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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Cherrygrove City

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Cherrygrove City

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

Cherrygrove City

"The City of Cute, Fragrant Flowers"

When you reach the city, talk to the old man you see (the Guide Gent). He’ll show you around the basic places in Cherrygrove (including the Pokémon Center), and finishes at his house. He’ll then give you a Map Card, which is an adapter to your PokéGear that allows you to view the map of the land of Johto.

Now that you know where the Pokémon Center is, visit it and talk to the receptionist to heal your Pokémon.

image Oak’s Pokémon Talk

At most houses, including the Guide Gent’s house, go over to the radio and press A to listen to Professor Oak’s Pokémon Talk radio show. Oak tells you where certain Pokémon can be found, and Mary, the host of the show, comments on the Pokémon. To stop listening, press A.

Go north to Route 30.

Continue north fighting Pokémon, and you’ll meet a house on the road. A fruit-bearing tree is nearby. Go into the house. The man there will give you a Berry.

Berries restore a Pokémon’s HP and can be found in fruit-bearing trees. Don’t, however, expect a fruit-bearing tree to always bear fruit, though. Continue on north.

Further along the road, you’ll see a Pokémon battle in progress on the left side of the fork. Continue along the right side, and pretty soon you’ll come across another house, Mr. Pokémon’s house. Enter the house.

Mr. Pokémon had told Professor Elm that he thinks he saw a rare Pokémon. When you arrive, he gives you a Mystery Egg, the unhatched form of the rare Pokémon. Then Professor Oak talks to you, notices the Egg, and gives you an updated version of the Pokédex, which has many more new and interesting features in helping you keep track of Pokémon. Oak then leaves the house. Afterward, Mr. Pokémon lets your Pokémon take a rest before you leave.

As soon as you leave the house, you receive a phone call from Professor Elm. He tells you that something terrible has happened. Do as he says by returning to New Bark Town.

While you’re leaving Route 30 by Cherrygrove City, you will be stopped by the boy you may have noticed by Elm’s Pokémon Lab. You’ll engage in your first Pokémon battle in the game. The Pokémon he has depends on your own.

     If you have...      He has...
     Chikorita     --->  Cyndaquil
     Cyndaquil     --->  Totodile
     Totodile      --->  Chikorita

Since his Pokémon is elementally stronger, it would be handy to use your Potions while battling. After you defeat him, he’ll leave, and you can continue on your way to New Bark Town.

In New Bark Town, go to Professor Elm’s lab. The police officer by Elm will tell you that a Pokémon was stolen by a young man (who will be your rival). Give a name for him. Then, talk to Professor Elm, and you’ll hand the Mystery Egg to him. Next, as you leave the lab, Elm’s aide will stop you once again and give you five Poké Balls, which you use for catching Pokémon.

Before leaving town, visit your house and talk to Mom. She will offer to save some of your money for you so you won’t lose any on your journey.

As you leave the town, a Dude will offer to show you how to catch Pokémon with the Poké Balls you have.

Go through Cherrygrove City to Route 30.

Route 30

The Pokémon battle that you may have seen has ended, so go through the left side of the road where you saw the Pokémon battle. Now, just make your way up the road.

You’ll be able to battle with other people, known as trainers, for the first time. Also, try catching some Pokémon that you’ll find on this route.

If you haven’t already met your mom at home in New Bark Town, Mom will call you. She’ll ask you if she should save your money for you. Whenever you win a battle, half of the money you earn will be sent to your Mom.

At the corner of the road is a Dark Cave that requires a light to navigate. Try going in the cave anyway. In the cave you’ll find Pokémon like Geodude and Zubat. The item near the cave is an Antidote. Now, go on left through the route, and pretty soon you’ll end up in Violet City.