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Pokémon Pinball - Catching a Pokémon

Pokémon PinballPokémon Pinball - Catching a Pokémon
1. Activation
You need to get the ball to go through the right ramp at least twice. This will spell GET.
2. Get the Pinball Into Their Mouth
image Red Table

Get your Pokball into Bellsprout’s mouth to activate Catch 'em Mode.

image Blue Table

Get your Pokball into Cloyster’s mouth to activate Catch 'em Mode.

3. Bop the Bumpers
Red Table
Blue Table
imageHit the Voltorb or Shellder bumpers to uncover the six pieces of your Pokémon.
4. Catch it!
imageHit the Pokémon 3 times to spell "CATCH!" (or GET in the Japanese version)

Hit the Pokémon again to catch it!