Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Bug Catching Contest
This formula calculates the amount of points a bug Pokémon will earn in the Bug Catching Contest.
(Maximum HP * 4) + Attack + Defense + Speed + Sp.Attack + Sp.Defense + A + int(Current HP/8)+B
A is based on the diversification values (DVs, individual values) of the caught Pokémon:
- A starts with 0.
- If half the Defense DV, rounded down, is odd, add 16 to A.
- If half the Attack DV, rounded down, is odd, add 8 to A.
- If half the Special DV, rounded down, is odd, add 4 to A.
- If half the Speed DV, rounded down, is odd, add 1 to A.
If the Pokémon is holding an item, B is 1; otherwise B is 0.
The game truncates each stat (including total and current HP) to the lowest 8 bits for the purposes of this formula.