Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Priority and Turn Order
After both Pokémon choose an attack the turn order (who gets to use the attack first) is determined. All attacks are categorized in four priority levels:
2: Endure, Protect, Detect -> 1: Quick Attack, Mach Punch, Extremespeed -> 0: All other attacks -> -1: Counter, Mirror Coat, Whirlwind, Roar, Vital Throw
- The attack with the higher priority strikes first.
- If both attacks have the same priority, the holder of Quick Claw has a 23.4% chance of striking first,. If this chance succeeds and both Pokémon hold a Quick Claw, the one who strikes first is randomly determined (in battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, the player’s Pokémon always strikes first in this case).
- Otherwise, the Pokémon with the higher Speed strikes first.
- If both Pokémon have the same Speed, the one who strikes first is randomly determined.
Calculating Speed
This process is followed to calculate a Pokémon’s Speed in battle. These calculations are done in advance rather than when determining turn order.
- Multiply the Speed by the Speed multiplier derived from the Pokémon’s Speed stat stage .
- In a battle in which Exp. Points can be gained, if the Pokémon is controlled by the player and the player has earned the Plain Badge, the Speed rises by 1/8 of its previous value.
- If the Pokémon is paralyzed, divide the Speed by 4.
For the purposes of Detect, Endure, and Protect, Pokémon that chose to switch at the beginning of a turn are ignored when determining whether a particular Pokémon "strikes last" in that turn.