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Pokémon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire - Catching a Pokémon

Pokémon Pinball Ruby and SapphirePokémon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire - Catching a Pokémon

This is the process of catching a Pokémon in Pokémon Pinball.


Step 1: Spell "GET"

First, get your pinball up the right ramp at least twice. This will spell GET. If you just started a new game, this will be done for you.

Step 2: Get the Pinball Into Their Mouth

image In the Ruby Table, get the PokeBall into Sharpedo’s mouth to start Catch 'em Mode.
In the Sapphire Table, get the PokeBall into Wailmer’s mouth to start Catch 'em Mode.

Step 3: Who’s That Pokémon?

image Hit the Chinchou, Lotad, or Shroomish bumpers to uncover the six pieces of the Pokémon.

Step 4: Catch It!

image Finally, hit the Pokémon three times. This will spell "CATCH!". The pinball will then catch the Pokémon.