Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - End of attack
If an attack is successful (including each hit of a multi-hit attack), the following effects resolve:
- Recoil/Drain
- If the attack has an additional effect such as a stat stage modification, poisoning, or burning, the probability of the effect happening is now determined. If a random integer from 0 through 255 is less than the attack’s additional effect chance, the additional effect will occur. For instance, for Blizzard, there is a 51/256 chance the opposing Pokémon will become frozen. The additional effect won’t occur if the opposing Pokémon faints because of damage, even if the attack is Ancientpower, Metal Claw, or Steel Wing.
- The opposing Pokémon faints if it has zero HP
- Destiny Bond/Rage effect
- Defrost check
After a Pokémon’s attack segment, any end-of-attack effects will happen for that Pokémon. These effects happen even if a Pokémon doesn’t choose a move for use at the beginning of the attack segment. These effects are, in order:
- HP loss from poison/burn
- HP loss and recovery from Leech Seed
- Effect of Nightmare
- Effect of Curse
If a Pokémon faints at any time during its attack segment, including the end of its attack segment, no end-of-attack effects are applied to either that Pokémon or the new Pokémon, and if the Pokémon struck first, the opposing Pokémon’s attack segment is skipped. (If the opposing Pokémon used Hyper Beam on the previous turn, it "must recharge" on the next possible attack segment.)
If a Pokémon faints before the end of an opposing Pokémon’s attack segment, usually as the result of an attack, no end-of-attack effects are applied to the opposing Pokémon.
When a Pokémon switches out or uses Baton Pass, the Pokémon that replaces it does nothing during its attack segment but any end-of-attack effects are still applied to that Pokémon.