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Pokémon Pinball Gameshark Codes

Game Shark and Game Genie CodesPokémon Pinball Gameshark Codes
Infinite Balls 91059DD4
Infinite Time
(anything with a time limit)
Infinite Ball Saver 9160A4D4
Infinite Extra Ball 013F9BD4
Blocks Evolution and Catch 'em Holes 0172ECD4
Infinite Go To Next Mode 0172EDD4
Infinite Pikachu Savers 01291DD5
Get All 3 Items in Evolution Mode Automatically 916078D5
Encounter Any Pokémon 91XX79D5
9,999,999,999,990 Points 01291DD4
Pokéball Modifier 91XX7ED4
2 million points when ball is lost 01028DD4
Picture of PokéBall in center 01FFEED4
Replace XX with one of the following in Pokéball Modifier
01 - Pokéball
02 - Great Ball
03 - Ultra Ball
05 - Master Ball
Replace XX with the following Digits for the "Encounter any Pokémon" code
00 - Bulbasaur
01 - Ivysaur
02 - Venusaur
03 - Charmander
04 - Charmeleon
05 - Charizard
06 - Squirtle
07 - Wartortle
08 - Blastoise
09 - Caterpie
0A - Metapod
0B - Butterfree
0C - Weedle
0D - Kakuna
0E - Beedrill
0F - Pidgey
10 - Pidgeotto
11 - Pidgeot
12 - Rattata
13 - Raticate
14 - Spearow
15 - Fearow
16 - Ekans
17 - Arbok
18 - Pikachu
19 - Raichu
1A - Sandshrew
1B - Sandslash
1C - Nidoran (F)

19 - Raichu
1A - Sandshrew
1B - Sandslash
1C - Nidoran (F)
1D - Nidorina
1E - Nidoqueen
1F - Nidoran (M)
20 - Nidorino
21 - Nidoking
22 - Clefairy
23 - Clefable
24 - Vulpix
25 - Ninetales
26 - Jigglypuff
27 - Wigglytuff
28 - Zubat
29 - Golbat
2A - Oddish
2B - Gloom
2C - Vileplume
2D - Paras
2E - Parasect
2F - Venonat
30 - Venomoth
31 - Diglett
32 - Dugtrio
33 - Meowth
34 - Persian
35 - Psyduck
36 - Golduck
37 - Mankey
38 - Primeape
39 - Growlithe
3A - Arcanine
3B - Poliwag
3C - Poliwhirl
3D - Poliwrath
3E - Abra
3F - Kadabra
40 - Alakazam
41 - Machop
42 - Machoke
43 - Machamp
44 - Bellsprout
45 - Weepinbell
46 - Victreebel
47 - Tentacool
48 - Tentacruel
49 - Geodude
4A - Graveler
4B - Golem
4C - Ponyta
4D - Rapidash
4E - Slowpoke
4F - Slowbro
50 - Magnemite
51 - Magneton
52 - Farfetch’d
53 - Doduo
54 - Dodrio
55 - Seel
56 - Dewgong
57 - Grimer
58 - Muk
59 - Shellder
5A - Cloyster
5B - Gastly
5C - Haunter
5D - Gengar
5E - Onix
5F - Drowzee
60 - Hypno
61 - Krabby
62 - Kingler
63 - Voltorb
64 - Electrode
65 - Exeggcute
66 - Exeggutor
67 - Cubone
68 - Marowak
69 - Hitmonlee
6A - Hitmonchan
6B - Lickitung
6C - Koffing
6D - Weezing
6E - Rhyhorn
6F - Rhydon
70 - Chansey
71 - Tangela
72 - Kangaskhan
73 - Horsea
74 - Seadra
75 - Goldeen
76 - Seaking
77 - Staryu
78 - Starmie
79 - Mr. Mime
7A - Scyther
7B - Jynx
7C - Electabuzz
7D - Magmar
7E - Pinsir
7F - Tauros
80 - Magikarp
81 - Gyarados
82 - Lapras
83 - Ditto
84 - Eevee
85 - Vaporeon
86 - Jolteon
87 - Flareon
88 - Porygon
89 - Omanyte
8A - Omastar
8B - Kabuto
8C - Kabutops
8D - Aerodactyl
8E - Snorlax
8F - Articuno
90 - Zapdos
91 - Moltres
92 - Dratini
93 - Dragonair
94 - Dragonite
95 - Mewtwo
96 - Mew
B6 - Missingno.