Pokémon Mart: To shop at the Pokémon Mart, get your ball up the
ramp - once to open the door, and again to enter the Mart. If you
spell EVO, the sign will change to "Pokémon Center"; enter it to
begin Evolution Mode.
Makuhita: After you hit Chikorita and the Linoone bumper near
it, Makuhita will begin to throw punches (controlled by the
flippers) which are directed at the orange ramp, where Nuzleaf
Cyndaquil: To hatch an Egg, move Cyndaquil back until it warms
the Egg; it will hatch when you enter the hole.
Sharpedo: Get the ball up the right-most ramp at least twice,
and aim for Sharpedo’s mouth to begin Catch 'em Mode.
Sapphire Table
Plusle and Minun - These two Pokémon control an electric door.
To enter the Pokémon Mart, first hit the plus and minus buttons,
and, now that the fields are removed, enter the hole.
Pelipper - The "P" button changes Pelipper’s direction. If the
ball reaches Pelipper’s mouth, Pelipper will send it to the Spheal
bonus stage.