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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Accuracy Check

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - In-Depth GuidesPokémon Mystery Dungeon - Accuracy Check

Tags: pokemon-mystery-dungeon

The following process is performed for each target of an attack.

  • Three variables, D, E, and F, are set to 0.
  • Snatch: If there is a Pokémon with the Snatch status and the attack could be redirected with Snatch (see flag "b" in the list of moves):
    • If all of the following is true, the attack is redirected to that Pokémon and that Pokémon becomes its defender.
      • The attacker is not the Pokémon with the Snatch status.
      • The defender is not Bouncing, Digging, Diving, or Flying. (The defender can be the same for attacks that target the user.)
  • Lightningrod: Otherwise, if there is a Pokémon with the Lightningrod ability and the attack is an Electric type (even Charge):
    • If all of the following is true, the attack is redirected to the last Pokémon on the list (starting with team members and then foes) that has the Lightningrod ability (that Pokémon becomes the attack’s defender), and D is set to 1.
      • The attacker is considered a foe to the Pokémon with Lightningrod. (A Pokémon can’t consider itself a foe.)
      • The attacker is not Bouncing, Digging, Diving, or Flying, or the attacker is the same as the defender.
      • The defender is not Bouncing, Digging, Diving, or Flying, or the attacker is the same as the defender.
  • Passing Off: Otherwise, if the following is true, the attack passes to a Pokémon that is next to the defender and that the defender faces the closest, but if possible not directly, starting counterclockwise. (For example, if three Pokémon are northeast, east, and southeast of the defender and the defender is facing east, the attack is passed to the Pokémon northeast of the defender. But if only one Pokémon is next to the defender, the attack is passed to the Pokémon next to it regardless of facing.)
    • The defender is holding a Pass Scarf.
    • None of the following is true.
      • Defender is asleep, napping, or having a nightmare
      • Defender is frozen, wrapped by a foe, wrapped around a foe, or petrified
      • Defender is cringing, paused, or infatuated
      • Defender is paralyzed
      • Defender is terrified
      • Defender is not the team leader, it has Run Away, and its HP is less than half (rounded down)
      • Defender is not the team leader, its tactic is Avoid trouble, and its HP is half (rounded down) or less
      • Defender is not the team leader and its tactic is Get away
    • The defender’s Belly is 0.1 or greater
    • The attack has a Range Category of 0 (see "RC" in the list of moves; virtually all moves with target "Foe in front" but not "Foe in front, cuts corners" belongs to this category.)
    • The defender is not Bouncing, Digging, Diving, or Flying.
  • If the defender is petrified, it stops being petrified. If the defender was initially asleep, it wakes up.
  • Magic Coat: If the following is true, the attack is redirected to the attacker (the attacker becomes its defender), and E equals 1.
    • D equals 0
    • Defender has Magic Coat status
    • Attacker is not beginning to use a two-turn attack
    • The attack could be redirected with Magic Coat (see flag "a" in the list of moves)
    • The defender is within a 1-tile range of the attacker, and the two Pokémon are not between corners unless the defender can move through corners
  • Mirror Move: Otherwise, if the following is true, the attack is redirected to the attacker (the attacker becomes its defender), and E equals 1.
    • D equals 0
    • The attack is not the attacker’s regular attack
    • Defender has Mirror Move status
    • Attacker is not beginning to use a two-turn attack
    • The attack has a "target category" of 0, 4, 5, or 2 (see "TC" in the list of moves for target categories).
    • The defender could target the attacker if the attack’s range were "Pokémon in front"
  • Protect: If the following is true, the attack misses.
    • D equals 0
    • Defender has Protect status
    • Attacker is not beginning to use a two-turn attack
    • The attack has a "target category" of 0, 4, 5, or 2 (see "TC" in the list of moves for target categories).
  • If the defender is Flying or Bouncing, the attack misses unless the attack is Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, or Twister.
  • If the defender is Diving, the attack misses unless the attack is Surf or Whirlpool.
  • If the defender is Digging, the attack misses unless the attack is Earthquake or Magnitude (including Nature Power using Earthquake).
  • If the defender has Soundproof and the attack is Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Screech, Sing, Snore, or Supersonic, the attack misses.
  • If E equals 1 and the attack is not Detect, Endure, or Protect, F equals 1.
  • If F equals 1 and the attacker is the same as the defender, the attack hits.
  • If the attacker is using its regular attack and Sure-Hit Attacker is enabled for the attacker, the attack hits.
  • If the attacker has the Sure Shot status, the attack hits.
  • If the attacker has the Whiffer status, the attack misses. (Sure Shot and Whiffer are mutually exclusive.)
  • If the attack’s accuracy is 100 or less:
    • If the defender is holding a Detect Band, subtract 30 from the accuracy.
    • If Quick Dodger is enabled for the defender, subtract 30 from the accuracy.
    • If attacker has Compoundeyes, add 2 to its Accuracy stat stage.
    • If attack is Thunder and the weather is rain, the attack hits.
    • If attack is Thunder and the weather is sunny, subtract 2 from attacker’s Accuracy stat stage.
    • The attacker’s Accuracy stat stage becomes min(20,max(0,Orig. value)).
    • The accuracy is multiplied by the Accuracy stat stage multiplier and rounded down.
    • If the defender is exposed, set the defender’s Evasion stat stage to 10.
    • If the defender has Sand Veil and the weather is a sandstorm, add 2 to the defender’s Evasion stat stage.
    • If the attacker has Hustle and the attack’s original type is a physical type*, add 2 to the defender’s Evasion stat stage.
    • The defender’s Evasion stat stage becomes min(20,max(0,Orig. value)).
    • The accuracy is multiplied by the Evasion stat stage multiplier and rounded down.
    • If a random integer from 0 through 99 is less than the accuracy, the attack hits. Otherwise, it misses.
  • If D equals 0, the attack has no effect.
  • Otherwise, the attack hits.


*In this sense, Hidden Power has type "None", Weather Ball always has type "Normal", and attacks with type "None" are physical.