Name |
Usual |
1/2 HP or less |
1/4 HP or less |
Level Up |
?????????? | Something... | This is getting tough... | I can’t go on... | I leveled up. I’m happy! |
Bulbasaur | I’m going to make a big flower bloom! | I’m down to about half my HP now. | I’m about to keel over... | I did it! My level went up! |
Ivysaur | My big flower is ready to bloom! | My HP is down to half. | I’m ready to keel over... | My level went up! The bud is getting bigger, too! |
Venusaur | My flower’s in bloom! Let me handle things! | My HP is down to half. | I can’t keep up... | All right! Leveled up! |
Charmander | My flame’s small, but I’ll do my best! | My health is down to half. The flame is getting small, too. | My flame is about to go out... | I leveled up. The flame on my tail grew bigger, too. |
Charmeleon | I’ll KO foes with my burning tail! | My health is down to half. My flame is weakening, too. | The flame on my tail is about to go out... | Yes! Leveled up! |
Charizard | Leave it to me! I’ll raze everything! | My body’s cooling down. My health is down to half. | I can’t... There’s no power left in my flame... | I leveled up! My flame is burning even hotter now! |
Squirtle | I’ll knock them out with my Water Gun! | I’m down to half HP... | I might not make it... I want to rest inside my shell... | Yes! Leveled up! |
Wartortle | Did you know? I live a long time. | I’m down to half HP... | I can’t keep going... | Yes! Leveled up! Let me handle things! |
Blastoise | This thick shell isn’t just for show! | Not good. My HP’s down to half... | I’m done for... My shell is cracking... | Leveled up! I think my shell thickened! |
Caterpie | I’ll eat lots and grow big. | This is so hard... My health is down to half. | I can’t keep up... I can’t spit silk anymore... | I leveled up! Happy! |
Metapod | Now is the time to endure. | Oh, no... My health is down to half... | I can’t keep going... I don’t know if I can metamorphose... | Oh! I leveled up! |
Butterfree | I’ll protect you with the wicked toxins in my wings. | Oh, no... My health has dropped to half... | I’ve about had it... It hurts to even fly... | I leveled up! I’m in peak form! Let me show you! |
Weedle | My horn’s poisonous. | My HP is down by half... | I’m ready to collapse... | I leveled! Yay! |
Kakuna | I’ll use Harden and ride it out. | I have only half my HP left. | I have almost no HP left... | Oh! I guess I leveled up! |
Beedrill | Count on me for speediness! | My health dropped to half... | I’m about done. My Poison Sting might fail... | Hah! Leveled up! My Poison Sting’s gotten sharper! |
Pidgey | I’m not a good fighter, but I’ll give you my best! | My HP’s been halved... | I’m about to crash... | Yay! I leveled up! Happy! |
Pidgeotto | I’ll drop foes with my sharp claws! | My HP’s been halved. This is a bit rough. | I’m nearly done... It hurts to fly... | Leveled up! My claws have grown sharper! |
Pidgeot | Let my mach-2 speed set the pace! | My HP’s been shaved to half. | I’m suffering... I can’t hit my usual speeds... | That’s it! I leveled! My momentum will knock foes down! |
Rattata | I’ll gnaw the best I can! | Um, my HP’s already down to half. | I can’t keep up... I can’t gnaw on anything... | I leveled up! I’m happy! |
Raticate | I’ll gnaw and gnaw until the foe goes down! | I’m hurting... My health is cut in half... | I can’t keep this going... | I leveled! I’ll gnaw and gnaw some more! |
Spearow | I might be small, but I’m quick! | My health is down to half... | I can’t do this... I’m having trouble flying... | Oh, yeah! Leveled up! |
Fearow | I’m proud of these big wings. | My HP’s been reduced to half. | No... These wings have taken too much damage. | I leveled up! I feel newfound power in my wings! |
Ekans | The poison in my fangs is wicked! | My HP’s gone down to half. | Help... I’m running out of poison... | Yesss! I leveled up! I’ll do my best! |
Arbok | Don’t mistake this pattern as my real face! | This isn’t good. My HP’s down to half. | I’m in pain... I’m ready to fall... | Leveled up! Watch me intimidate foes! |
Pikachu | You can depend on my electric attacks! | My HP’s been halved... | I’m beat... My electric shocks are out of power... | OK! My level went up! Leave it to me! |
Raichu | I’ll send foes flying with my Thunderbolt! | Urf... My health is down to half. | I’m staggering... If I don’t recharge somewhere, I’ll drop... | Leveled up! Electric power is overflowing! |
Sandshrew | Defense Curl makes me better protected! | I have only half my HP left... | I’m close to fainting... Can I just curl up somewhere? | Yeah! I leveled! |
Sandslash | Let me take them on with the spikes on my back and my big claws! | Uh-oh, not good. My health is down to half. | I’m beat... I don’t have the energy to shake my spikes... | There! I leveled! My claws are even sharper! |
Nidoran♀ | I’m small but I’m tough! | I only have half my HP... | I’m close to fainting... | I leveled up! I’m so happy! |
Nidorina | I’ll bite with my pointed fangs! | Half my HP’s gone now... | I’m sorry... I don’t have the energy to even bite... | I leveled up! My fangs and claws are in top form! |
Nidoqueen | Don’t you underestimate me because I’m female! | My HP’s down to half. Better be careful. | I’m about done... I have no strength left... | I’ve leveled up! It feels as if my scales hardened! |
Nidoran♂ | Don’t laugh at my poisonous spikes! | I’m down to half HP... | I’m close to dropping... | Leveled up! Yes, I’m pleased! |
Nidorino | One jab of my poison spikes will do it! | My health is down by half. | I’m nearly done for... No strength left to thrust my horn... | Leveled up! My horn’s turning seriously sharp! |
Nidoking | I’m the male among males! | I’m down to half HP now. Better watch out. | I can’t take much more... I can’t muster any strength... | I leveled! The poison in my horn’s turning vile! |
Clefairy | Clefairy feels a little shy, but Clefairy will fight! | Clefairy’s HP is only half... This is trouble... | No more, please... Clefairy is about to fall... | Clefairy’s level went up! Joy! |
Clefable | Fighting is so loud. But I’ll do my best! | I have only half my HP left. | Please, no more... I can’t exert myself anymore... | I leveled up! I’ll try hard! |
Vulpix | I’m little, but I have six tails! | My health is way down to half... | I’m exhausted... Even my tails are tuckered out... | Leveled up! Yippee! |
Ninetales | Feel privileged to see the 1,000-year knowledge of our clan! | This won’t do. I’ve only half my health remaining. | My eyes grow dim... Is this how our 1,000-year legacy ends? | Rejoice! My level has gone up! |
Jigglypuff | Please don’t fall asleep when I sing! | This is too hard! I only have half my HP already. | No, no, no more... I feel faint... | Oh, yes! Leveled up! |
Wigglytuff | This fur you see is of the highest grade! | Umm... I only have about half my HP left. | I’m in trouble... My strength is spent... | There we go! I leveled up! I can work harder! |
Zubat | My ultrasonic radar makes me fearless! | Uh-oh, bad news. Half HP... | It’s no good... I can’t fly straight anymore... | Oh, hey! I leveled up! |
Golbat | I don’t let go when I chomp down! | Bad trouble! My health is down to half. | No... I feel faint... I need a transfusion... | I have leveled up! I demand more blood! |
Oddish | I’m a Grass type: poisonous and decidedly odd! | We’re in deep trouble. My health is gone by half. | I’m close to flopping... | Oh! Leveled up! Makes me smile! |
Gloom | I know I stink, but I’ll KO foes, so please bear with me! | I only have half my HP left. | No more... I’m out of power... | Yup! Leveled up! |
Vileplume | Let me dose enemies with toxic pollen! | Hey, watch it. I’m down to half HP. | I can’t do this... My flower is about to wilt... | Yes, leveled up! You can count on me! |
Paras | The mushrooms on my back are my friends! | Hey, my health is half gone... | Please... I’m about to fall with my mushrooms... | Yay! I leveled up! That makes me happy! |
Parasect | The poison I leak from my back can also be used as medicine! | Better watch out. My HP is down by half... | I need help... I’m even out of toxic spores... | OK! I’ve gone up in level! |
Venonat | The beams from my eyes make it safe in darkness! | I’m getting down to half HP now. | I’m almost done... I can’t even use my beams anymore... | All right! I leveled! I’ll go for it! |
Venomoth | I’ll dump venomous powder on foes with every flap of my wings! | My health is half gone. | I’m about to crash... I can barely flap my wings... | Yes! I leveled! My toxins powered up, too! |
Diglett | Please don’t whack me on the head! | My health is down to half. | I can’t keep going... Can I burrow out of this? | Oh, wow! I must have leveled up! |
Dugtrio | We three are as one! | Our health has been reduced to half. | We are... No longer capable... | We have leveled up! |
Meowth | Round things... I adore them, meow! | My HP is half gone, meow! | No more, meowch... Going to fall over, meowch... | Leveled up! Happy, mrowl! |
Persian | If my tail’s up, it means I’m furious! | My HP is down to half... I must be cautious... | That’s it... I haven’t the energy to raise my tail... | Good! Leveled up! I must try harder! |
Psyduck | Owowowow! My head hurts! | Owowowowow! I only have half my HP left! | Owowowow... I’m close to flopping on my face... | Owowowowow! Leveled up! |
Golduck | If it’s in the water, leave it to me! | Uh-oh... My health is down to half. | I’ve about had it... I have no strength left... | I leveled up! I can feel the power in my webbed feet! |
Mankey | They call me the offspring of a fighting spirit! | Darn it! I only have half my HP left. | This is it... I can’t muster any power... | Yes! My level’s gone up! |
Primeape | I’ll chase you to the ends of the world! | Darn it... My health is already down to half... | I’m done... I don’t have the energy to give chase... | OK! Leveled up! |
Growlithe | I’ll protect my master! | My HP is getting down to half. | I’m sorry... I can’t protect my master much longer... | Yes! Leveled up! You can count on me! |
Arcanine | No one can keep up with my speed! | My health has dropped to half. Better be careful. | It’s no good... I can’t build up my speed anymore... | All right! That’s a level up! I’ll go for it! |
Poliwag | It’s easier for me in the water! | I only have half my HP left... | No more, please... I’m nearly fainting... Help... | Yippee! I leveled up! I’m so happy! |
Poliwhirl | Ground or water, I’m good for both! | Hate to say this, but I’m down to half HP. | I’m about done... There’s no power left... | Yup! Leveled up! Let me at them! |
Poliwrath | My swimming is world class! | Half my HP’s gone. This feels unpleasant. | Do something... I don’t have the energy left to swim... | I leveled up! What a glorious feeling it is! |
Abra | Zzz... Zzz... | Zzz... HP... Half... | Zzz... HP almost gone... | Zzz... Level up... Zzz... |
Kadabra | Let me demonstrate real psychic power! | Tch! My health has been reduced to half! | I am failing... My psychic power is on the wane... | Ah, fine! I have leveled up! Greater things are expected of me! |
Alakazam | Do not believe in only what the eyes see! | My health has been cut to half. I must beware. | I failed to foresee this... I am done for... | Hm! My level has gone up! |
Machop | I’d fight even against a hundred foes! | Groan... Half my HP’s gone. | Sorry... I can’t even flex a muscle anywhere... | Oh, yeah! Leveled up! Makes me happy! |
Machoke | If it’s all about power, no one gets the better of me! | This isn’t looking good. My health is down by half. | I’m useless... There’s not an ounce of power left... | Leveled! I can feel the power welling up! |
Machamp | Can you even see my flurry of punches? | Blast it... Half my health is gone already... | It’s no good... I can’t lift my arms anymore... | Hm! Leveled! My punching speed went up! |
Bellsprout | Bugs are my favorite things to eat. | I’m sorry to say, but my HP has been reduced to half. | I am on the verge of collapse... | My level has gone up. |
Weepinbell | I can melt anything with the fluid in my mouth! | Watch out--my health is down to half. | I can’t... My mouth has dried... | There we go! I leveled up! |
Victreebel | Nothing gets out of my mouth alive! | Listen, my HP’s half gone. | I’m wilting... My own acid is consuming me... | Yes, yes, I’ve leveled up! |
Tentacool | I shoot weird beams! They’re really weird! | Uh, you’d better see this. My health isn’t looking half good. | Uh, listen. I’m ready to go belly-up. | Woohoo, leveled up! Time to shine! |
Tentacruel | Know how many of these tentacles I have? Eighty! | I don’t like this. My health is out by half. | Useless... I can barely raise my tentacles... | Yes! Leveled up! I feel invigorated! |
Geodude | My control’s great for picking up and pitching rocks! | My HP’s gone down halfway... | I’m bushed... I can’t throw rocks with any power... | All right! Leveled up! |
Graveler | Get in my way and I’ll just crush you under me! | Watch it. My HP’s half gone. | I’m exhausted... I’m almost out of power for even rolling... | That’s right! Let me level up! |
Golem | Even dynamite can’t shatter my armor! | Better be careful. My HP’s half gone. | I’m about done... I have no energy left... | Hm! I leveled up! My armor’s grown harder, too! |
Ponyta | My hooves are harder than diamond! | My health is down by half, and my flames are burning low... | I need help... My flames are guttering... | Oh, yes! I leveled up! Joy! |
Rapidash | If I gallop flat out, I can outrun a bullet train! | My health is half gone... | It’s hopeless... My flames are about to fizzle... | Hm! My level’s gone up! |
Slowpoke | ...?...? | ...?...!...?...! | ...!...!...!...! | ...!...! Leveled! Up! |
Slowbro | ......?......? | ......?......!......?......! | ......!......!......!......! | ...!!...!! Leveled!! Up!! |
Farfetch’d | This stalk I bear... It’s not just for looks. | You should know... My health is half gone. | Sorry, friend. This looks like it for me... | Leveled up, I did. |
Doduo | Left or right, I can see both ways! | I think maybe my HP’s about half. | I’m done... I’m tripping over my own feet... | Yow! I leveled up! |
Dodrio | I’m gonna do my best! Me too! Me too! | My HP’s half gone! Mine too! Mine too! | I’m fainting! Me too! Me too! | My level went up! Mine too! Mine too! |
Seel | I’m strong against the cold, actually! | I have only half HP left... | Please, no more... I want to go back to wintry seas... | There it is! My level went up! |
Dewgong | The colder it gets, the stronger I become! | About half my HP’s gone. | It’s no good... I can’t get any power, even if it’s cold. | Yes! I leveled! I’ll show you! |
Grimer | I’ll attack with Sludge! Hahaha! | My HP’s down to half. It’s no laughing matter! | I’m beat... Sink me in a sea of sludge... | Leveled up! Hahaha! |
Muk | Touch me at the risk of your health! | My HP’s gone down to half... | I’m done for... I wish I lived a better life... | I leveled up! It fills me with glee! |
Shellder | My shell is harder than any diamond! | My HP is down to half... | No more... I feel faint... Help... | Awesome! I leveled up! I need to work that much harder! |
Cloyster | My shell can’t be broken no matter what attack is thrown! | Trouble... My health is half gone. | It’s all over... Even my shell is cracking... | My level went up! Hit me with any weapon! |
Gastly | Peeeuuw! Do I smell gas? | Umm... There goes half my HP. | I’m growing faint... My gas is seeping away... | I leveled up! Joy of joys! My gas thickened, too! |
Haunter | There is nothing that can impede me! | Drat. My HP has plunged to half... | Things are grim... It pains me even to pass through walls... | I’ve leveled up! Put your trust in me! |
Gengar | My red eyes aren’t from lack of sleep! | Confound it! My HP is already missing by half... | This is my ruin... Even my shadow grows dim... | Very well! I’ve leveled! |
Onix | I tell you, I’m better under the ground! | My health is down to half. Better take it easy. | It’s looking bad... My body’s cracking up... | Heheheh... Leveled up. |
Drowzee | “You are powerful!” Did my hypnotism work? | I only have half HP left. | I can’t keep up... I’m drained of hypnotic power... | Oh, yes! My level’s gone up! |
Hypno | “You are invincible!” Did my hypnotism work its magic? | We may be in trouble. I’m down to half my HP. | I’m ready to faint... Even hypnotism won’t save us now... | OK! There’s my level! |
Krabby | I’ll be snipping, snipping with these snippers, yeah! | Bad news, but my HP’s about half gone. | I can’t keep going... My snippers can’t snip anymore... | Leveled up! My snippers grew sharper, too! |
Kingler | These pincers pack 10,000 horsepower! | I’m already down to half health... What gives? | I’m weakened... I can’t heft my pincers... | Yes! Leveled up! There’s new strength in my pincers! |
Voltorb | Careful! Touching me will zap you! | Whoa, my HP is down to half already? | I’m frazzled... I don’t have enough charge to zap anything. | Oh, hey! Leveled up! I feel energized! |
Electrode | Whoa! Don’t touch me! I’m liable to blow up! | Watch it! My HP is down to half. | I can’t hold it... I’m about to blow up. | Hey! I leveled up! |
Exeggcute | Don’t make fun of us because we look like Eggs! | Ouch... Our health is down to half. | We’ve had it. There’s no power left. | We leveled up! Let’s go for it! |
Exeggutor | Let’s go get 'em! I agree! I agree, too! | Only half the HP is left! It’s half! It’s half! | I can’t anymore! Neither can I! Nor me! | Leveled up! Leveled up! Leveled up! |
Cubone | I feel lonesome, but I’ll work hard for my mother’s sake! | I only have half my HP left... | It’s no good. I have no energy left... | Yay! I leveled up! I don’t feel as lonesome! |
Marowak | This bone flies like a boomerang! | Watch out for me. My health is down to about half. | I’m bone weary... I can’t even hurl my boomerang... | Yes! I went up a level! My boomerang throwing is in peak form! |
Hitmonlee | I’ll KO the bad guys with my blindingly fast high kicks! | Darn it, half my HP’s gone already? | I’m burnt right out. My legs aren’t working anymore... | Leveled up! My kicks are packing more power now! |
Hitmonchan | I’ll dance around and stun you with my moves! | Say what? Half my HP’s gone? | No more... I’m out of stamina... | Hey, yeah! Leveled up! My punches ooze power now! |
Lickitung | Are you sweet? Spicy? Salty? | I’m not feeling healthy at half HP! | I can’t keep up... My tongue’s gone all dry... | Yippee! There’s my level! I want to lap things up! |
Koffing | Ooh, I’m feeling a little bloated with gas. Can I release some? | Oof... Half my health’s frittered away... | I can’t hold it anymore... Beware of leaking gases... | Yes! I’m leveling up! Do I stink any worse? |
Weezing | Peeeuuw! You smell awful! Seriously, you reek! | I need serious help. Look, half my HP’s been used up! | Uh-oh... My gases are about to blow up... | I leveled up! My aroma will grow more pungent! |
Rhyhorn | I’m kinda very hard. | My HP went down to half... | Can’t keep going... No power to fight... | I did it. Leveled up! |
Rhydon | There’s nothing I can’t punch my horn through! | This is tough going. Already, my HP’s gone to half. | I’m about done... I have no energy left... | Yes! I finally leveled! My horn’s hardness went up, too! |
Chansey | What is friendship? Can you tell me? Can you tell me? | Oh, my goodness, my HP has been lost by half... | Oh, no, no more... I feel faint... Help... | My level went up! Joyfully happy! |
Tangela | Careful. You don’t want to get tangled up in my vines. | I don’t like this! I’m already down to half health! | I’m faltering... You have to help me... | Oh, yes, yes! I’ve gotten my level! |
Kangaskhan | A mother protecting her child is one ferocious beast! | This isn’t good. I’m down to half health. | I’m done... Please, take care of my baby... | I leveled up! And so did the baby in my pouch! |
Horsea | My Water Gun hits a perfect hundred out of a hundred! | My HP’s gone to half. | It’s bad... My Water Gun’s falling short... | Yes! I leveled up! Makes me happy! |
Seadra | Don’t stand behind me! Not if you don’t want to get hurt. | This is tougher than expected. Half my HP’s gone already. | This is it... I can’t get any power... | There we go! I leveled up! Let me at them! |
Goldeen | Does this frilly outfit suit me? | Oh, no, I have only half my HP left... | I’m nearly finished... There’s no power left. Help me... | Leveled up! My gorgeous looks also leveled up! |
Seaking | This horn is for digging out a nest. | Watch out. They’ve cut my HP down to half. | It’s looking grim... I can barely swim... | OK! There, I’ve leveled up! |
Staryu | When I glow red, it means I’m in tip-top condition! | My health is down to half. | I’m ready to give up. Please help me! | Ah, my level’s gone up! |
Starmie | This gem’s glitter is worth a million POKé! | Listen, my HP’s getting down to around half. | This is disastrous... I’ve lost my luster... | I’m leveling up! My glow will intensify! |
Mr. Mime | Believe it or not, but I am an artist! | Now this is not good. My health is reduced by half. | This won’t do. I’m out of power completely... | There goes my level! I’m so happy! |
Scyther | My scythes are honed to ultimate sharpness! | Careful now. See, my HP’s down to half. | I’m on the brink... My scythes have grown dull... | I leveled! My scythes grew sharper, too! |
Jynx | ∞×○@#*~♪ ∞×○@#*~♪ | !!○@#*~! !!○@#*~! | !!!!!!~! !!!!!!~! | ∞×○@#*~♪♪♪ ∞×○@#*~♪♪♪ |
Electabuzz | All I need is electricity! Nothing else! | Urk! My health’s halved! There’s not enough electricity. | Shoot, I’m done... There’s not even a volt of electricity left. | I leveled up! I’m buzzing with electricity! |
Magmar | My body’s real hot! Don’t get burned! | Ouch, ouch, ouch! My HP’s already half gone! | It’s not looking good... My fire is almost doused... | Yes! Leveled up! I’m bursting with firepower! |
Pinsir | My pincers are a one-way ride to your oblivion! | They managed to cut my HP in half... | I’m out of power... I can’t even close my pincers... | Leveled up! I can feel the power in my pincers! |
Tauros | Don’t show me anything red! | Grrrgh... My health’s getting down to about half. | I’m beat... I can’t muster the energy to ram... | Leveled up! Yowza! I’ll batter down foes! |
Magikarp | I’m the world’s weakest Pokémon. You knew that, yes? | Huh? Look, my health is down by half already. | I’m not much good now. I have almost no HP left. | Look, my level went up! But I’m probably still weak... |
Gyarados | Don’t make me angry. I can ruin the world! | Do something. My HP is down to about half. | I’ve had it... I couldn’t rampage if I wanted to... | I leveled up! My Hyper Beam’s been boosted, too! |
Lapras | The shell on my back is the ultimate in ride comfort! | Uh-oh... My health is down by half already. | I’m dropping... I can’t build any strength at all... | There, I got my level up! I wonder if my ride is more comfortable? |
Ditto | Who should I copy next? | I have only half my HP left... | I’m out of it... I don’t have the power to transform... | Yes! My level’s up! |
Eevee | Want to take a chance on my evolution? | Oh? My health is down by half already. | I can’t... I’m out of power... Help... | Yay! I leveled up! |
Vaporeon | My body’s made of water! | It’s not good. My health is down to half. | I’m out of power... It’s hopeless... | Leveled up! I feel the power of water surging! |
Jolteon | I turn negative ions into electricity! | My HP is down to half. My negative-ion supply is running down. | It’s all over... I’m out of negative ions. | I leveled up! I’m brimming with negative ions! |
Flareon | I breathe 3,000-degree flames! | My HP is halfway down. | I’m nearly done... I can’t even store fire inside me... | I leveled up! My fire burns even hotter! |
Omanyte | In the distant past, the seas were amazingly pure. | My HP’s dipped to around half. | I might not make it. I can’t muster any strength at all... | Good! I leveled up! |
Omastar | There’s no getting away from my tentacles' embrace! | This doesn’t look good. My health is reduced to half. | Help me... I can’t even wiggle my tentacles... | Hm! Leveled up just as I’d hoped! |
Kabuto | I can’t keep up with the latest fashions, but I’ll do my best! | Uh-oh... I’m down to half my HP. | I can’t go on... I have no strength left... | Yes, I did it! Leveled up! |
Kabutops | I’m thirsty... Find me some prey! | Aww... My health is cut in half so soon? | I fear the worst... I can’t begin to wave my scythes... | There! I leveled! My scythes gained sharper edges! |
Aerodactyl | It isn’t just birds that can fly! | Blast it... Only half HP already? | I’ve had it... I can barely keep flying... | Yes! I leveled up! Watch me soar higher! |
Snorlax | I eat, I eat, and I still want to eat! | I just noticed... Why is my HP down to half? | I don’t understand it. Why am I fainting? | Yay! I leveled up! Will that make me hungry? |
Articuno | I represent the power of ice! I always fight at full power! | My health is down by half. I must be careful. | I feel faint... My coldness is weakening... | Leveled up! My coldness increased! |
Zapdos | I represent the power of lightning! | I am troubled... My health is down by half already... | I fear the worst... Even my thunderbolts grow weak... | I’ve leveled! My lightning grows more powerful! |
Moltres | I represent the power of fire! My fire can never be extinguished! | My health is down quite a bit, but I’ll be fine! | I’m run-down... Even my fire won’t give me power... | There! I’ve leveled! My firepower has been boosted! |
Dratini | I might be small, but I’m still a Pokémon of legend! | Oh, no... My health is down to half... | I can’t... I have no power left at all... | Yes! I leveled up! So happy! |
Dragonair | The sea and the sky... Both are my allies! | This isn’t good. I have only half my HP left. | I’m done for... Even the power of water is gone... | I’ve leveled up. I’ll make you believe in my power! |
Dragonite | I fly, but I’m still considered a guardian of the sea. | My HP’s getting down to half. | I can’t keep up... There’s no strength left... | Yes! I’ve leveled up! Let me work even harder for you! |
Mewtwo | I long to demonstrate my power to the world! | What gives? Why is my HP down by half? | I feel faint... This shouldn’t be happening to me... | Fine! Leveled up! Witness my newfound power! |
Mew | It makes me happy being with you! | Oh, no! My HP is half gone! | I can’t go on! My HP is almost gone! | I leveled up! Doesn’t that make you happy? |
Chikorita | So? Do you like my fragrance? | Huh? My health is down to one-half already? | No more... It hurts to even move... | Yay! I leveled up! That makes me happy! |
Bayleef | Let the fragrance from my neck energize you! | I think my health is about half down. | I’m finished... I can’t release any more fragrances... | Yes! Leveled up! I’m feeling energized! |
Meganium | My breath revives wilted flowers and plants! | Uh-oh! My HP is about half gone! | I’m hurting... It’s tough to even lift my head. | Yeah! Leveled up! Let there be more power of plants! |
Cyndaquil | Make me angry and I’ll burn you! | My health is down to half... | It’s no good... Even the fire on my back is weakened... | Yippee! There’s my level! Awesome! |
Quilava | I’m on fire, but I don’t get burned! | Better be careful. I’m down to half my HP. | This is it for me... I’m out of power... | Leveled up! My fire’s blazing now! |
Typhlosion | Anything touches me, it gets burned to a cinder! | Blast it... My health is down to half already? | I’m cooked... The fire’s burning down... | I leveled up! I can feel my explosive power building! |
Totodile | Can I bite? Can I really bite? | Oh, sheesh. I only have half my HP left. | I’m fainting... I don’t have the power to bite... | I did it! I leveled up! |
Croconaw | It doesn’t matter if I lose my fangs--they grow back in! | My health is getting down to around half. | I’m exhausted... I can’t open my jaws... | Leveled up! I can feel more fangs growing in! |
Feraligatr | The strength in my jaws is tops in the world! | It’s not looking good. I have only half my HP left. | It’s all over... I don’t have any strength left... | Level up for me! My jaws got a bit stronger! |
Sentret | Is it safe? Is it dangerous? All clear! | Need to be careful. My health is down by half already. | I’m bushed... I can’t even stand on my tail anymore... | Yes! Leveled up! |
Furret | My legs are short, but I’m slick and quick! | Ohhh... My HP’s half gone! | That’s it... I can’t move very much now... | There it is! I got my level! |
Hoothoot | Ticktock... Hoot! I keep perfect time! | Say, this isn’t good. I only have half my HP left. | I’m done for... I can’t keep time anymore... | Ticktock... Woohoot! I leveled up! |
Noctowl | I used my brain to fight! | The situation’s dire... Only half my HP remains... | The situation’s grim... I’m incapable of thinking... | I leveled up! I think my IQ went up, too! |
Ledyba | I’m so glad you’re on my side! | I’m in big trouble! I’ve lost half my HP. | I can’t keep up... I have no energy left at all. | Yay, I leveled up! I get happy seeing others level, too! |
Ledian | I won’t lose so long as the stars sparkle and shine in the sky! | Oh? My health is down by a half already. We better be careful. | I’m fading fast... My sparkly powder is almost gone... | All right! I leveled up! I’ll shower more sparkly powder on foes! |
Spinarak | Don’t get tangled up in the webbing I spit! | Well, my health is down by about half now. | It’s rough... I can’t even spit any webbing... | I leveled up! My webbing is more durable! |
Ariados | Don’t get my head and rear end mixed up! | Darn... My HP’s gone down half already? | It’s bad... I’m out of silk and poison, too. | Yes! That’s my level! I can feel the power coursing through me! |
Crobat | I’ll give you a demonstration of silent and quick precision flying! | I’ve lost around half my HP. | It’s grim... I don’t have the energy to flap my wings... | Yeah! I’ve leveled up! Let me handle things! |
Chinchou | Want me to light you up from behind? | What’s up? Why’s my health half gone? | I’m beat... My lamps are growing dim... | I leveled up! I think. |
Lanturn | Am I too bright? Sorry, sorry. | I’m getting down to about half HP now. | That’s it... I can’t light my lamps anymore... | Leveled up! My lamps blaze even brighter! |
Pichu | I can’t store electricity very well yet! | Oh, no! I only have half my HP! | I can’t keep going! All my electricity is leaking away... | I leveled up! Yay, happy! |
Cleffa | The stars in the sky are where I came from! | Oh, no! I lost about half my HP already! | I can’t go on like this... I want to go back to the stars... | Yay! See? I leveled up! |
Igglybuff | If I start rolling, I can’t stop! Please, help me if I do! | Aww! Half my HP is lost already? | Can’t take any more... I can’t even roll... | Oh, yay! My level went up! |
Togepi | I want to make everyone happy! | Uh-oh... My HP is down to half. | Sorry, no more... I can’t move... | OK! There goes my level! |
Togetic | Your compassion becomes your power! | About half my health is gone. | It’s no good... Even the power of friendship won’t reach me... | Oh, yes! I’ve leveled up! |
Natu | What is captured within my affixed stare? | This won’t do... I’ve only half my HP left. | I feel faint... My eyes grow weary and dim... | Leveled up! I see the future with better clarity! |
Xatu | All the yesterdays, today, and all tomorrows--they are as one! | Matters are grave... My health has fallen to half. | I am numb... I can see neither past nor future... | Leveled up! However... All levels are connected as one! |
Mareep | I’m fluffy and warm! | Oh? Half my HP is gone so soon? | I can’t take any more... I’m about to shed... | I gained a level! My fleece turned fluffier! |
Flaaffy | My body doesn’t conduct electricity! | Listen, my HP’s been cut to half. | I’m shorting out... I’m losing electricity fast... | Yahoo! I leveled up! I’m happy for me! |
Ampharos | If you get lost, you can use me as a beacon! | This worries me. My health has slid to about half. | I’m close to falling... My taillight’s almost burned out... | I leveled up! My taillight burns brighter, too! |
Bellossom | My dancing soothes everyone! | What shall I do? I’ve lost half my HP. | I’m so sorry... I can’t dance, I’m so beaten down... | Oh, yes! Leveled up! I’ll dance more and more! |
Marill | This tail acts like a float. | Oh, wow! My HP’s been taken down to half already? | I can’t keep going... I’m almost out of HP... | Yay! Check it out! I leveled up! |
Azumarill | My ears can pick up the sound of a pin dropping far away! | Why is my health down to half already? | I’m falling... My ears are failing me... | Yep! There’s my level! I’ll pick up the pace! |
Sudowoodo | I’m not a liar. I’m just a very good mimic! | Oh, oh, oh? I have only half my HP left. | It’s over... I don’t have the energy to mimic anyone. | I leveled up! And that’s no lie! |
Politoed | I like to sing in a big chorus for a good time~♪ | Already~♪ Half my HP~♪ Has gone away~♪ From me-ee-ee-eeh~♪ | I’m gonna croak... Because I can’t sing anymore... | Level uh-uh-uh-up~♪ My singing skills went up, lalalalala~♪ |
Hoppip | All I do is get blown by the wind~♪ | My health is down by half... | I can’t hold on... Even a breeze will send me flying... | There! I’ve leveled! Can I resist wind any better? |
Skiploom | It feels fabulous to float in the sky! | My HP is down to half. | Please, help... I can barely stay afloat... | My level went up! I’ll try to float higher up! |
Jumpluff | It’s simply sublime to ride the winds on journeys to wherever! | Oh? I see my HP’s gone down to half already. | I’m run-down... I haven’t the strength to ride the winds... | Leveled up! I’ll ride the winds higher! |
Aipom | This tail here? It works like another hand! | Oi! I should tell you, my HP’s gone down by about half. | I’m all out of good news. My tail’s lost its grip... | Yes! I got my level up! I’m so proud of my tail! |
Sunkern | It doesn’t take much for me to grow. Just a little water’ll do me fine! | I only have half my HP left. | I’m dehydrated... My HP’s down too low... | Wow! My level went up! I want to celebrate! |
Sunflora | The sun is my source of energy. | Huh? My HP’s down half- way already? Better beware. | I’m wilting... Sunlight’s energy isn’t getting through... | Awesome! There’s my level! The sunlight’s brilliant! |
Yanma | Front, sides, and to the back--there’s nothing my eyes don’t see. | Urf... My health is reduced to half. | I’m crashing down... My wings are barely moving... | There! My level’s gone up! |
Wooper | I might be damp, but I have a cheerful character! | What’s going on? My health is halfway down already? | I’m ready to flop... My body’s drying out... | Whoopee! Level up for me! |
Quagsire | I’ll be careful not to bonk my head while fighting. | Hmmm... Is my HP down by about half? | I’m out of it... I’m about to topple over... | Leveled up, yay! Will it help me avoid bonking my head? |
Espeon | I sense the movements of foes from the flow of air! | Trouble... My HP’s down by half. | It might be hopeless... I don’t have any strength left... | My level went up. My senses grew sharper, too. |
Umbreon | I can take foes down using poison! | This looks bad... My health is halfway gone. | I’m nearly done... My muscles are spent... | My level’s up. My poison has intensified, too. |
Murkrow | Don’t blame me if you get lost in dungeons! | I have half my HP left, and that’s about it. | I’m doomed... I don’t know my way around... | There, I’ve leveled up. I hope nothing ominous happens... |
Slowking | Empty your mind of anxiety, and solutions will come to you. | Please, be careful. My health has been reduced to half. | I am weary... The weight of my head forces me down... | Ah, yes, yes. My level appears to have risen. |
Misdreavus | Would you like me to pull on your hair? | Beware... My HP is reduced to half... | I’m failing... I haven’t the energy to pull hair... | Fufufu... I seem to have leveled up. |
Unown A | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown B | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown C | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown D | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown E | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown F | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown G | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown H | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown I | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown J | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown K | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown L | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown M | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown N | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown O | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown P | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown Q | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown R | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown S | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown T | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown U | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown V | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown W | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown X | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown Y | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Unown Z | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | I have leveled up. |
Wobbuffet | I’m very shy. Please don’t come up to me from behind. | I think I’m in trouble. My health is down by half. | I’m sorry... I can hardly wobble... | My level went up! |
Girafarig | Don’t get too close to my tail--it bites! | Oh, no. Look at my HP--it’s halfway down. | I’m bushed... I’m drained of power... | I went up a level! I’ll have to work that much harder! |
Pineco | I just hang around, and the bugs... They just flock to me. | My HP’s sliding down to around half now. | I’m barely hanging on... My body feels too heavy to move... | There, got my level. |
Forretress | What goes on inside my shell is a secret! | Now, this isn’t pretty. I’m seeing my health down halfway. | I’m about done... Haven’t got any power left to give... | Say, now, I leveled up! My shell’s grown thicker, too! |
Dunsparce | Please, don’t look at me like that. It makes me very self-conscious. | Oh, please don’t say so. Half my HP is already gone? | I give up... I don’t have the energy to even run... | Leveled up! Oh, but please don’t look... It isn’t very nice. |
Gligar | I startle my foes, then jab them with my poison stinger! | Shoot... My health is down by half this soon? | I’m banged up... I’m too beat to even ride the wind... | There’s me leveling up! I’ve got lots of scaring to do! |
Steelix | This body is harder than diamond! | Hmmm... It appears as if my health has been reduced to half... | It’s beyond hope... Harder than diamond I am, but still I crack... | Hah! I’ve leveled up! I have turned even harder! |
Snubbull | When we finish fighting, let’s go out and play! | My HP is down halfway. | I can’t take more... I’m all out of power... | My level went up! And so did my spirits! |
Granbull | I’m a little scared, but... I’ll do my best to bite! | My health has gone down by about half. | I’m exhausted... My fangs are dragging me down... | I leveled up! I’ll do my best to bite! |
Qwilfish | Oh, you have to stay back! You might get stuck with a poison quill! | Hey! There’s only half my HP left! | I’m sagging... I can’t even inflate myself anymore... | Yay! My level went up! Watch me pump myself up! |
Scizor | I can’t fly, but I have power to spare! | We have a situation here. My health is down by half. | I’ve had it... Even my pincers are enfeebled... | Level-up achieved! My pincers tingle with power! |
Shuckle | If the going gets too rough, I’ll retreat within my shell! | No more tomfoolery! My health is halfway down. | I think it’s hopeless... I want to hide in my shell... | Yes, finally leveled up! I’ll beat on my shell like a tom-tom! |
Heracross | This horn is proof of my strength and power! | Oof... I only have about half my HP now. | It’s too tough... I can’t even flex my horn... | Excellent! I’ve leveled up! My horn’s grown more rigid! |
Sneasel | Never let your guard down. That’s for your own benefit. | Tch. My HP’s down halfway already? | The jig is up... I can’t put any power behind my claws... | Yes! I leveled up. Watch me claw with authority! |
Teddiursa | My paws taste very sweet! | What’s going on? Why is my health down so low? | I might not make it... I’m ready to drop... | I went up a level! I’m so happy! |
Ursaring | Is that food I smell? Maybe not. | I don’t like this. My health dwindled to half? | I’m on the brink... My forearms grow weak and weary... | All right! My level’s gone up! |
Slugma | If I stop moving, I cool down and solidify! | Umm... I hope you notice my health is down by half already. | This is awful... My body’s going to harden and set... | Yes! I leveled up! Maybe I won’t harden so easily... |
Magcargo | Please, don’t touch my shell. It crumbles very easily. | I’m worried. My HP has dropped to approximately half. | I can’t keep it together... Flames will erupt from my body... | That’s it! Leveled up! I can feel my flames boiling over! |
Swinub | Mmm... I smell something nice... It fills me with friendship! | My HP’s half gone already... | I’m done... I can’t distinguish aromas anymore... | Oh, yes! I leveled up! It fills me with friendship! |
Piloswine | Is there an enemy in front? I can’t see what lies ahead of me... | My health is down by half already. | I’m run-down... I couldn’t charge if I wanted... | Leveled up! But I still can’t see to the front... |
Corsola | The branches on my head are used for expensive jewelry! | I only have about half my HP remaining. | I can’t go on... The branches on my head are almost breaking... | Yes! I’ve leveled up! The coral branches on my head grew, too! |
Remoraid | My Water Gun’s aim is precisely accurate! | Oh? My HP’s down halfway already? | I’ve had it... I can’t hitch on to anything now... | I gained a level! My Water Gun’s been boosted, too! |
Octillery | My suction cups are impossible to pry off! | Umm... I think my remaining HP is like half or so. | I’m exhausted... My suction cups can’t grip anymore... | Leveled up! My suction cups grip even tighter now! |
Delibird | If you need anything delivered, I’m at your service! | Wait a second... Only half my HP is left! | I’m finished... I have no energy left at all... | Oh, yippee! I leveled up! That makes me happy! |
Mantine | I don’t let little things bother me. | Uh-oh... My HP is at half already. | I can’t keep going... I don’t even have the power to swim... | I leveled up! Oh, what a glorious feeling it is! |
Skarmory | These wings are quite light, actually. | I don’t like this. What remains of my health is half. | This is terrible... I haven’t any power left... | Ah, leveled up! My wings feel lighter than ever! |
Houndour | I’m good at running down prey using teamwork. | My HP’s been cut in half. | I can’t go on... I’m about to drop... | Yes! I got my level up! I’ll work harder! |
Houndoom | My Howl leaves foes shaking with fear! | Darn... My remaining HP’s down to half... | It’s all over for me... I don’t have the energy to even bark... | I’ve leveled up! I will howl with greater authority! |
Kingdra | When I awaken, tornadoes form! | Watch out. My HP is down by half already. | I’m ruined... Conjuring up a tornado is a dream within a dream... | Leveled up! My tornadoes gained in power as well! |
Phanpy | Can I bump with my trunk? Can I bump with my trunk? | I only have one half of my HP left. | I’m sorry... I have no power to even lift my trunk... | I leveled up! I’ll bump with my trunk more! |
Donphan | The length of these tusks is a measure of my power! | This won’t do. My health has dwindled to half. | I’ve had enough... My tusks are too heavy to move... | I’ve leveled up! My tusks seem to have thrust out more! |
Porygon2 | I can perform actions beyond my programmed parameters. | My energy level has been reduced to approximately 50 percent. | System overload... My system is on the verge of crashing... | Leveled up! All programs operating error free. |
Stantler | My antlers create a weird space where reality is distorted! | I’ve lost half my HP already. | I’m done for... My head is spinning, and I’m about to fall... | My level went up! My weird reality field turned weirder! |
Smeargle | Would you like me to paint? Art is an explosion of passion and talent! | Pay attention, please! My health is down by half! | I’ve had it... My tail feels too heavy to hold... | Ah! Leveled up! Perhaps my artistry has blossomed more? |
Tyrogue | It doesn’t matter how often I lose, I don’t give up! | Shoot... My health is down by half already? | I can’t take this... I don’t want to lose, but... I feel faint... | Up goes my level! I won’t lose now! |
Hitmontop | I’ll KO foes by the ton with my awesome kicks! | Darn it... I’m at half health already? | I’m about to drop... My eyes are spinning... | Leveled up! My awesome kicks sped up, too! |
Smoochum | I can tell if you’re weak or strong--all it takes is just a little kiss! | Uh-oh? I think I lost about half my HP so far. | I’m teetering on my feet... I’m going to fall over... | Yay! I leveled up! Kiss me to see how strong I am? |
Elekid | I wave my arms in circles to loose electric attacks! | Aww, no... My health is down halfway already... | It’s no good... I can’t charge up, even by windmilling my arms... | Yes! I leveled up! Watch my arms windmill! |
Magby | Be careful! I dribble fire from my nose and mouth. | Oh, no... My HP is halfway down from full. | I can’t hold it... Fire’s going to burst from everywhere... | I leveled up! Oops... I might leak fire! |
Miltank | My milk is full of healthy nutrients. | Oh, my goodness. My health is down to half, it seems. | I’m at my limit... I’m all out of milk... | My level went up! My milk is more nutritious, too! |
Blissey | I don’t like to fight... Everyone’s really kindhearted... | Oh, dear me... My health has declined by half. | No, dear... I can’t muster any strength... | Yay! I leveled up! I wonder if I became kinder? |
Raikou | I am the thunderbolt that races through the fields! | I don’t like this... My HP is cut to half? | This is it... The power of lightning fails here... | I gained a level! May lightning bolts empower me! |
Entei | Let volcanoes lend me the power to strike down foes! | This is worrisome... My health has dwindled to half its peak... | This is it... The power of volcanoes no longer reaches me... | Ah, level up! May volcanoes empower me! |
Suicune | Let us go! The north wind will be our ally! | This is serious... Half my HP has been expended already... | This is it... The power of the north wind fails to reach me... | I’ve leveled up! May the north wind empower me! |
Larvitar | I’d like to chow down on a mountain! | Huh? My health is down to half already! | I’m bone tired... Even eating dirt won’t perk me up... | I leveled up! Now is it OK to chow down a mountain? |
Pupitar | I’m in a pupal stage, but I can jump around. No problem! | Listen, my HP is down about halfway now. | I’m pooped. I can’t even hop about anymore... | I leveled up! My shell grew even harder, too! |
Tyranitar | Let us fight! For our victory! | This is worrisome... My health should be down by half so soon? | I’m fainting... I lack power... | There! I’ve leveled up! I’ll keep gaining power this way! |
Lugia | My power is with you! | Hm! Already, my health is in half? | I’m ready to fall... Who knew my power would fail me? | My level has risen like my power. |
Ho-Oh | A vivid rainbow gives me protection! | How can this be? My HP is reduced halfway? | It’s no good... Even my rainbow has faded away... | Leveled up! Let the seven colors of my rainbow blaze across the sky! |
Celebi | I traveled through time to be with you! | Oh? My health is halfway down. I’d better be careful. | Oh, no... The power of time has run out... | Yes! I gained a level! The power from the future is gaining intensity! |
Treecko | The weather tomorrow? Oh, you’re not interested? | Watch my health. It’s down to half already. | I’m bushed... I can’t get any power going... | My level went up! Woohoo! |
Grovyle | My legs let me bound over any boulder! I’m proud of them! | Watch my HP. I’m already halfway down. | I’m exhausted... I don’t have the strength to even jump... | I leveled up! And so did my jumping power! |
Sceptile | Witness how sharply my leaves cut! | It seems my HP has fallen to half already. | I fear the worst... Even my leaves grow blunted... | I’ve leveled up! My leaves are sharper edged now! |
Torchic | The fire sac in my belly feels very warm. | Uh-oh! I think my HP is down halfway. | I’m sorry... I feel faint... Help... | Yes! Leveled up! It makes me feel chirpy! |
Combusken | I shriek in battle to raise my concentration! | This isn’t good... My health has slipped halfway... | I am weakened... My kicks no longer have power... | I’ve leveled up! My kicks have become more potent! |
Blaziken | No one gets the better of me at kicking! | Beware... My health has fallen by half... | I’m cooked... I can’t even muster a jump... | Yes! I’ve leveled up! My jumping power’s been boosted as well! |
Mudkip | I might be little, but I’m proud of my strength! | Wait a second... I’ve lost half my HP already? | I’m teetering on the brink of collapse... | Yay! Look, I leveled up! |
Marshtomp | I like the ground to be muddy if I can have it my way. | Umm... My health has gone down by half already... | I’m sorry... It’s a struggle to even move... | My level went up! I’ll try harder! |
Swampert | One swing of my arms will shatter foes! | Watch out. So far, my health has slipped to half. | I’m drained... There’s not a bit of power left... | Hah! I got my level up! My arms have turned harder! |
Poochyena | Grr... I smell foes! | Grr... My health is halfway down. | I’m feeling down-and-out... I can’t even manage a yip... | Grrr... I leveled! My nose grew even more sensitive! |
Mightyena | I will obey any order! It’s my duty to serve and protect you! | My HP has fallen about halfway down. | I’m sorry... I may not be able to fulfill my duty... | I’ve been promoted in level! I’m ready for any order! |
Zigzagoon | I wonder what’s in store here? This is so exciting! | Listen, half my HP’s gone. | No more... I couldn’t run if I wanted to... | I leveled up! Ooh, this is so exciting! |
Linoone | Sudden stops and turns just aren’t my thing! | It could be trouble. My health has gone down halfway. | I’m staggering... If I can’t run, I’ll keel over... | Yes! Leveled! It gave me a speed boost! |
Wurmple | When I’m attacked, I strike back with my poisonous spikes! | Ouch... I lost half my HP pretty quickly... | I might have had it... I don’t know if I can even make poison... | OK! Level up! My poisonous spikes grew meaner, too! |
Silcoon | I’m not sleeping! I’m waiting! | My health is getting down about halfway now. | It’s bad... I’m close to fainting... | Hmhm... Looks like I’ve leveled up. |
Beautifly | I attack by jabbing with my long mouth! | Darn it... My health is half gone already? | I’m exhausted... I’m barely flapping my wings... | All right! Got my level up! I’ll flap powerfully into the sky! |
Cascoon | When this cocoon shows cracks, I’ll be ready to evolve! | I have about half my health left. | I’m feeling weak... I’ll faint if this keeps up... | Hmhm... Looks like I’ve leveled up. |
Dustox | I get drawn to bright lights. It’s in my nature. | Um... I guess my HP is down about halfway or so? | No more, please... I’m running out of poison powders... | I gained a level! My supply of toxic powders grew, too! |
Lotad | I have to be careful to not let my big leaf wilt... | Oh, this is not good. My health is down by one-half. | I’ve had it... My leaf is dried out... | Look! I’ve leveled up! My big leaf is lush and green, too! |
Lombre | Actually, I’m better at night. | I don’t like this. I lost half my HP already? | I’m drained... The leaf on my head feels heavy... | My level’s gone up! I wish it were night, though... |
Ludicolo | Amigo! Let us dance merrily! | At half HP, it’s hard to find the rhythm! | I’m sorry... I want to be cheerful... But I’m fainting... | Amigo! I leveled up! Time for a celebration! |
Seedot | Please don’t mistake me for an acorn! | Oh-oh... My health is half gone already. | Please... I feel faint... | Yes, please! There goes my level! |
Nuzleaf | I’ll strike fear into the foes with my grass flute! | Be careful. My health is down by about half. | I’m bushed... I can’t blow my grass flute anymore... | Level up for me! I’m feeling good! |
Shiftry | Fufufu... I can see through your thoughts. | I’m concerned... My health should be down to half so soon? | It disappoints me... But this might be it for me... | Fufufu... Be happy that my level went up! |
Taillow | What I lack in size, I make up with guts! | My HP is down halfway... | I can’t do this anymore... My wings won’t move... | All right! I leveled up! Good times! |
Swellow | I’m a wanderer. The skies are free! | I don’t like this... My health shouldn’t be down to half. | I’m falling... My wings have failed me... | I’ve gained in level! I can soar higher and farther! |
Wingull | I can fly forever as long as a wind is blowing. | Uh-oh? I have only half my HP left. | I can’t anymore... I have no strength... I can’t fly... | Awesome! Leveled up! The wind feels great! |
Pelipper | You need things delivered? You’ve come to the right place! | What’s going on? My health is half gone already? | I’ve had it... My heavy bill is dragging me down... | That’d be me leveling up! It feels like my bill got bigger, too! |
Ralts | I sense hostility... I’m scared! | I’m afraid... I have only about half my HP left... | I can’t take this... I feel faint... Please, help... | I gained a level... But I sense even more hostility... |
Kirlia | Your cheerful energy turns into my power! | This might be bad. My HP has slipped to about halfway down. | I’m sorry... My psychic power is almost drained... | I’ve leveled up! I’ll spin and dance some more! |
Gardevoir | You must clear the path to your own future! | This isn’t good... I’ve lost a good half of my HP already. | I’m so near to fainting... I can’t see into the future at all... | Leveled up! I can see the future with better clarity! |
Surskit | Want to race me on water? I won’t lose! | I’ve already lost half my HP. | Please, no... I’m wobbly on my feet... | Yay! I leveled up! Watch how slickly I can glide now! |
Masquerain | I don’t like it when it rains. It prevents me from flying. | Huh? My health is down to only half already. I have to be careful. | That’s it... My antennae feel too heavy to fly... | I got my next level! I’ll work that much harder! |
Shroomish | I like it where it’s dank and damp. | My HP has dropped to about half. | I can’t keep this up... I’m almost out of poison powders... | That’s my level up! My poison powders turned more toxic! |
Breloom | My tail doles out punches faster than your eyes can see! | We’ve got a problem. I have only about half my HP left. | It’s all over... I’m out of power to even punch... | I’ve leveled up! My punching speed accelerated, too! |
Slakoth | Duhhhh... I’m not just loafing... Duhhh... | Huhhh? My HP is down by half? | Duhhh... I’m tired... I can’t move anymore... | Did I level up? But I’m still... Duhhh... |
Vigoroth | I get this feeling that I’ll just keel over if I stop! | Kwaah! My HP’s gone down to half so soon? | I’m done... But I have one good rampage left in me! | Leveled up! Yes! Watch how I can rampage now! |
Slaking | When I get serious, you’d best watch out, too. | It appears that I have only half my HP left. | I’m weary... I’m out of all the power I conserved... | Hmm... It appears that I’ve gained a level. |
Nincada | My antennae serve as my eyes. | Oh, what’s up? How could my HP be down by half so soon? | I think I’ve had it... I can’t get any strength... | OK! I leveled up! I’ll try harder! |
Ninjask | Can you keep up with my speed? | I don’t like this at all. My remaining HP shouldn’t be only half. | I feel faint... I can’t hit the speeds I want... | I’ve got my level! I can strike even faster now! |
Shedinja | I’m an empty shell, but still I’ll fight! | My health has dipped to around half the peak level. | It’s looking grim. I even feel like an empty shell now... | I’m just an empty shell, but I can still level up! |
Whismur | Whisper... Murmur... | Whisper... HP is... Murmur... Half... | Whisper... No more... Murmur... No more HP... | Whisper... Level... Murmur... Up... |
Loudred | Hah?! You want me to talk quieter?! | Oh, no!! My HP’s half gone!! | I’m beat! I don’t have the power to bellow! | What?! Did I level up?! |
Exploud | When I’m feeling good, my voice gets loud! | Looks like only half my HP’s still left. | This is the end... I can’t even raise my voice... | All right! Leveled up! Let me let loose with a good bellow! |
Makuhita | My life revolves entirely around training! | Oof... My health is down halfway... This might not be good. | I’m done for... All my training hasn’t meant a thing... | Leveled up! But I can’t be happy with that! I have to train harder! |
Hariyama | Let me straight-arm my way to victory! | I have only half my health left now... | I’m done... My straight-arm punches have no weight behind them... | Leveled up! My straight- arm punches piston harder now! |
Azurill | My tail is bigger than my body! | Uh-oh! I lost half my HP already. | I can’t keep going... Help me, I’m going to fall... | Yay! I leveled up! |
Nosepass | This nose is a magnet! | Hmm... I think my health has fallen to about halfway. | I can’t take much more... Even my nose is losing magnetism... | OK! I went up a level! I can pinpoint north now! |
Skitty | I’m finicky about friends, but I can fight with you. | Oh, no. My health is in half already. | I’m sorry... I can hardly move... | Giggle... It appears I’ve leveled up! |
Delcatty | We should bring grace and elegance into our fighting. | It frightens me... My health has been reduced by half... | Please, spare me... It pains me to remain on my feet... | Ah, leveled up! Has it enhanced my already-stunning style? |
Sableye | You’ll appreciate my luminous eyes in darkness. | Hey, you do see my HP’s gone down by half? | I’m next to done... The light in my eyes grows dim... | There! I’ve leveled up! See how my eyes blaze with color? |
Mawile | The unwary... I chomp! | Whew... I think I only have about half my HP left. | I’m worn out... I can’t set my jaws... | All right! I gained a level! I can feel new power popping in my jaws! |
Aron | I grow big on a diet of iron! | Only half my health is left... | I’m not up to it... I don’t have any energy left... | I leveled up! I wish I had more iron to eat! |
Lairon | Nothing alive could break through this steel armor! | Hold up. I just have half my HP remaining. | It’s a grinding halt... I can’t even make sparks fly... | Yes! My level’s up! My steel armor’s hardness increased! |
Aggron | I don’t forgive anyone that messes with my territory! | Gah! So, my health has slipped down by half... | I’m finished... I’m drained of power... | That’s right! I leveled up! I’ll smash my enemies flat! |
Meditite | Nothing can best a serene heart in battle! | I’m afraid my health has eroded to half its peak. | I fear the worst... Even meditation won’t help soon enough... | Yes! I’ve leveled up! The power of yoga is amplified within! |
Medicham | The mystical power of nature--that is yoga! | So swiftly, my health has fallen to half. | I stand on the brink... This may be my last act of elegance... | Leveled up! The power of yoga permeates me! |
Electrike | My body hair stores static electricity. | Darn... I lost half my HP already... | I’m run-down... There’s no static charge left in me... | I leveled up! Watch the sparks fly! |
Manectric | Lightning becomes my energy! | My health has gone down by half. That’s not good. | I’m finished... My lightning energy is just about gone... | I’ve leveled up! I’m brimming with the power of lightning! |
Plusle | I work best with Minun! | What is this? Only half my HP is left! | No more... I can’t even set off sparks... | Leveled up! I did it, Minun! |
Minun | I work best with Plusle! | What is this? Only half my HP is left! | No more... I can’t even set off sparks... | Leveled up! I did it, Plusle! |
Volbeat | My lit-up taillight is a symbol of my maleness! | Um... My health is down about halfway. | I’m done for... Even my taillight is like a candle in the wind. | I leveled up! My lit-up taillight shines brighter than ever! |
Illumise | I skate across the night sky with my Volbeat friends! | Oh, dear! I’ve lost half my health already! | I’m sorry... I don’t have the strength to fly... | I’ve leveled up! I must tell my Volbeat friends! |
Roselia | Let the aroma of my flowers relax you. | I’m not pleased to see my HP is down by half. | I can’t take this... I’m out of fragrance and strength... | I’ve leveled up! But relax! Relax! |
Gulpin | I eat everything in one big gulp. It’s delicious that way! | There’s only half my HP left. | I’m beaten up... All my gases are leaking out... | My level went up! My gases smell worse, too! |
Swalot | I eat everything in one gulp. It doesn’t matter how big! | I’m getting worried. My health is down about halfway. | I’m exhausted... There isn’t any poison left in me... | I leveled up! My toxins grew more powerful, too! |
Carvanha | I can munch down a cow. No problem! | This is looking bad... My health is down by half. | It’s grim... My fangs aren’t working properly... | Yes! Leveled up! I’m going on an eating spree! |
Sharpedo | My fangs can rip apart iron! | Darn... Only half my HP’s left... | It’s hopeless. Even my prized fangs are broken... | My level went up! My fangs grew sharper, too! |
Wailmer | I eat a ton of food every day! | Uh, hey? How come I only have half my health? | I can’t take this... My body’s gone loose and blubbery... | I leveled up! Food tastes delicious! |
Wailord | I’m the biggest of all Pokémon! | Oh, not good! I’ve gone and lost half my HP already. | It’s no good... I’ve lost every bit of power... | Yes! Leveled up! Watch me grow bigger! |
Numel | If it gets cold, the magma in my belly will harden! | My HP is down to half... | I need help... The magma in my body will harden... | I leveled up! The magma in my belly’s doing good, too! |
Camerupt | If I get angry, I just might start erupting with lava! | Oh, no... My health has gone halfway down already... | I’m worn out... I don’t have the energy to erupt... | I leveled! I can feel the magma burbling up in me! |
Torkoal | I have coal burning inside my belly. | Hmmm... It seems as if I’ve only half my health remaining. | I’m about finished... I’ve run out of my internal coal reserves... | There goes my level! The coal’s burning well inside me, too. |
Spoink | If I don’t keep bouncing, I lose my life! | Uh-oh! My HP is halfway down! | Help me... I’m running out of energy to bounce... | I leveled up! It puts me in a bouncy mood! |
Grumpig | Can you follow my artistic dance steps? | Well now, my health has been reduced to half. | I’m finished... My elegant dance steps are no more... | Ah, yes, I’ve leveled up! My dance steps shall uplift me! |
Spinda | I’m not the way I look. I can walk in a straight line, thank you! | Oh-oh? I daresay my HP is down by half. | I’m prepared to keel over. I can’t keep walking straight now. | I’ll have you know I’ve gone up a level. |
Trapinch | Learn to endure! Endurance will always help you! | We should be careful. My HP has fallen by half already. | I’m at the end of my endurance... I can’t open my mouth... | Leveled up! There’s plenty of prey I can ambush! |
Vibrava | My ultrasonic waves are beyond your range of hearing. OK? | I only have half my health left... | I’ve had it... I can’t even vibrate my wings... | I’ve leveled up! My ultrasonic waves are in prime form! |
Flygon | If the going gets too rough, I duck and hide in a sandstorm! | Oops, they’ve taken my HP down by half already... | This won’t do... I don’t have the energy to flap my wings... | Yes! Leveled up! Desert sandstorms will help me! |
Cacnea | I can live for thirty days without having anything to drink! | My HP is slipping down to the halfway mark. | I’ll faint on you... My body’s developing cracks... | I leveled up! I can feel power down to my spikes! |
Cacturne | It’s too hot in the desert, so I like it at night. | I’m not looking good. I lost around half my HP so far... | I’m about done. My body’s stiffening up tight... | Fufufu... I leveled up! |
Swablu | They might look like cotton candy, but they’re my wings. | Oh, my goodness. There goes half my health already. | No more... My pure white wings got filthy... | I leveled up! My white wings are fluffier, too! |
Altaria | Mmm~♪ Hmm~♪ I like to hum to myself. | Oh, no. I have only about half my HP left. | I feel faint... I haven’t the energy to even hum... | Mmm~♪ Hmm~♪ Leveling up makes me cheery! |
Zangoose | Cooperating with Seviper is one thing I won’t do! | Darn it... My health is down by half already... | I’ve had it... My claws are chipping... | Hah, I leveled up! I can’t fall behind Seviper! |
Seviper | Go with Zangoose? Sorry, I don’t do that! | Shoot... My health’s been cut to half already? | It’s hopeless... My bladed tail is losing its edge... | There, I leveled up! I hate losing to Zangoose! |
Lunatone | The power of the moon is my power. | My HP is half already... | No... The moon’s power fails to reach me... | Leveled up! The moon’s power rises. |
Solrock | Let me marshal the power of the sun for massive attacks! | My health has tumbled to a mere half already... | No... The sun’s power fails to reach me... | Leveled up! Sunshine’s power intensified! |
Barboach | I can slip, squirm, and slime my way out of any trouble! | Uh-oh! I only have half my HP left! | Oh, no... Even my slime is drying up... | I went up a level! I turned slimier, too! Feeling good! |
Whiscash | Even long battles must eventually end! | Let’s see... Ah, so my HP has declined to half. | I’m hurting... Even my prized whiskers developed kinks... | Oh? My level seems to have gone up. |
Corphish | Hey, you don’t have a clue how hardy my kind can be! | Hey, there. My HP’s down halfway. | Hey, I’ve had it. My pincers lost their grip... | Hey, I leveled up! That’s happy news! |
Crawdaunt | My two pincers can destroy anything! | Things aren’t looking good. Not with my health down to half. | I’m on my last legs... My prized pincers have failed me... | OK! Leveled up! My pincers are primed with power! |
Baltoy | Balance! Balance! Balance is the important thing! | Um... My HP is about halfway down. | I can’t take this... I can’t maintain balance anymore... | There, I leveled up! My balance is in tip-top form, too! |
Claydol | Hovering in the air is quite pleasant, actually. | This is ominous. My HP is half depleted already. | I’ve taken too much damage. It pains me to remain airborne... | Level-up secured! My psychic power grows and grows! |
Lileep | I’ve returned from 100 million years ago! | My health is half gone already... | I’m close to done... I want to sleep as a fossil again... | Yes! I’ve leveled up! It fills me with glee! |
Cradily | Don’t get dizzy looking at the patterns on my body! | I think I’ve lost around half my HP. | I can’t keep going... Even waving my tentacles is too much... | I did it! I leveled up! My digestive tract’s working great, too! |
Anorith | Did you know? I’m an ancestral Pokémon. | Now what? Why is my HP reduced to half? | It’s useless... I don’t have the strength to move my claws... | Yes! I leveled up! My claws feel fantastic! |
Armaldo | I offer a good balance of offense and defense! | I don’t like this. What’s left of my health is half... | I can’t put up with this... My claws are cracking... | Leveled up! Let me at my foes so I can skewer them! |
Feebas | Do you know what it feels like to be ignored by everyone? | I’m worried. My health has gone down to half. | I’m done for... I tried so hard, even though I look shabby... | I’ve leveled up. Does it make me look less shabby? |
Milotic | Everyone seems to find my appearance captivating. | Oh-oh... Only half my HP remains... | I’m near fainting... I hope I faint while I still look good... | I’ve leveled up. It seems to have enhanced my beauty! |
Castform | My appearance changes with the power of nature. | My health is down to half already... | I’m helpless... I have almost no power left... | Yay! I leveled up! |
Castform (Hail Form) | My appearance changes with the power of nature. | My health is down to half already... | I’m helpless... I have almost no power left... | Yay! I leveled up! |
Castform (Sun Form) | My appearance changes with the power of nature. | My health is down to half already... | I’m helpless... I have almost no power left... | Yay! I leveled up! |
Castform (Rain Form) | My appearance changes with the power of nature. | My health is down to half already... | I’m helpless... I have almost no power left... | Yay! I leveled up! |
Kecleon | What color do you like? I can change into it! | Huh? Well, now, my HP’s half gone! | Sorry, I’m about done. I can’t begin to change color anymore... | Leveled up! We’re in business now! |
Shuppet | This horn senses dark feelings like vengeance and envy! | Hmmm... I have only half my HP left... | I’ve had it... I might fade with my grudge intact... | Leveled up! I need more dark energy of vengeance and envy! |
Banette | I’m driven by the power of an unresolved grudge! | Moan... Already my HP is half gone... | It’s no good... My grudge can’t sustain itself... | Leveled up... I can feel my grudge building... |
Duskull | Walls don’t mean much to me! | No, no, no... My health has fallen by half... | I’m close to falling... My body has started to fade... | Fufufu... I seem to have leveled! |
Dusclops | My mouth draws in anything! It’s the gateway to terror! | My health has slipped to half already... | I am all but finished... I have no power to draw anything in... | I’ve leveled up! I’ll keep drawing foes in! |
Tropius | That’s not my beard! They’re fruits! | My HP has dropped to about half. | I’m beat... My head feels too heavy to lift... | I leveled up! It made my fruits sweeter, too! |
Chimecho | Blown by summer breezes, I chime into song! | Oh, no! I have only half my HP remaining! | I’m exhausted... All I can do is sway in the breeze... | I’ve leveled up! Let me peal in joy! |
Absol | I’m here to fight off natural disasters! | I feel weak... My remaining HP is just half... | I fear the worst... I can’t prevail against disasters... | I’ve leveled up! I feel empowered to fight disasters! |
Wynaut | Wynaut likes to be with friends! | Wynaut has only half HP left. | Wynaut has no power... | Wynaut leveled up! |
Snorunt | Did you know? You can grow rich by being with me. | Oh, please! My health is half gone already? | I’m sorry... I can take cold, but not this... | I leveled up! I wonder if you’ll get richer? |
Glalie | The ice forming my body can’t be melted, even by fire! | Hmm... It appears as if I’ve already frittered away half my HP. | This is my final act... My ice body has begun to melt... | Leveled up! Let me freeze them all! |
Spheal | My fur is thick and fluffy so I don’t feel cold. | My health has gone down halfway already... | I’m sorry... I don’t think I can even roll anymore... | Yippee! I leveled up! My fur coat feels even more luxurious! |
Sealeo | Do you have something for me to roll on my nose? I so want to! | Now, hold on. My HP is in half. Better be careful. | I’m quite finished... I want to balance something on my nose, but I’m out of strength for even that. | I’ve leveled up! I’ll twirl more things on my nose! |
Walrein | I rode out on ice floes! | Watch it! My HP’s been cut in half! | I’ve had it... My tusks have chipped... | There! I’ve gained my level! My tusks have turned more rigid! |
Clamperl | In my lifetime, I can make one pearl, and that’s it! | My health has dipped to approximately halfway down. | I can’t go on... Please save my pearl at least... | All right! I gained a level! My pearl is growing bigger! |
Huntail | I like the bottom of the sea where it’s dark and relaxing. | Darn... Only half my HP’s still left. | My time’s up... Even my taillight’s fading... | I leveled up! I wish it were darker, though... |
Gorebyss | I want to live elegantly, whatever the occasion. | Oh, dear... My health has slipped to half... | I’m sorry... I have little power left to even swim... | I’ve earned a level! I shall swim with more grace! |
Relicanth | The world is awash in change--but not everything changes. | Hm? Is my health down by about half, would you say? | I’ve reached the end... Am I truly too far behind the times? | I’ve leveled up! But some things will never change... |
Luvdisc | Love is a wonderful thing! Do you love love? Don’t you love love? | Ohhh! My HP is in half! | Oh, I can’t! Wasn’t my love enough? | I love leveling up! Don’t you love it too? |
Bagon | My head might be rock hard, but I’m not stubborn! | Darn it... I went and lost half my HP already... | I can’t do this anymore... My head’s too heavy to hold up... | There! Leveled up! My rock-hard head got harder! |
Shelgon | Everything bounces off my armor! But it’s awfully heavy! | Aww... Half my HP’s gone already. | I can’t take it... I’m too weak to move my body... | I leveled up! But I’m still way too heavy! |
Salamence | I raze everything with my fiery breath! | How could this be? My health has been slashed in half... | I give up... There’s not enough power to even breathe fire... | Leveled up! Let me work my slash-and-burn attacks on foes! |
Beldum | I converse with others using magnetism. +++-+--+ | My HP has declined to approximately half. | I can’t do this... My magnetism is weakening... | My level’s gone up! My magnetism has too! |
Metang | I control magnetism to float. | Umm... My health is down by half. | I’m run-down... My magnetism grows fainter... | Leveled up! My magnetism is amplified! |
Metagross | There is nothing to fear, for I have merged with others! | This is disheartening... My HP has been reduced by half... | The situation is dire... My body is close to disintegration... | I’ve leveled up! My merged power grows stronger still! |
Latias | Please, show me your heart. | I’m afraid... My health is down by half... | I can’t keep up... Please keep trying when I’m gone... | I went up a level! It’s time to work even harder! |
Latios | Let the power of flight make your dreams come true! | I’m not happy... Only half my HP is left. | I’ve had it... What good am I without my speed? | Leveled up! I’ll make dreams come true! |
Kyogre | I created the seas. What do you wish of me? | This defies belief... My health should fall to half? | I’ve had enough... I long for the seas... | I’ve leveled up! The savage power of the seas fill me! |
Groudon | All the power of the land lies with me! | I’m incredulous... My health should drop to half? | I’ve had enough... I will take to the land again... | I’ve leveled up! The infinite power of the land fills me! |
Rayquaza | Like a star blazing in the sky, I shall help you! | How is this possible? My health is reduced to a mere half? | I’ve had enough... The ozone layer calls for my return... | I’ve leveled up! The vast power of the skies fills me! |
Jirachi | Wishes can always come true! You mustn’t ever give up! | Oh, no! My health is all the way down to half! | I’m sorry... I might return to sleep... | Yes! I leveled up! Your wishes should come true! |
Deoxys | This world is but tiny in the vastness of space... | This isn’t good... Only half my health remains... | I can’t keep going this way... Must I run back to space? | I leveled up! Auroras and crystals fill me with power! |
Unown ! | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | Leveled up! |
Unown ? | What am I, you ask? | My HP has plunged to half... | I can’t go on... I have little power left... | Leveled up! |
Deoxys (Attack Form) | Let me demonstrate my cosmic-level attack power! | This isn’t good... Only half my health remains... | I can’t keep going this way... Was my attack power insufficient? | I leveled up! Witness the true power of the Attack Form! |
Deoxys (Defense Form) | Let me demonstrate my cosmic-level defense power! | This isn’t good... Only half my health remains... | I can’t keep going this way... Was my defensive power insufficient? | I leveled up! Witness the true power of the Defense Form! |
Deoxys (Speed Form) | Let me demonstrate my cosmic-level speed! | This isn’t good... Only half my health remains... | I can’t keep going this way... Was my speed insufficient? | I leveled up! Witness the true power of the Speed Form! |
Munchlax | Take me to $m3, please! | My HP is in half... | I can’t take it... | Leveled up! Happy, happy! |
Decoy | Kekeh! I’m counting on you! | Kekeh? This is getting a bit rough... | Gegeh! I’m about to faint! Oi! Heal me quick! | I leveled up! Kekekeke! |