Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version - Safari Zone
There are 12 different Areas in the Safari Zone (Plains, Meadow, Savannah, Peak, Rocky Beach, Wetland, Forest, Swamp, Marshland, Wasteland, Mountain, Desert). The Safari Zone itself is a 3x2 arrangement of six of these Areas (one or more of which can be the same Area). After the Area Customizer becomes available, the player can change these Areas as the player wishes. The player begins at the lower middle Area when entering the Safari Zone.
The initial arrangement, from left to right, top to bottom, is:
Savannah, Forest, Plains, Meadow, Peak, Wetland
Each Area is 28x28 square.
The player is given 30 Safari Balls; the player is not limited in steps or time.
After Object Arrangement becomes available, the player can place objects on the Safari Zone by pressing A while on a clear spot on the field (other than stairs and tall grass). Up to 30 objects can be placed in a single Area. There are 24 different kinds of objects:
- Shrubbery, Red Flower, White Flower - "Plains" type objects.
- Tree, Stump, Branches - "Forest" type objects. All three objects require a 2x2 space.
- Small Rock, Big Rock, Mossy Rock - "Rock" type objects. Big Rock and Mossy Rock require a 2x2 space.
- Puddle, Fountain, Water Hole - "Water" type objects. All three objects require a 2x2 space. Fountain can and must be placed on water.
- Bench, Long Fence1 - "Other" type objects. Require a 2x1 horizontal space.
- Long Fence2 - "Other" type objects. Require a 1x2 vertical space.
- Your Statue, Your Flag - "Other" type objects. Different for boys and girls.
- Short Fence1, Short Fence2, Outside Lamp, Guidepost(R), Guidepost(L), Trash Can - "Other" type objects.
A single object can be removed by pressing A on the object. If an Area changes to a different Area (without moving it), all objects in the Area are removed.
The selection of objects will gradually expand over time:
- First: Small Rock, Big Rock, Mossy Rock, Guidepost(R), Guidepost(L), Trash Can
- Then: Puddle, Fountain, Water Hole, Long Fence1, Long Fence2, Your Statue
- Then: Shrubbery, Red Flower, White Flower, Bench, Your Flag, Outside Lamp
- Finally: Tree, Stump, Branches, Short Fence1, Short Fence2, Signboard
Area Day Counts
Each kind of Area (such as Plains, Rocky Beach) has, and Wetland a day count, which ranges from 0 through 255. It roughly corresponds to the number of days an Area of each kind was present in the Safari Zone since Baoba’s phone call announcing Object Arrangement, as explained in more detail below. Each Area’s day count starts at 0.
- After Object Arrangement is announced, whenever the current day changes to a later day (usually at midnight), the day count for each different Area in the Safari Zone rises by the difference in days between the current day and the previous day, but not to more than 255. (Areas that exist more than once in the Safari Zone are counted only once.) However, changing the time with the DS’s system menu will reset all day counts to 0 when the game resumes.
- While the player is in a Safari Game, however, the day counts are not updated until after the player leaves. (For example, if the Safari Zone has a Plains Area and that Area’s day count is 10 when the player enters the Safari Zone, that Area’s day count will remain 10 while the player remains, even if the day changes in the meantime. However, any such day change will be taken into account as soon as the player leaves.)
Appearing Pokémon
Depending on the objects placed in an Area and that Area’s day count, the Pokémon that can appear can change. For each object type (Forest, Plains, Rock, and Water), an "object score" is calculated for each object of that type. In the table below, the cells indicate day counts for the Area where the object is placed.
Object Score | Plains | Forest | Rock | Water |
1 | 0-9 | 0-19 | 0-29 | 0-39 |
2 | 10-49 | 20-59 | 30-69 | 40-79 |
3 | 50-99 | 60-109 | 70-119 | 80-129 |
4 | 100-149 | 110-159 | 120-169 | 130-179 |
5 | 150-199 | 160-209 | 170-219 | 180-229 |
6 | 200-249 | 210-249 | 220-249 | 230-249 |
7 | 250-255 | 250-255 | 250-255 | 250-255 |
There are 10 possible encounter slots, as shown in the list of Pokémon , and each slot contains a required object score, such as "13 Plains". In this example, if the combined score of all "Plains" type objects in the Area is 13 or more, then the Pokémon in the "With Objects" section of the table is used for that encounter slot. For Pokémon obtained through water or fishing, only the first two or three encounter slots, as the case may be, can be replaced this way.
When a wild Pokémon appears in the Safari Zone, two variables, G and E, are set to 0.
- When the player throws bait, E falls by 1 but not to less than -6, and at a 90% chance, G falls by 1 but not to less than -6.
- When the player throws mud, G rises by 1 but not to more than 6, and at a 90% chance, E rises by 1 but not to more than 6.
- When the player throws a ball, E and G remain unchanged, and the catch rate (before adjusting for the Poké Ball used) is set to the Pokémon’s starting catch rate times a multiplier that depends on G, rounded down (see below).
- Running from the Pokémon will always succeed.
At the beginning of each turn (before commands are chosen), a random integer from 0 through 254 is determined, and a value, X, is set to the Pokémon’s escape rate times a multiplier that depends on E, rounded down (see below).
- -6: 2/8
- -5: 2/7
- -4: 2/6
- -3: 2/5
- -2: 2/4
- -1: 2/3
- 0: 1
- 1: 3/2
- 2: 4/2
- 3: 5/2
- 4: 6/2
- 5: 7/2
- 6: 8/2
At the end of each turn, if the random number that was determined at the beginning of that turn is less than or equal to the value X had at the beginning of that turn, the Pokémon will run.
Safari Game Escape Rates
Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version
PIDGEY (90), RATTATA (120), RATICATE (90), SPEAROW (90), FEAROW (60), EKANS (120), ARBOK (60), SANDSHREW (90), SANDSLASH (60), NIDORAN? (90), NIDORINA (60), NIDORAN? (90), NIDORINO (60), CLEFAIRY (120), JIGGLYPUFF (120), ZUBAT (90), GOLBAT (60), ODDISH (90), GLOOM (60), PARAS (120), PARASECT (90), DIGLETT (120), PSYDUCK (90), GOLDUCK (60), POLIWAG (90), POLIWHIRL (60), ABRA (120), MACHOP (90), MACHOKE (60), BELLSPROUT (90), WEEPINBELL (60), GEODUDE (90), GRAVELER (60), PONYTA (120), SLOWPOKE (60), SLOWBRO (60), MAGNEMITE (90), MAGNETON (60), FARFETCH'D (120), DODUO (90), DODRIO (60), GRIMER (60), MUK (60), GASTLY (120), HAUNTER (90), ONIX (60), DROWZEE (90), HYPNO (60), KRABBY (90), KINGLER (60), VOLTORB (120), EXEGGCUTE (120), CUBONE (90), MAROWAK (60), LICKITUNG (60), KOFFING (90), WEEZING (60), RHYHORN (90), RHYDON (60), CHANSEY (90), TANGELA (90), KANGASKHAN (150), GOLDEEN (90), SEAKING (60), MR. MIME (90), ELECTABUZZ (120), MAGMAR (90), TAUROS (90), MAGIKARP (90), GYARADOS (60), LAPRAS (60), DITTO (90), DRATINI (120), DRAGONAIR (90), SENTRET (120), FURRET (90), HOOTHOOT (90), NOCTOWL (60), MAREEP (60), MARILL (60), HOPPIP (90), SKIPLOOM (90), JUMPLUFF (120), SUNKERN (90), YANMA (120), WOOPER (120), QUAGSIRE (60), MURKROW (120), MISDREAVUS (120), WOBBUFFET (60), GIRAFARIG (60), SHUCKLE (60), HOUNDOUR (120), HOUNDOOM (90), STANTLER (60), SMEARGLE (60), LARVITAR (90), ZIGZAGOON (120), LINOONE (90), LOTAD (90), LOMBRE (60), SEEDOT (90), NUZLEAF (60), SURSKIT (120), MASQUERAIN (90), SHROOMISH (120), BRELOOM (90), VIGOROTH (90), AZURILL (120), NOSEPASS (60), ARON (90), LAIRON (60), MEDITITE (90), MEDICHAM (60), ELECTRIKE (120), MANECTRIC (90), VOLBEAT (90), ILLUMISE (90), ROSELIA (60), GULPIN (120), CARVANHA (90), TORKOAL (60), SPINDA (60), TRAPINCH (120), VIBRAVA (90), CACNEA (90), CACTURNE (60), ZANGOOSE (90), SEVIPER (90), LUNATONE (60), SOLROCK (60), BARBOACH (120), CORPHISH (90), KECLEON (120), SHUPPET (150), BANETTE (90), DUSKULL (120), DUSCLOPS (90), TROPIUS (60), CHIMECHO (90), SPHEAL (90), SEALEO (60), BAGON (90), SHELGON (120), BELDUM (90), METANG (60), STARLY (90), STARAVIA (60), BIDOOF (90), BIBAREL (60), SHINX (120), LUXIO (90), BUDEW (120), PACHIRISU (120), BUIZEL (120), FLOATZEL (90), CHINGLING (120), BRONZOR (90), BRONZONG (60), GIBLE (90), RIOLU (120), HIPPOPOTAS (60), SKORUPI (120), DRAPION (60), CROAGUNK (150), TOXICROAK (120), CARNIVINE (60)