchase price: $0)
The foe is slugged at maximum power. Can also be used to move boulders.
image343: HM05 (Purchase price: $0)
A blast of light that cuts the foe’s accuracy. It also illuminates caves.
image344: HM06 (Purchase price: $0)
An attack that may also cut DEFENSE. It can also smash cracked boulders.
image345: HM07 (Purchase price: $0)
A powerful charge attack. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.
image346: HM08 (Purchase price: $0)
The user dives underwater on the first turn and strikes next turn.
image347: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image348: ???????? (Purchase price: $0)
image349: OAK'S PARCEL (Purchase price: $0)
A parcel to be delivered to PROF. OAK from VIRIDIAN CITY’s POKéMON MART.
image350: POK FLUTE (Purchase price: $0)
A flute that is said to instantly awaken any POKéMON. It has a lovely tone.
image351: SECRET KEY (Purchase price: $0)
The key to CINNABAR ISLAND GYM’s front door. It is colored red and decorated.
image352: BIKE VOUCHER (Purchase price: $0)
Take this voucher to the BIKE SHOP in CERULEAN CITY and exchange it for a bicycle.
image353: GOLD TEETH (Purchase price: $0)
A set of false teeth lost by the SAFARI ZONE'S WARDEN. It makes his smile sparkle.
image354: OLD AMBER (Purchase price: $0)
A piece of amber that contains the genes of an ancient POKéMON. It is clear with a reddish tint.
image355: CARD KEY (Purchase price: $0)
A card-type key that unlocks doors in SILPH CO.’s HEAD OFFICE in SAFFRON CITY.
image356: LIFT KEY (Purchase price: $0)
A key that operates the elevator in TEAM ROCKET’s HIDEOUT. It bears the TEAM ROCKET logo.
image357: HELIX FOSSIL (Purchase price: $0)
A fossil of an ancient, seafloor- dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be part of a seashell.
image358: DOME FOSSIL (Purchase price: $0)
A fossil of an ancient, seafloor- dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be part of a shell.
image359: SILPH SCOPE (Purchase price: $0)
A scope that makes unseeable POKéMON visible. It is made by SILPH CO.
image360: BICYCLE (Purchase price: $0)
A folding bicycle that allows faster movement than the RUNNING SHOES.
image361: TOWN MAP (Purchase price: $0)
A very convenient map that can be viewed anytime. It even shows your present location.
image362: VS SEEKER (Purchase price: $0)
A device that indicates TRAINERS who want to battle. The battery charges while traveling.
image363: FAME CHECKER (Purchase price: $0)
A device that enables you to recall what you’ve heard and seen about famous people.
image364: TM CASE (Purchase price: $0)
A case that holds TMs and HMs. It is attached to the BAG’s compartment for important items.
image365: BERRY POUCH (Purchase price: $0)
A pouch for carrying BERRIES. It is attached to the BAG’s compartment for important items.
image366: TEACHY TV (Purchase price: $0)
A television set that is tuned to a program with useful tips for novice TRAINERS.
image367: TRI-PASS (Purchase price: $0)
A pass for ferries between ONE, THREE ISLAND, and TWO. It has a drawing of three islands.
image368: RAINBOW PASS (Purchase price: $0)
A pass for ferries between VERMILION and the SEVII ISLANDS. It features a drawing of a rainbow.
image369: TEA (Purchase price: $0)
An aromatic tea prepared by an old lady. It will slake even the worst thirst.
image370: MYSTICTICKET (Purchase price: $0)
A ticket required to board the ship to NAVEL ROCK. It glows with a mystic light.
image371: AURORATICKET (Purchase price: $0)
A ticket required to board the ship to BIRTH ISLAND. It glows beautifully.
image372: POWDER JAR (Purchase price: $0)
A jar for storing BERRY POWDER made using a BERRY CRUSHER.
image373: RUBY (Purchase price: $0)
An exquisitely beautiful gem that has a red glow. It symbolizes passion.
image374: SAPPHIRE (Purchase price: $0)
An exquisitely beautiful gem that has a blue glow. It symbolizes honesty.