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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Special Pokémon

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Special Pokémon

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

Special Pokémon
Legendary Beasts
#243 Raikou

#244 Entei

These three Pokémon can’t be found in a specific location in the Johto map. They’re always prancing around the wild grasses (not caves) in Johto. You’ll have to search around to find them. Once you run across one, it’ll be registered in your Pokédex. You can keep track of its location by selecting "AREA" on its Pokédex entry page.

To get a chance to meet them, go to the Burned Tower in Ecruteak City. Break the rock in the way and fall down the little hole. Walk up the stairs and they will awaken and scatter.

These Level 40 Pokémon will never attack you, as they always run away from your sight on the first turn. Fortunately, when you damage it it’ll stay damaged to make catching it easier. If you knock them out however, they are gone for good.

A strategy to make them easier to find is to use Repel and place a Level 39 Pokémon on the top of your party.

#245 Suicune
Lugia wants to fight!
Go to Olivine City and surf south trying to stay as far to the right as you can. There are 4 entrances to the Whirl Caves where Lugia is so if you follow the wall the first one you come to is the one you need to enter. Once inside go to the right and choose the top path when it comes to a fork. Now you’ll make your way to a waterfall, go down it, then surf up and you should find Lugia swimming in the water.

Lugia is also level 40 and will give you 1257 experience points if you beat it. Again, using the Master Ball at this time isn’t wise.

Getting Lugia in Gold
Talk to the man on the east side of Pewter City to get a Silver Wing, which allows you to get Lugia in the Gold version. Just go to the place where you find Lugia in Silver. However, this Lugia is Level 70, so it’s wise to use the Master Ball.
Ho-Oh wants to fight!
Go back to Ecruteak City and go into the entry house to Tin Tower. Go in all the stairs and you’ll eventually come to a tower. Go inside, work your way through the maze inside, and once you make it to the roof you’ll find Ho-Oh.

You should save your game before fighting Ho-Oh, there is only one. Ho-Oh is only level 40 so using the Master Ball isn’t a good idea.

(L40 gender-unknown, Sacred Fire, Safeguard, Gust, Recover, holding Sacred Ash)

Getting Ho-Oh in Silver
Talk to the man on the east side of Pewter City to get a Rainbow Wing, which allows you to get Ho-Oh in the Silver version. Just go to the place where you find Ho-Oh in Gold. However, this Ho-Oh is Level 70, so it’s wise to use the Master Ball.
#236 Tyrogue
Tyrogue is pretty well hidden in Mt. Mortar (map) which is between Ecruteak City and Mahogany Town. The hope is that you’ll be able to find him with these pictures. And remember, you must only bring up to 5 Pokémon with you or you won’t be able to take Tyrogue with you. You will need Pokémon with Flash, Surf, and Waterfall to reach Tyrogue.

Tyrogue can evolve into Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop depending on its stats. If Tyrogue’s Attack is higher than its Defense it will evolve into Hitmonlee. If its Defense is higher than its Attack - Hitmonchan. Tyrogue will evolve into Hitmontop when its Attack and Defense are equal.

Surf east of Ecruteak City, and enter the middle entrance of Mt. Mortar, shown here.
Use Flash to illuminate the cave. Surf on the water east of the entrance, and head north, past the waterfall.
Go through this door, and navigate the natural maze on the next floor.
You’ll have to find this ladder which is the end of the maze. Go through it.
The next part is simple. Just go right, up, and around to find this ladder.
Defeat the Karate King to get Tyrogue.

You can also find Marill in Mt. Mortar, but you’ll have a difficult time finding one.
Deep in Union Cave, every Friday, you can find a lone Lapras in the water.
Traded Pokémon
You can get an Aerodactyl in the game by giving a Chansey to the girl on Route 14. You can find Chansey on the grass nearby, but they’re very rare.
#199 Slowking
When you let a Slowpoke hold the King’s Rock and then trade it, it will evolve into Slowking.

You can find the King’s Rock in the Slowpoke Well east of Azalea Town. You’ll need Pokémon that know Surf and Strength to get to the man who will give the King’s Rock.

#186 Politoed
When you let a Poliwhirl hold the King’s Rock and then trade it, it will evolve into Politoed.

Since there’s only one King’s Rock, you’ll have to find another held by a wild or traded Pokémon, like Poliwag.

#208 Steelix
When you let an Onix hold the Metal Coat and then trade it, it will evolve into Steelix.
#212 Scizor
When you let a Scyther hold the Metal Coat and then trade it, it will evolve into Scizor.
Porygon 2
#233 Porygon 2
Equip Slowpoke with the Up-grade and then trade it to another Game Boy. It will evolve into Porygon 2.

You can get the Up-grade from the man blocking the door to the Silph Co. building in Saffron City.

#230 Kingdra
Equip Seadra with the Dragon Scale and then trade it to another Game Boy. It will evolve into Kingdra.