Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - End of turn
These effects are invoked at the end of the turn, after all Pokémon take their attack segments. The effects are, in order:
- Future Sight (non-leader first)
- Sandstorm/Sunny Day/Rain Dance
- Multi-turn attacks
- Perish Song
- Recover with Leftovers
- Check if defrosted
- Check end of Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard
- Check for condition based on Berry
- Check end of Encore
Effects above that apply to both players are resolved leader-first unless noted otherwise.
For Future Sight, Perish Song, and Sandstorm, the game applies the effect to each Pokémon; then each Pokémon with 0 HP faints; then the player’s Pokémon gain Exp. Points for fainted opponents if necessary; then new Pokémon in battle are chosen if necessary; then the game is decided.