Pokémon Platinum - Battle Factory
Battle 21 will be the Factory Head, Trainer no. 309.
Battle 49 will be the Factory Head, Trainer no. 310.
In each challenge, seven Trainers in the Battle Factory are chosen as follows.
Challenges Won | Trainers 1-6 | Trainer 7 |
0 | 0-98 | 100-118 |
1 | 80-118 | 120-138 |
2 | 100-138 | 140-158 |
3 | 120-158 | 160-178 |
4 | 140-178 | 180-198 |
5 | 160-198 | 200-218 |
6 | 180-218 | 220-238 |
7 or more | 200-298 | 200-298 |
Rental Pokémon
In the first battle of a challenge, the game generates two sets of six rental Pokémon, then lets the opposing Trainer choose three rental Pokémon from one of the sets at random. The process ensures that, for each set, each Pokémon in that set is of a different species, isn’t shiny, and holds a different item. The friendship of all Pokémon is set to 0. After the first battle of a challenge, the game generates a set of three Pokémon that the next the opposing Trainer will use.
The exact set of Pokémon chosen depends on whether the challenge is Level 50 or Open Level.
Challenges Won | Group | Pokémon Nos. | IVs |
0 | 1 | 1-150 | 0 |
1 | 2 | 151-250 | 4 |
2 | 3 | 251-350 | 8 |
3 | 4 | 351-486 | 12 |
4 | 5 | 487-622 | 16 |
5 | 6 | 623-758 | 20 |
6 | 7 | 759-894 | 24 |
7 or more | 8 | 351-950 | 31 |
--- | 9 | 351-950 | 31 |
Challenges Won | Group | Pokémon Nos. | IVs |
0 | 1 | 351-486 | 0 |
1 | 2 | 487-622 | 4 |
2 | 3 | 623-758 | 8 |
3 | 4 | 759-894 | 12 |
4 | 5 | 623-950 | 16 |
5 | 6 | 623-950 | 20 |
6 | 7 | 623-950 | 24 |
7 or more | 8 | 351-950 | 31 |
--- | 9 | 351-950 | 31 |
Moreover, the rental Pokémon in each set are chosen in two different groups, depending on the swaps made (a single rental of three Pokémon counts as a swap).
In the table below, the number to the left of the slash applies if six Pokémon are in a set (in the first battle of a challenge) and the number to the right of the slash applies if three Pokémon are in a set (in all other battles).
Swaps | Pokémon |
0-6 | 6/3 in main group |
7-13 | 5/2 in main group; 1/1 in next highest group |
14-20 | 4/1 in main group; 2/2 in next highest group |
21-27 | 3/0 in main group; 3/3 in next highest group |
28-34 | 2/0 in main group; 4/3 in next highest group |
35 or more | 1/0 in main group; 5/3 in next highest group |
Before the player swaps or rents Pokémon, the player is given a hint about the opposing Trainer’s Pokémon. The nature of the hint depends on the number of challenges won so far.
Single Battle/Double Battle
- 0 challenges won: "You can expect to see X, Y, and Z." (X, Y, and Z are the opposing Trainer’s Pokémon, in that order.)
- 1 challenge won: "You can expect to see X and Y." (X and Y are the first two of the opposing Trainer’s Pokémon.)
- 2 challenges won: "First out will be a tough, X-using Y." (Y is the first Pokémon of the opposing Trainer and X is the first move it has.)
- 3 challenges won: "First out will be a Pokémon that has the move X." (X is the first move of the first Pokémon of the opposing Trainer.)
- 4 or more challenges won: "The opponent seems to be good with the X type." (Most common type among all Pokémon. If more than two types are the most common and are shared by more than one Pokémon, the first among them in the order of Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark is chosen.) OR "The opposing Trainer doesn’t seem to be concerned about the types of Pokémon."
Multi Battle
- 0 challenges won: "You can expect to see..." (All four of the opposing Trainer’s Pokémon, in that order.)
- 1 challenge won: "You can expect to see X and Y first." (First two of the opposing Trainer’s Pokémon, in that order.)
- 2 challenges won: "First out will be Pokémon with the moves X and Y." (X and Y are the first moves of the first two Pokémon of the opposing Trainer, in that order.)
- 3 challenges won: "First out will be a Pokémon that has the move X." (X is the first move of the first Pokémon of the opposing Trainer.)
- 4 or more challenges won: "The opponent seems to be good with the X type." (Most common type among all Pokémon. If more than two types are the most common and are shared by more than one Pokémon, the first among them in the order of Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark is chosen.) OR "The opposing Trainer doesn’t seem to be concerned about the types of Pokémon."