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Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Timing

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Timing

Tags: pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow, battle-system, in-depth-guides, turn-phases

During each turn of the battle:

  • Each player chooses a command for his or her Pokémon, at the same time. Each player can choose one of the following have his or her Pokémon in battle use one of its moves; use an item from the Bag (in battles that allow it); run from the battle (in battles that allow it); or switch it out for another Pokémon (that Pokémon must be an unfainted Pokémon not in battle, controlled by that player).
    • If a player chooses an item, it’s used immediately, at that point.
  • Pokémon that chose to switch out do so (the order is not relevant, since in Link Battles, the Pokémon switches out without waiting for the other player to finish choosing commands).
  • Attacks are used.

In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, the opposing side uses an item at the same time it would use the attack; that is, the item is used after the player’s attack if the opposing side strikes second.

Here are all the steps taken during a Pokémon’s attack segment.

  1. Sleep check
  2. Freeze check
  3. If the opposing Pokémon is under effect of a multi-turn attack, it doesn’t use an attack.
  4. Hyper Beam check. If the last move the Pokémon chose for use is Hyper Beam, the Pokémon"must recharge" and skips its attack and then Hyper Beam’s effect ends. (If the Pokémon also flinches, the "X must recharge!" message isn’t shown but Hyper Beam’s effect will still end.)
  5. Disable check
  6. Confusion check
  7. Paralysis check
  8. Obedience check (see below)
  9. Attack is used
  10. Reduce move’s PP by 1
    • If the PP can’t be reduced this way, the Pokémon doesn’t use that move instead. The exception to PP reduction is Struggle when it’s chosen for use automatically because the Pokémon has no moves it could choose. In Pokémon Red Version, and Pokémon Blue Version, Pocket Monsters Green, and Pokémon Yellow Version, no PP is reduced from a move if an opposing Pokémon controlled by the AI uses it.
  11. Accuracy check (see "Stat stages")
  12. Damage calculation (see below)
  13. Perform effect of attack
  14. Substitute
  15. Critical hit message; "super effective" message; "not very effective" message
  16. Recoil/Drain
  17. Additional effect if the opposing Pokémon hasn’t fainted
  18. Check if the opposing Pokémon faints
  19. Rage check (treats each hit of a multi-hit attack separately)
  20. Defrost check
  21. End of attack segment
  22. HP loss because of poison/burn
  23. HP loss because of Leech Seed
  24. Flinch check (for the opposing Pokémon if attacker struck first)
      No flinch check is done if the opposing Pokémon is asleep or frozen, or if the opposing Pokémon is an AI-controlled opposing Pokémon that’s about to use an item.