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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Cianwood City

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Cianwood City

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

Cianwood City

Cianwood is pretty small. Head to the pharmacy, at the bottom of the city, and pick up the Secretpotion for the sick Pokémon in the Lighthouse.

If you visit the home in the top part of town, he will offer to take pictures of your Pokémon. You can then print them out if you have the Game Boy Printer.

In another house a man will give you his Shuckle ("Shuckie", holding Berry), if you keep it away from your rival.

image Pokémon Seer

In Pokémon Crystal Version, there is a lady named the Pokémon Seer. Visit her, and she’ll tell you where, at what time, and at what level a Pokémon was caught, also how loyal it is, but only if that Pokémon had been caught in Pokémon Crystal Version.

Battle the gym leader in the Gym building.

This is a fighting-type gym, so bring any Psychics and Flyers you might have. Also bring a Pokémon with Strength. The only obstacle is moving the boulders that block your way to Chuck (move the left and right ones up, then move the center one either to the left or right).

image Chuck - His Roaring Fists Do the Talking
L27 Primeape- Karate Chop, Leer
L30 Poliwrath- DynamicPunch, Hypnosis, Mind Reader, Surf

imageUpon defeating Chuck, you’ll receive the Stormbadge, which forces Pokémon up to level 70 to obey you and allows you to use Fly outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM01 (DynamicPunch).

Now, leave the gym, and the woman nearby will give you HM02 (Fly). Fly is an attack that allows birds to fly you to any city you’ve visited. Teach it to a flying Pokémon now.

Use Fly to go back to Olivine City.

Olivine City

Return to the Lighthouse and go up to the top.

When you finally reach the top, you’ll meet the sick Pokémon, Amphy (an Ampharos), and Jasmine. Talk to Jasmine, say Yes, and you hand the potion to Jasmine. After a moment, Amphy is healthy again and Jasmine will return to her gym. Leave the tower and go into the gym.

Jasmine uses Pokémon of a new type called the Steel type.

image Jasmine - The Steel-Clad Defense Girl
L30 Magnemite- Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Sonicboom, Supersonic
L35 Steelix (Female)- Rock Throw, Sunny Day
L30 Magnemite- Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Sonicboom, Supersonic
One thing about Magnemite is that it is a steel type as well as an electric type. Use a fire type on the two Magnemite and a water type on Steelix.

imageUpon defeating Jasmine, you’ll receive the Mineralbadge, which raises your Pokémon’s Defense. You’ll also receive TM23 (Iron Tail).

Now that you have Fly, you should retrace your steps.