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Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - List of Moves

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - List of Moves

Tags: pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow, list-of-moves

Extra explanation can be found in the supplement to this list.

View moves by name - View moves by effect

Name Type Power Accuracy (/255) PP
Karate ChopNORMAL5025525
Mega PunchNORMAL8021620
Wing AttackFLYING3525535
Vine WhipGRASS3525510
Mega KickNORMAL1201915
Horn AttackNORMAL6525525
Water GunWATER4025525
Hydro PumpWATER1202045
Drill PeckFLYING8025520
Razor LeafGRASS5524225
Rock ThrowROCK5016515
Egg BombNORMAL10019110
Dizzy PunchNORMAL7025510
Rock SlideROCK7522910
Tri AttackNORMAL8025510
Always strikes before other moves.
Quick AttackNORMAL4025530
This attack deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the last damage dealt is at least 1, the last move the opposing Pokémon chose for use is a damaging attack, and the type of last move chosen for use by that Pokémon is either Normal or Fighting. Not affected by type immunities. Sometimes erroneously emits a "critical hit" message for this attack. Always strikes after other moves. (The "type of last move chosen for use" changes with the "last move chosen for use" variable, except it is reset to zero, or Normal, when the Pokémon leaves the battle.)
02: May poison the opposing Pokémon (52/256 chance).
Poison StingPOISON1525535
03: If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack, but not less than 1 HP.
Mega DrainGRASS4025510
Leech LifeBUG2025515
04: May burn the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
Fire PunchFIRE7525515
05: May freeze the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
Ice PunchICE7525515
Ice BeamICE9525510
06: May paralyze the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance). Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
07: User faints as part of this attack’s use, after damage calculation. The opposing Pokémon’s Defense is treated as halved in the damage calculation. (Fainting won’t fail, though this attack can miss or fail for other reasons.)
08: Fails unless the opposing Pokémon is asleep. If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack, but not less than 1 HP.
Dream EaterPSYCHIC10025515
09: Uses last move the opposing Pokémon used, which becomes the last move user used and the last move the user chose for use. Fails if that move is Mirror Move.
Mirror MoveFLYING025520
0A: Raises user’s Attack by 1 stage.
0B: Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
Defense CurlNORMAL025540
0D: Raises user’s Special by 1 stage.
0F: Raises user’s Evade by 1 stage.
Double TeamNORMAL025515
10: In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, if this attack is successful, an amount equal to twice the user’s current level (during attack’s use) is added to the money to be obtained when the player wins the battle, up to 999,999. (Not obtained if running occurred in the battle. Player obtains money after battle regardless of which Pokémon used this attack.)
Pay DayNORMAL4025520
11: Hits without fail.
12: Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by 1 stage.
13: Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
Tail WhipNORMAL025530
14: Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage.
String ShotBUG024240
16: Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
18: Changes user’s type(s) to that/those of the opposing Pokémon. User retains the new type until user leaves the battle.
19: Resets each stat stage of each Pokémon in battle to zero. The opposing Pokémon stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused. Ends effect of Focus Energy, Light Screen, Mist, Reflect, and Leech Seed for all Pokémon in battle.
1A: If this attack is successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins and a variable X is set to zero. During effect, whenever the user uses this attack, the last damage dealt is added to X. On the user’s second or third use of this attack after this one, also deals X times 2 damage to the opposing Pokémon and ends effect. User can’t use any other move (but can switch) during effect. Attack returned is not affected by type immunities, and can’t be evaded. If during effect, user leaves the battle,, or this attack is prevented from being used because of confusion, paralysis, or obedience, effect ends without returning an attack.
1B: User uses this attack (even if the attack misses on the first or later use) for three or four attack segments (including this attack segment) and can’t take any action. Effect ends at end of the turn in which this attack is used this way in the last attack segment of the effect, upon which the user becomes confused (even if it was already confused). If this attack is prevented from being used because of confusion, paralysis, or obedience, effect ends without causing confusion.
Petal DanceGRASS7025520
1C: Ends wild Pokémon battles. Fails if battle is a trainer battle.
1D: Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to the opposing Pokémon two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
Comet PunchNORMAL1821615
Fury AttackNORMAL1521620
Pin MissileBUG1421620
Spike CannonNORMAL2025515
Fury SwipesNORMAL1820415
1F: May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (26/256 chance).
Bone ClubGROUND6521620
Hyper FangNORMAL8022915
20: Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Sleep PowderGRASS019115
Lovely KissNORMAL019110
21: May poison the opposing Pokémon (103/256 chance).
22: May burn the opposing Pokémon (77/256 chance).
Fire BlastFIRE1202165
24: May paralyze the opposing Pokémon (77/256 chance). Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
Body SlamNORMAL8525515
25: May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (77/256 chance).
Rolling KickFIGHTING6021615
Low KickFIGHTING5022920
26: One-hit KO. Deals 65,535 damage to the opposing Pokémon. Ineffective if user’s current Speed is lower than the opposing Pokémon’s current Speed. Affected by type immunities.
Horn DrillNORMAL1765
27: Two-turn attack.
Razor WindNORMAL8019110
Skull BashNORMAL10025515
Sky AttackFLYING1402295
While user is using this attack, user won’t receive effects from all attacks other than Bide or Swift.
28: Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to the greater of 1 or half of the opposing Pokémon’s current HP. Not affected by type immunities.
Super FangNORMAL122910
29: Not affected by type immunities.
Deals 20 damage to the opposing Pokémon.
Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to user’s level.
Seismic TossFIGHTING125520
Night ShadeGHOST025515
Deals 40 damage to the opposing Pokémon.
Dragon RageDRAGON125510
Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to a random integer from 1 through ((user’s level)*1.5)-1.
2A: Multi-turn attack. Unless this attack misses, even if the opposing Pokémon is immune to this attack, the effect begins if this attack isn’t in effect already. (If the opposing Pokémon is immune, the attack still deals zero damage.) Effect lasts for two to five turns (random), including the current turn. 37.5% for two or three turns; 12.5% for four or five turns. During effect, the opposing Pokémon doesn’t attack during each of its attack segments (but can switch) and user uses this attack during each of its attack segments and can’t choose a move each turn (but can switch), and when this attack is used during effect (after the effect begins), deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to the last damage dealt (which is not affected by type immunities and without an accuracy check). Effect ends when the user or the opposing Pokémon leaves the battle. Effect ends when the user is prevented from using this attack during effect (in which case the opposing Pokémon still doesn’t attack during its attack segment that turn).
Fire SpinFIRE1517815
2B: Two-turn attack. While user is using this attack, user won’t receive effects from all attacks other than Bide or Swift.
2C: Calculates damage, then deals that much damage to the opposing Pokémon two times in a row.
Double KickFIGHTING3025530
2D: If this attack misses or becomes ineffective, user loses 1 HP.
Jump KickFIGHTING7024225
Hi Jump KickFIGHTING8522920
2E: During effect, attacks with stat stage reduction as a primary effect, when they are used by a Pokémon on the opposing Pokémon’s side, will fail. Effect ends when user leaves the battle.
2F: During effect, attacks by the user have a reduced chance for a critical hit in Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version, Pocket Monsters Green, and Pokémon Yellow Version (because of a bug), and they have a heightened chance for a critical hit in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan). Effect ends when user leaves the battle.
Focus EnergyNORMAL025530
If this attack is successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil), but not less than 1 HP. In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), no recoil is received if user causes the opposing Pokémon to faint with this attack.
Take DownNORMAL9021620
If this attack is successful, user loses half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil), but not less than 1 HP. No PP is deducted from this attack. In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), this attack is treated as though it had no type, and no recoil is received if user causes the opposing Pokémon to faint with this attack.
31: Confuses the opposing Pokémon.
Confuse RayGHOST025510
32: Raises user’s Attack by 2 stages.
Swords DanceNORMAL025530
33: Raises user’s Defense by 2 stages.
Acid ArmorPOISON025540
34: Raises user’s Speed by 2 stages.
35: Raises user’s Special by 2 stages.
38: User gains HP. Will fail if user’s HP is full, or (in Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version, Pocket Monsters Green, and Pokémon Yellow Version) the user’s maximum HP, minus user’s current HP, plus 1, is divisible by 256.
User gains half of its maximum HP.
User gains all HP, and user sleeps with a sleep count of 2, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, or frozen.
39: User’s current types, moves, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special, stat stages, and species become those of the opposing Pokémon (even if those values are the same). Each move copied will have 5 PP and its maximum PP is set to that move’s original maximum PP. (Spending PP on the new move doesn’t spend PP on the original move.) Can target Pokémon using Dig or Fly. Can’t be evaded. In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), fails if the opposing Pokémon’s current species is Ditto.
3B: Lowers user’s Defense by 2 stages.
40: During effect, user’s Special is effectively doubled for attacks by the opposing Pokémon, except in a critical hit. Effect ends when user leaves the battle.
Light ScreenPSYCHIC025530
41: During effect, user’s Defense is effectively doubled except in a critical hit. Effect ends when user leaves the battle.
42: Poisons the opposing Pokémon.
Poison GasPOISON014040
"Badly" poisons the opposing Pokémon.
43: Paralyzes the opposing Pokémon. Not affected by type immunities.
Stun SporeGRASS019130
Thunder WaveELECTRIC025520
44: May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by 1 stage (85/256 chance). (Additional effect chance is 52/256 in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan).)
Aurora BeamICE6525520
45: May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage (85/256 chance). (Additional effect chance is 77/256 in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan).)
46: May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage (85/256 chance).
Additional effect chance is 77/256 in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan).
47: May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Special by 1 stage (85/256 chance).
4C: May confuse the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
4D: May poison the opposing Pokémon (52/256 chance). Calculates damage, then deals that much damage to the opposing Pokémon two times in a row. (The additional effect occurs after all hits of the attack have resolved and can affect even Bug-type opposing Pokémon.)
4F: Creates a substitute using 1/4 of its maximum HP. Effect ends when user leaves the battle.
50: User can’t attack or switch on the next turn, unless this attack misses, becomes ineffective, faints the opposing Pokémon, or breaks its Substitute. (In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), this "recharge" attack segment always occurs even in these situations.)
Hyper BeamNORMAL1502295
51: If this attack is successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins. During effect, user uses this attack during each of its attack segments and can’t take any other action (further uses of this attack during effect doesn’t cause PP to be spent). During effect, whenever the user loses HP (or its substitute loses life points) because of an opposing Pokémon’s attack, the user’s Attack rises by 1 stage. Effect ends when the user leaves the battle. If this attack misses when this attack is used further, this attack’s accuracy becomes 1 until the effect ends.
52: In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, copies an opposing Pokémon’s move of player’s choice. In other battles, copies a random move of the opposing Pokémon. The copied move replaces this move. It reverts to its original move when the battle ends or the user leaves the battle. Whenever one PP is spent on the copied move, one PP is spent on this move (even when this move has zero PP), unless Transform is in effect for the user. The copied move’s maximum PP depends on the number of PP Ups for this move slot, and its current PP is equal to this move’s current PP (not adjusted to the new maximum PP). In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), the copied move’s maximum PP is not copied.
53: Uses a random move, which becomes the last move used by the user and the last move the user chose for use. Doesn’t use Metronome or Struggle. Can use a move that can’t be used because of Disable.
54: During effect, at the end of the opposing Pokémon’s attack segment, the opposing Pokémon loses X HP and user gains X HP, where X is the opposing Pokémon’s maximum HP divided by 16 (and multiplied by the opposing Pokémon’s T variable if that Pokémon is badly poisoned), but not less than 1. Effect ends when the opposing Pokémon leaves the battle. Fails if the opposing Pokémon is a Grass type.
Leech SeedGRASS022910
55: Does nothing.
56: During effect, a random move of the opposing Pokémon can’t be used or chosen for use by that Pokémon.