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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Quiz Questions

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - In-Depth GuidesPokémon Mystery Dungeon - Quiz Questions

Tags: pokemon-mystery-dungeon

In the quiz conducted when a new game starts, eight questions, one each from eight groups, are chosen at random from among the questions listed here except the last one. The last question listed here, "You valiantly fight the aliens...", is not chosen at random, but appears when the player chooses "Fight" on the question "There is an alien invasion..." (thus making the quiz have nine questions in that case).

After asking the random questions, the quiz asks "Are you a boy or a girl?" to determine the species of the player’s Pokémon.

A test is coming up. How do you study for it? [Group 0]

  • Study hard. (Hardy: 2)
  • At the last second. (Relaxed: 2)
  • Ignore it and play. (Impish: 2)

Can you focus on something you like? [Group 0]

  • Yes. (Hardy: 2; Docile: 1)
  • No. (Quirky: 2)

When the going gets tough, do you get going? [Group 0]

  • Yes. (Hardy: 2; Brave: 2)
  • No. (Sassy: 2; Quirky: 2)

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it? [Group 0]

  • Full. (Hardy: 2)
  • Half. (Calm: 2)
  • A little. (Quirky: 2)

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take? [Group 1]

  • Big box. (Docile: 2; Naive: 1)
  • Small box. (Timid: 2; Calm: 1)

You broke a rotten Egg in your room! What will you do? [Group 1]

  • Open a window right away. (Docile: 2; Hasty: 1)
  • Take a sniff first. (Naive: 2; Relaxed: 1)

A friend brought over something you’d forgotten. How do you thank your friend? [Group 1]

  • Say thank you regularly. (Docile: 2)
  • Say thanks with a joke. (Naive: 1; Lonely: 1)
  • Say thanks, but be cool. (Sassy: 2)

There is a wallet at the side of a road. [Group 1]

  • Turn it in to the police! (Docile: 2)
  • Yay! Yay! (Naive: 2)
  • Is anyone watching...? (Impish: 2)

You’re going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it’s scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway? [Group 2]

  • Yes. (Brave: 3; Impish: 1)
  • No. (Docile: 2; Timid: 1)

There is an alien invasion! What will you do? [Group 2]

  • Fight.
  • Run. (Timid: 2)
  • Ignore it. (Relaxed: 2)

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react? [Group 2]

  • Yank open the door. (Hardy: 1; Brave: 2)
  • Scream in unison. (Naive: 2)

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do? [Group 2]

  • Help without hesitation. (Brave: 3)
  • Help, even if scared. (Hardy: 2; Brave: 2)
  • Call the police. (Docile: 1; Timid: 1; Relaxed: 1)
  • Do nothing out of fear. (Timid: 2)

Are you a cheerful personality? [Group 3]

  • Yes. (Jolly: 2; Naive: 1)
  • No. (Sassy: 1; Quirky: 1)

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others? [Group 3]

  • Yes. (Jolly: 2; Lonely: 1)
  • No. (Timid: 1)

It’s the summer holidays! Where would you like to go? [Group 3]

  • The beach! (Jolly: 2)
  • Spas. (Calm: 2)
  • Anywhere. (Quirky: 2)

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don’t have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply? [Group 3]

  • Haha! Yes. Very funny! (Jolly: 3)
  • Um... Could you say that again? (Hardy: 2)
  • Right... Well, I gotta go. (Timid: 2)

Have you ever made a pitfall trap? [Group 4]

  • Yes. (Impish: 2; Lonely: 1)
  • No. (Calm: 2)

Do you like pranks? [Group 4]

  • Yes. (Impish: 2)
  • No. (Docile: 1; Relaxed: 1)

Are there many things that you would like to do? [Group 4]

  • Yes. (Hardy: 1; Impish: 2)
  • No. (Sassy: 1; Quirky: 2)

Your friend is being bullied! What do you do? [Group 4]

  • Face up to the bully. (Brave: 3)
  • Caution the bully from afar. (Timid: 2)
  • Heckle the bully from behind. (Impish: 2)

Do you like groan-inducing puns? [Group 5]

  • Love them! (Impish: 1; Naive: 3)
  • A little. (Jolly: 2)
  • Spare me. (Sassy: 2)

Do you tend to laugh a lot? [Group 5]

  • Yes. (Docile: 1; Naive: 2)
  • No. (Quirky: 2)

Do others often call you childish? [Group 5]

  • Yes. (Jolly: 1; Naive: 2)
  • No. (Calm: 2)

Do you like to imagine things for your amusement? [Group 5]

  • Yes. (Naive: 2)
  • No. (Hasty: 2)

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do? [Group 6]

  • Scream and run. (Timid: 2)
  • Close the lid without a word. (Hardy: 1; Calm: 2)
  • Shake hands with it. (Brave: 2; Impish: 1; Naive: 1)

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab? [Group 6]

  • Thumb. (Timid: 2)
  • Index finger. (Hasty: 2)
  • Middle finger. (Jolly: 2)
  • Ring finger. (Sassy: 2)
  • Little finger. (Lonely: 2)

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do? [Group 6]

  • Kick the door. (Timid: 2)
  • Cry. (Lonely: 2)
  • Clean it. (Impish: 2; Quirky: 1)

Can you go into a haunted house? [Group 6]

  • No problem! (Brave: 3)
  • Uh... N-no... (Timid: 2)
  • With someone I like. (Sassy: 2)

You receive a gift! But you don’t know what’s in it. You’re curious, so what do you do? [Group 7]

  • Open it now. (Hasty: 2)
  • Open it later. (Calm: 2)
  • Get someone to open it. (Timid: 2)

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money? [Group 7]

  • Spend it now. (Jolly: 2; Hasty: 1)
  • Save it. (Hardy: 1; Calm: 1)
  • Give it away. (Brave: 2; Quirky: 2)

You come across a treasure chest! What do you do? [Group 7]

  • Open it right away! (Hasty: 2)
  • No... Could be a trap... (Timid: 2)
  • It’s going to be empty... (Sassy: 2)

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do? [Group 7]

  • Become irritated. (Docile: 1; Hasty: 2)
  • Wait patiently. (Relaxed: 2)
  • Get angry and bail. (Hasty: 3)

Your country’s leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her? [Group 8]

  • Speak calmly. (Hardy: 2)
  • Speak nervously. (Docile: 2)
  • WHATEVER!! (Sassy: 2)

Do others tell you to watch what you say? [Group 8]

  • Yes. (Impish: 1; Sassy: 2)
  • No. (Calm: 2)

Do you think you are cool? Be honest. [Group 8]

  • Yes. (Sassy: 2)
  • No. (Relaxed: 2)

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful? [Group 8]

  • Yes. (Docile: 2; Calm: 1)
  • No. (Sassy: 2; Quirky: 1)

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious? [Group 9]

  • Yes. (Calm: 2; Lonely: 1)
  • No. (Hardy: 2)

Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement? [Group 9]

  • Yes. (Calm: 2)
  • No. (Impish: 2)

Do you like to fight? [Group 9]

  • Yes. (Impish: 1; Timid: 2)
  • No. (Calm: 2; Lonely: 1)

Do you often yawn? [Group 9]

  • Yes. (Calm: 2; Relaxed: 1)
  • No. (Hardy: 1; Hasty: 2)

Are you often late for school or meetings? [Group 10]

  • Yes. (Sassy: 1; Relaxed: 2)
  • No. (Hardy: 2; Hasty: 1)

Do you get the feeling that you’ve slowed down lately? [Group 10]

  • Yes. (Relaxed: 2)
  • No. (Impish: 1; Hasty: 2)

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel? [Group 10]

  • This feels great! (Jolly: 2)
  • Snore... (Relaxed: 2)
  • I want to go home soon! (Hasty: 2)

Do you fall asleep without noticing? [Group 10]

  • Yes. (Calm: 1; Relaxed: 2)
  • No. (Hardy: 2)

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone? [Group 11]

  • Yes. (Timid: 1; Lonely: 2)
  • No. (Sassy: 2)

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day? [Group 11]

  • Yes. (Timid: 1; Lonely: 2)
  • No. (Brave: 3; Relaxed: 1)

What do you do with your room’s light when you’re going to bed at night? [Group 11]

  • Leave it on. (Timid: 1; Lonely: 2)
  • Turn it off. (Calm: 2)

It’s a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do? [Group 11]

  • Go on a trip. (Jolly: 1; Lonely: 1)
  • Hang around vacantly. (Calm: 1; Relaxed: 2)
  • Huddle in a corner. (Timid: 1; Lonely: 3)

Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden? [Group 12]

  • Yes. (Quirky: 2)
  • No. (Hardy: 2)

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail? [Group 12]

  • Reply right away. (Hardy: 1; Hasty: 1)
  • May reply, may not. (Quirky: 2)
  • Too much trouble. (Sassy: 2)

There is a person you like... But there’s no opportunity to get close. What do you do? [Group 12]

  • Bravely declare my love. (Hardy: 1; Brave: 3)
  • Might say hello... (Quirky: 2)
  • Pull a prank to get attention. (Impish: 2)
  • Look from afar. (Timid: 2)

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do? [Group 12]

  • Instantly go right. (Docile: 2)
  • It’s a trap! Go left. (Sassy: 2)
  • Choose either side. (Quirky: 2)

On vacation outings, you want to... [Group 13]

  • Go alone. (Hasty: 1; Quirky: 1)
  • Go with others. (Jolly: 1; Lonely: 1)

It’s the summer festival! Do you like carnivals? [Group 13]

  • Love them! (Jolly: 2)
  • Don’t care. (Sassy: 1; Quirky: 1)

Somebody calls you “weird but funny.” How does that make you feel? [Group 13]

  • Happy! (Naive: 1; Lonely: 1)
  • Not happy. (Hasty: 1; Sassy: 1)

You valiantly fight the aliens... But, you are defeated... An alien says to you... “YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD.” What will you do? [Group 2]

  • Rule with the aliens. (Sassy: 1; Relaxed: 1)
  • Refuse. (Brave: 4)