Pokémon Pinball - Tips and Tricks
These are several tips and strategies for playing Pokémon Pinball.
- Erase game data
- Hold Up, Right, Select, and Start at the same time before the title screen. Then press A to erase all data or B to cancel it.
- Reset game
- To reset the game, press Start + Select + A + B.
- Find Mew
- To meet Mew, clear the Mewtwo bonus stage more than twice in one game. Work your way to Indigo Plateau on the Red or Blue field. Enter the mode where you catch Pokémon, but you have to get all three arrows lit up. Mew has a 1/16 chance of appearing. Unlike other Pokémon, Mew can’t be captured normally. You must just keep hitting it until time runs out and it will be automatically recorded in your Pokédex.
- Evolution Bonus
- To get the special evolution bonus, you must first get into the evolution mode. Next, you must get the menu and select a Pokémon that has a star. Go through the entire evolution process. After doing so, you will get a special evolution bonus worth 10,000,000 points.
- Double Prizes
- Get the letters CAVE on the bottom of the red table and the slot should open. Don’t go into the slot but get the CAVE bonus again without losing a ball. You should now get double prizes, for example you will now get a sixty second ball saver instead of a thirty second one.