Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Held Items
- Berry
At the end of each turn, if the holder’s HP times 2 is less than its maximum HP, holder gains 10 HP and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 10 HP.
- Berry Juice
At the end of each turn, if the holder’s HP times 2 is less than its maximum HP, holder gains 20 HP and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 20 HP. (This item is not considered a Berry.)
- Gold Berry
At the end of each turn, if the holder’s HP times 2 is less than its maximum HP, holder gains 30 HP and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 30 HP.
- Revive
The HP of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is half of its maximum HP, rounded down, if it has fainted.
- Max Revive
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner has all HP if it has fainted.
- Revival Herb
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner has all HP if it has fainted.
- Bitter Berry
Whenever holder becomes confused, or if it’s confused at the end of each turn, it is cured of confusion and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of confusion.
- Burnt Berry
Whenever holder becomes burned, or if it’s burned at the end of each turn, it is defrosted and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is defrosted.
- Przcureberry
Whenever holder becomes paralyzed, or if it’s paralyzed at the end of each turn, it is cured of paralysis and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of paralysis.
- Psncureberry
Whenever holder becomes poisoned, or if it’s poisoned at the end of each turn, it is cured of poison and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of poison.
- Ice Berry
Whenever holder becomes burned, or if it’s burned at the end of each turn, it is cured of burns and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of burns.
- Mint Berry
Whenever holder becomes asleep, or if it’s asleep at the end of each turn, it wakes up and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner wakes up.
- MysteryBerry
At the end of each turn, if one of holder’s original moves has 0 PP, restores 5 PP to the first original move listed with zero PP, and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: Restores 5 PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (In battle, whether this item is used from the Pack or otherwise, if the current move is the same as the original move or it was learned with Transform, its current PP doesn’t change to the original move’s new current PP; otherwise, it does.)
- MiracleBerry
At the end of each turn, if holder is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, or confused, holder stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused and this item is consumed. Whenever holder becomes poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, or confused, holder is cured of that condition and this item is consumed. If used from the Pack: The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.
- Berserk Gene
As soon as a new turn begins (before commands are chosen), if holder is holding this item, its Attack rises by 2 stages and then, unless it is already confused, the holder becomes confused (Safeguard and Substitute don’t affect this), and receives a confusion count of 256 in Pokémon Gold Version, Pokémon Silver Version, and Pokémon Crystal Version. The item is then consumed.
- Pink Bow
Damage of Normal-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Polkadot Bow
Damage of Normal-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Black Belt
Damage of Fighting-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Sharp Beak
Damage of Flying-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Poison Barb
Damage of Poison-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Soft Sand
Damage of Ground-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Hard Stone
Damage of Rock-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- SilverPowder
Damage of Bug-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Spell Tag
Damage of Ghost-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Metal Coat
Damage of Steel-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Charcoal
Damage of Fire-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Mystic Water
Damage of Water-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Miracle Seed
Damage of Grass-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Magnet
Damage of Electric-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- TwistedSpoon
Damage of Psychic-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- NeverMeltIce
Damage of Ice-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Dragon Fang
In Stadium 2, damage of Dragon-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- Dragon Scale
In Pokémon Gold Version, Pokémon Silver Version, and Pokémon Crystal Version, damage of Dragon-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- BlackGlasses
Damage of Dark-type attacks by the holder is multiplied by 1.1 (see Damage calculation).
- BrightPowder
Reduces the accuracy of attacks with flag "g" by the opposing Pokémon against the holder by 20.
- Focus Band
If an attack by the opposing Pokémon would cause the holder’s HP to be reduced to zero, it could instead have 1 HP remaining (30/256 chance). (No effect if holder has a substitute. Can affect returned attack from Future Sight. Doesn’t affect confusion damage.)
- King’s Rock
If the holder uses an attack with flag "f" and strikes first, the opposing Pokémon flinches, at a 30/256 chance, if the opposing Pokémon lost HP because of that attack. (Prevented by Substitute, but not if the substitute just faded. For multi-hit attacks, triggers only after all hits of the attack have resolved. This effect is cumulative with additional effects that already cause their target to flinch.)
- Leftovers
At the end of each turn, holder gains 1/16 of its maximum HP or 1 HP, whichever is greater.
- Quick Claw
There is a 15/64 chance that the holder will strike first. If this chance succeeds and both Pokémon in battle hold this item, the one who strikes first is randomly determined (in battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, the player always strikes first in this case).
- Scope Lens
Raises the holder’s critical hit rate.
- Lucky Punch
If the holder’s current species is Chansey, attacks by it have a heightened chance for a critical hit. (See " critical hits ".)
- Stick
If the holder’s current species is Farfetch’d, attacks by it have a heightened chance for a critical hit. (See " critical hits ".)
- Metal Powder
If the holder’s original species is Ditto, its Defense and Special Defense are multiplied by 1.5.
- Thick Club
If the holder’s original species is Cubone or Marowak, its Attack is doubled.
- Light Ball
If the holder’s original species is Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled.
- Amulet Coin
Doubles money earned upon winning a trainer battle if a Pokémon (both in battle and not in battle) controlled by the player is holding this item. Doesn’t affect money because of Pay Day. (Not cumulative with multiple instances of this item.)
- Smoke Ball
Holder can always run from a wild Pokémon unless an effect prevents it from running.
- Exp. Share
Holder earns experience and stat experience in a battle, even if it didn’t participate in that battle (See experience).
- Lucky Egg
Amount of Exp. Points holder earns in battle is multiplied by 1.5.
- Guard Spec.
Begins the effect of Mist for the current Pokémon controlled by its owner (unless it’s already in effect).
- Dire Hit
Begins the effect of Focus Energy for the current Pokémon controlled by its owner (unless it’s already in effect).
- X Attack
Raises the Attack of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Defend
Raises the Defense of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Speed
Raises the Speed of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Special
Raises the Special Attack of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- X Accuracy
Raises the Accuracy of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.
- Potion
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 20 HP.
- Max Potion
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains all HP.
- Hyper Potion , Energy Root
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 200 HP.
- Super Potion , EnergyPowder
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 50 HP.
- Fresh Water
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 50 HP.
- Soda Pop
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 60 HP.
- Lemonade
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 80 HP.
- RageCandyBar
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 20 HP.
- Full Restore
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains all HP and stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.
- Full Heal , Heal Powder
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.
- Moomoo Milk
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 100 HP.
- Ether
Restores 10 PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (In battle, if the current move is the same as the original move or it was learned with Transform, its current PP doesn’t change to the original move’s new current PP; otherwise, it does.)
- Max Ether
Restores all PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (In battle, if the current move is the same as the original move or it was learned with Transform, its current PP doesn’t change to the original move’s new current PP; otherwise, it does.)
- Elixir
Restores 10 PP to all original moves of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (In battle, if the current move at a given position is the same as the original move or it was learned with Transform, its current PP doesn’t change to the original move’s new current PP; otherwise, it does.)
- Max Elixir
Restores all PP to all original moves of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (In battle, if the current move at a given position is the same as the original move or it was learned with Transform, its current PP doesn’t change to the original move’s new current PP; otherwise, it does.)
- Ice Heal
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is defrosted.
- Burn Heal
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of burns.
- Awakening
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner wakes up.
- Antidote
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of poison.
- Parlyz Heal
The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of paralysis.
- Sacred Ash
Each Pokémon, including fainted Pokémon, in the player’s party gains all HP and PP and stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep. Can’t be used in battle.