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Pokémon Gold and Silver - Game Shark Codes - In Battle

Game Shark and Game Genie CodesPokémon Gold and Silver - Game Shark Codes - In Battle
Attacking Move Modifier 01??EFCA
PP Modifier: 1st Move 01??14CB
2nd Move 01??15CB
3rd Move 01??16CB
4th Move 01??17CB
No status change 01??1ACB
Current HP in Battle 01??1DCB
Attack’s Accuracy Modifier 01??AFCB
Enemy’s Attack modifier 01??B2CB
Enemy’s Defense modifier 01??B3CB
Enemy’s Accuracy modifier 01??B7CB
Modify Attack Enemy Uses 01??C2CB
Money Earned (hi/lo bytes) 01??65CB
EXP Earned (hi/lo bytes) 01??7ECF
Wild Pokémon Modifiers
Pokémon 01XXEDD0**
Change your Pokémon’s Color 01??EED0
Held Item 01??F0D0
Skill Modifier: 1st Move 01??F1D0
2nd Move 01??F2D0
3rd Move 01??F3D0
4th Move 01??F4D0
Genes ATT|DEF 01??F5D0
Genes SPD|SPC 01??F6D0
Level 01??FCD0 (91??EED0)
Status 01??FDD0
Status? 01??FFD(0)
HP 01??00D1*
Battle Modifiers
Battle Style 01XX16D1 (01??0BD1)
Battle Modifier 01XX19D1
Raise multiple levels from battle 01??36D1 (01??28D1***)
Skill Modifier: 1st Move 01??49D1
2nd Move 01??4AD1
3rd Move 01??4BD1
4th Move 01??4CD1

* Set this to 00 for One-Hit KO.
** Set this to FD to fight an Egg.
*** In Japanese version, also modifies trainers' Pokémon levels.

Replace XX with the following Digits
for the "Battle Style" code
With this code, what it does is it makes the game think you are battling a wild pokemon. What you do is slide the switch to off until you are battling the trainers pokemon you wish to catch, then flip the switch on and off immediately, then throw the ball to catch the pokemon.
01 - Wild
With all other codes, the trainer you’ll battle is fake and will send out a L34 Hitmonlee.
Replace XX with the following Digits
for the "Battle Modifier" code
04 - Always Fight Female Pokémon
05 - Always Fight Male Pokémon
07 - Always Fight Shiny Pokémon

This code is also a character sprite modifier.

Replace XX with the following Digits
01 - lowered 6 times