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Pokémon Red and Blue - Missingno.

Pokémon Red and Blue - Missingno.

Tags: pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow

Missingno. is a fake Pokémon which was created by the beta testers of Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version, which apparently was left in the game. Here’s how you can encounter it:

  • Go to Viridian City, and talk to the old man there. Respond, "no" and he’ll show you how to catch a Pokémon.
  • Then, Fly directly to Cinnabar Island, and surf up and down the east coast of the island.
  • Pretty soon, you’ll meet the glitched Pokémon.
image You’ll notice that its picture is messed up. Perhaps the beta testers intended its picture to be that way.

You can either run away from the battle, or catch it. This "Pokémon" has the side effect of glitching the amount of the sixth item in your backpack.

Depending on your trainer name, you may or may not encounter Missingno., but some other abnormally high-level Pokémon.

image As you can see here, Missingno. has a very high Attack, but is very weak on its other stats. Its attacks are two Water Gun and one Sky Attack.

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