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Pokémon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire - Bonuses

Pokémon Pinball Ruby and SapphirePokémon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire - Bonuses

Slot Bonus

image Small - 100 to 900 points.
image Big - 1,000,000 to 9,000,000 points.
image Bonus Multiplier - Multiplies your next Bonus Score by this number.
image 30-Second Ball Saver - The Ball Saver is activated for 30 seconds. (Cost: 10 coins)
image 60-Second Ball Saver - The Ball Saver is activated for 60 seconds. (Cost: 20 coins)
image 90-Second Ball Saver - The Ball Saver is activated for 90 seconds. (Cost: 30 coins)
image Coin +10 - Earn 10 coins.
image Coin +30 - Earn 30 coins.
image Coin +50 - Earn 50 coins.
image Pika Saver - Pikachu and Pichu will save your ball if it goes down the sides. They will last for as long as you don’t lose the current ball. (Cost: 50 coins)
image Upgrade - Your pinball is upgraded to the next level: PokeBall -> Great Ball -> Ultra Ball -> Master Ball. (Cost: 40 coins)
image Great Ball
image Ultra Ball
image Master Ball
image Max Up! - Your pinball is upgraded to the Master Ball.
image 30-Second Timer Bonus - 30 seconds will be added to the next timer. (Cost: 40 coins)
image Extra - You get an extra ball. (Cost: 99 coins)
image Catch 'em Start - The Catch 'em Mode begins.
image Evo. Mode Start - The Evolution Mode begins.
image Bonus Challenge - In the Ruby table, Whiscash will send you to the Spheal bonus stage. (Cost: 60 coins)
image Bonus Challenge - In the Sapphire table, Pelipper will send you to the Spheal bonus stage. (Cost: 60 coins)
image Arrival - Jirachi will appear.


To meet different Pokémon you must visit many different locations. To begin:
  • Ruby Table: First hit the button below Chikorita, who will shoot a leaf at the two Linoone bumpers, activating them. Then hit the Linoone at the left to make a Gulpin appear. When three Gulpin appear, travel mode is activated.
  • Sapphire Table: Hit the button on the left side of the pinball table to make a Seedot appear on the basket. When the basket contains three Seedot, travel mode begins.
The "Travel" icon will appear. Within one minute, get the ball up the left or right ramp, then get the ball into the hole to travel to a new location, where different Pokémon can be found.

Bonus Stages

The bonus stages allow you to play games for extra points. The most common way is to catch and evolve Pokémon until the PokeBall count reaches 3. Sometimes, the bonus stage appears in the slot bonus.

Ruby Table Bonus Stages

Kecleon Stage
image In this stage, you try to hit Kecleon until it faints. Since it’s invisible, you’ll need something called a Devon Scope to see it. To find it, hit the tree until the Devon Scope falls down; then hit the scope.
image The Devon Scope lets you keep track of Kecleon more easily, but you only have a few seconds to use it. You can also watch Kecleon’s movements in the grass and water while it’s invisible. Stun and hit it ten times to clear the Kecleon Stage.
Groudon Stage
image The Groudon Stage is more difficult. In this stage, Groudon will create fire pillars around it, spit fireballs at your pinball, and send rocks falling that block your way. Hit the fire pillars to lower them. Hit Groudon 15 times in three minutes to clear the Groudon stage. If you clear this stage again, your pinball will catch Groudon.

Sapphire Table Bonus Stages

Duskull Stage
image First off, hit all the Duskulls you see.
image After you do so, Dusclops will appear, taking steps that shake the pinball table. If you hit Dusclops’s front, it will actually suck up the pinball and shoot it at another direction. It’s best to hit it from the sides or back. After you hit Dusclops five times, you will clear the Duskull stage.
Kyogre Stage
image In this stage, Kyogre will freeze your pinball, create whirlpools, and disappear into the water. When your pinball is frozen, use the flippers to break the ice. Hit Kyogre 15 times in three minutes to clear the Kyogre stage. If you clear this stage again, your pinball will catch Kyogre.

Spheal Bonus Stage

image In this stage, hit Spheal for 1000 points, and Sealeo for 5000 points. But this is also an opportunity to shoot baskets with Spheal or your pinball. Get either a Spheal or your pinball up either ramp, and a Sealeo will nose-balance it into the basket. When 2 minutes are up, you will receive 1 million points each time your pinball went down the hoop, and 5 million points each time a Spheal went down the hoop.

Rayquaza Bonus Stage

image After clearing the Groudon or Kyogre stages twice, the next stage is Rayquaza’s. Rayquaza will use thunder to immobilize your ball and create whirlwinds that send your ball flying. Hit Rayquaza a number of times to clear this stage. If you clear this stage again, your pinball will catch Rayquaza.