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Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Pallet Town

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Pallet Town

Tags: pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version, too.

Pallet Town

Your adventure starts here. The game starts in a room. Go over to the PC, press A, select Withdraw Item, and select Potion. Then log off. Go downstairs and leave the house. Then try to leave the town to the grassy areas north. Professor Oak will arrive just in time to stop you. Depending on the game, different events happen.

Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version:

Oak explains that Pokémon live in grassy areas. Then he follows you to his lab. Gary (your rival) is waiting. In the lab Oak allows you to choose from among three different Pokémon: The Pokémon Gary chooses depends on your choice:
   If you choose... Gary chooses...
   Bulbasaur     --->    Charmander
   Charmander    --->    Squirtle
   Squirtle      --->    Bulbasaur


Oak explains that Pokémon live in grassy areas. He spots a Pikachu, catches it, and follows you to his lab. Gary is waiting. In the lab, Oak lets you have the Pokémon on the table. Gary wants one too. As you reach for the Pokémon, Gary blocks your way and takes it. (It turns out to be Eevee.) Since Oak doesn’t want you to leave empty handed, he lets you have Pikachu, the Pokémon he just caught.
Now as you leave the lab, Gary will challenge you to a Pokémon battle. The battle is fairly easy, but you’ll be more successful if you got the Potion before you left. After the battle, leave the lab, and head north to Route 1.

Route 1 might be where you’ll encounter Pokémon for the first time. Remember what Professor Oak told you: wild Pokémon lurk in the grass. Just let your Pokémon fight so it’ll get stronger.

One of the people will tell you that he works at a Pokémon Mart and will give you a Potion.

Continue going north to Viridian City.

In Viridian City, go to the Pokémon Mart (the building with the "MART" sign) and the clerk will give you Professor Oak’s package (Oak’s Parcel). Once you have Oak’s parcel, go south through Route 1 to Pallet Town.

In Pallet Town, go to Professor Oak’s lab, talk to Oak, and you hand him the parcel. After delivering the parcel, Gary will arrive. Oak then asks both of you to use his invention, Pokédex, since he’s too old to do it himself. The Pokédex records information about Pokémon you’ve seen or caught. Once you have the Pokédex, leave the lab, enter Gary’s house, and talk to Gary’s sister, who will give you a Town Map. Now you’re ready to go to Viridian City again.