Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire Walkthrough
Littleroot Town
You’ll find two Pokémon arranging the things in the house. They seem to be owned by the moving business, which explains the presence of the truck outside. You’ll be told that Dad is away to another gym. Go upstairs to your room. Be sure to set the clock here. After viewing the room, go downstairs.
The Pokémon downstairs have left, and Mom tells you that he saw your Dad on TV -- it turned out that you will miss that announcement.
Go into Professor Birch’s house and go upstairs. You’ll meet Birch’s daughter, May, who is also interested in becoming a trainer. She’ll then walk out.
If you had chosen a boy as your character, the neighbor’s name is May. If you had chosen a girl, the neighbor is Brendan. For consistency, the name "May" will be used throughout.
Then leave the house and enter the "field". Seems like Birch needs help. Grab a Poké Ball from his pack. It’s one of three Pokémon that you can use to help him:
- Treecko (#1)
- Torchic (#4)
- Mudkip (#7)
Now leave the lab, and head into the field again. This is Route 101. When you step on the grass, a wild Pokémon may jump at you. You can fight or avoid them. Not far away is Oldale Town. Go into the P.Center, where you can talk to the receptionist and heal your new Pokémon.
Continue going north to Route 103. Eventually, you’ll reach Birch’s daughter, May. Talk to her, and your first battle begins. The Pokémon she has depends on your own. May’s Pokémon is elementally stronger than yours, so having Potions handy is a good idea.
After you defeat her, May will go back to Birch’s lab. Go there too. Once you’re there, Birch commends your efforts and gives you a Pokédex, a tool that keeps track of the Pokémon that you have seen or caught. May also admires your efforts and gives you five PokeBalls, with which you can catch them.
Now try to leave Littleroot Town. Mom stops you and gives you Running Shoes to wear on your trip. To use them, hold the B button while moving to run quickly. Now go back to Oldale Town, make your way west, through Route 102, into Petalburg City.
Petalburg City
Once in Petalburg, go into the gym (it’s easy to find). Talk to the man there. His name is Norman, your Dad. The boy there, Wally, has trouble learning to catch a Pokémon. Norman asks you to go with Wally for a while. Norman loans Wally a Zigzagoon and a PokeBall. Then Wally follows you to the grass at Route 102. Watch the ensuing battle that Wally has to learn to catch a Pokémon, in this case Ralts. It turned out that Wally was successful. Back at the gym, Wally leaves. Norman tells you to go to Rustboro City next.
To reach there, go west to Route 104....
As you explore, you notice a researcher being stopped by a member of T.Magma. When you defeat him, the member will leave, saying that something is going on in Rustboro City, and researcher will give you a Great Ball as thanks.
Rustboro City
Rustboro City is where you go to get your first Pokémon League Badge. Its Gym leader, Roxanne, uses Rock-type Pokémon, which are weak to those of the water and grass type. Rustboro is the home of Devon Corporation, a company that makes products such as the running shoes you got from Mom.
In the house labeled "Cutter’s House", west of the Pokémon Center, talk to the man inside to get HM01 (Cut).
In the Pokémon Trainer’s School, talk to the teacher to get a Quick Claw, which sometimes lets the Pokémon holding it strike first in battle.
Since there is little else to do, you can try training at routes 115 and 116, which are to the north and northeast of Rustboro City. After training, go to the Gym and get ready to face Roxanne.
- L14 Geodude - Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Mud Sport
- L15 Nosepass - Rock Throw, Harden
Upon defeating Roxanne, you will receive the Stone Badge, which raises Pokémon’s Attack and allows you to use Cut outside of battle. You also get TM39 (Rock Tomb), which can decrease the opponent’s Speed.
Leave the gym now. As you do, you see that someone had stolen goods from a researcher. Continue going north and east to find the researcher. He will stop you and tell you to help get Devon’s goods back. Keep going east through Route 116. At the end you will find a hole leading to Rusturf Tunnel. Before you reach the hole, an old man will tell you that his lost "Peeko" is in the tunnel. Enter the Rusturf Tunnel now.
Not too far from the entrance is a Team Magma member, and a Pokémon in hostage, Wingull. The member will slightly hesitate, but go up to him to begin a battle. After defeating him, you will receive the stolen goods from the Magma member. The old man will soon arrive to get back "Peeko". He introduces himself as Mr. Briney. Now leave the tunnel and go back to Rustboro City. The researcher will notice the Devon Goods and give you another Great Ball.
You are now in Devon Corporation’s third floor. He asks you to take the goods to Slateport City’s shipyard. You then have a talk with Devon’s President. He asks you to bring a letter to Steven in Dewford Town, halfway between Rustboro and Slateport. He also gives you a "Pokémon Navigator", or "PokeNav" for short, which contains a map of the Hoenn region, among other things.
After this entire ordeal, leave Rustboro City and go south through Route 104, through the Petalburg Woods, and into Mr. Briney’s house. Talk to Mr. Briney. He’ll notice the letter bound for Dewford and will let you set sail in his ship. Answer "yes", and you’re off. The ship goes through water routes 105 and 106 until finally you reach Dewford Town.
Dewford Town
At the house right nearby, a young man will give you a Silk Scarf. You can visit the Pokémon Center if you want. The Dewford Hall is too worried about the latest trends to be helpful. Near the Pokémon Center, a man in red will give you an Old Rod for fishing.
You won’t find Steven right away, so instead, visit the local Gym. The Gym leader, Brawly, uses Fighting-type Pokémon. Flying types are powerful against them. In addition, the gym is very dark and it can be difficult to see, but the more trainers you defeat, the more of the gym you can see.
Brawly L17 Machop - Bulk Up, Karate Chop, Seismic Toss L18 Makuhita - Bulk Up
After you defeat Brawly, he will give you the Knuckle Badge, which forces Pokémon up to level 30 to obey you and allows you to use Flash outside of battle. You also receive TM08 (Bulk Up), which raises the Attack and Defense of a Pokémon.
Now go north and west to the hole leading to Granite Cave.
Talk to the first man you see to get HM05 (Flash), which allows you to light up dark caves when taught to a Pokémon. The second part of the cave is quite dark. If you can, teach Flash to a Pokémon and use it to help you. Simply make your way, in which you can find an Everstone if you inspect the rock by a set of stairs leading to it.
At the end, you will find Steven, in an enclosure. Talk to him, and you hand him the letter. In return, you receive TM47 (Steel Wing). He leaves the cave. Leave the cave the way you came, and go back to Dewford Town.
Having delivered the letter, talk to Mr. Briney and tell him to take you to Slateport next. Setting sail once again, you and Mr. Briney go through routes 107 to 109 before reaching Slateport. You land on a beach with many trainers on inner tubes.
On the west side is the "Seashore House". Its owner, Mr. Sea, likes to see great Pokémon battles. Battle the three trainers you see there, and you’ll receive six bottles of Soda Pop as a reward. You’ll also be able to buy more Soda Pops from him (for P$300).
Continue north to reach Slateport City.
Slateport City
Leave the shipyard and go east of the Pokémon Mart to the Oceanic Museum. Looks like the museum is overrun by Magma members. Pay the [P]50 admission fee to enter. On this floor you may find a Magma member who will give you TM46 (Thief). Now go to the second floor to find Captain Stern. As you do, two Magma members appear and try forcing the goods off you and Stern. Two battles occur, one after the other. After both end, the members leave , and you can now hand Stern the Devon Goods.
On the northwest side of Slateport is a Contest Hall.
Now go north to Route 110, and from there, go east and north. Pretty soon you will meet May and engage in a battle. After the battle, May gives you an Itemfinder, which helps you find hidden items in the Hoenn region. It’s a narrow, grassy path, so keep going through. You will eventually reach Mauville City.
Mauville City
Once in Mauville, do some exploring.
One thing it has is a Game Corner where you can try your luck and play games for great prizes. A Coin Case is needed to play.
On the northeast of the city is a bike shop called Rydel’s Cycles. Rydel is on the left of the shop. Seeing as you had come to Mauville from Littleroot Town, Rydel will allow you to use one of his bikes: the Mach Bike and the Acro Bike. Use the Mach Bike for turning tight corners and for sandy slopes, and use the Acro Bike to do wheelies and jumps. You can always switch bikes by talking to Rydel at any time.
Go to the house on the southeast of the city and talk to the man there to get HM06 (Rock Smash), which you can use to break rocks that block your way.
The Mauville Gym houses the gym leader, Wattson, who uses Electric-type Pokémon. Water and flying types are at serious risk. The gym’s barriers are controlled by lightning-bolt-shaped buttons that when pressed, change the electric fields.
Wattson L22 Magnemite - Sonicboom, Thundershock L20 Voltorb - Spark, Rollout L23 Magneton - Shock Wave
Upon defeating him, Wattson will give you the Dynamo Badge, which raises Pokémon’s Speed and lets you use Rock Smash outside of battle. You also receive TM34 (Shock Wave).
Now, go west, through Route 117, to Verdanturf Town. From there, go north to the hole leading to the other side of Rusturf Tunnel.
Once in the tunnel, go straight ahead. You will see two rocks with a man on one side and a woman on the other. Teach Rock Smash to a Pokémon, and use it to break one of the two rocks. The man is so surprised that he gives you HM04 (Strength). Reunited again, the man and woman leave. Go through the tunnel to the other side. The man nearby recalls the many achievements that you had made and gives you a recently-invented PokeBall, the Repeat Ball.
Now go back to Mauville City, and go north to Route 111.
Straight ahead you will find a house being blocked by someone. This is the house of the Winstrate family of Pokémon trainers. Talk to the man blocking the house to agree to battle them. You will engage in four battles in succession with each member of the Winstrate family. Once inside the house, talk to the woman in the upper right to receive a Macho Brace as a reward.
Continuing north, use Rock Smash to break the rocks in your way, and keep going north, slightly west, and north.
This is Mt. Chimney, and its cable car is a short way up. If you do so, you will notice that the entrance is blocked by Magma members. The only thing you can do is take the hole at the west of Mt. Chimney. From there, go through the Fiery Path to the other side. Now at Route 112, simply follow the path.
Talk to the boy facing a big tree to get TM43 (Secret Power). When taught to a Pokémon, you can use Secret Power to make vines fall down big trees, such as this one. You can climb on the tree to create a Secret Base, almost like a small room. You can also use Secret Power on indents in walls. You may make only one Secret Base at a time.
After getting TM43, you can purchase decorations for your Secret Base or your house in Littleroot Town at the Slateport outdoor market. You can also purchase extra TM43s. |
At one part of the path it is raining what appears to be volcanic ash. There you can find a house where is housed a man who can make glass items out of ash. Talk to him and he’ll give you a Soot Sack for collecting volcanic ash to bring to him.
When the rain is over, you’ve reached Fallarbor Town.
Go to the Fossil Maniac’s house. Talk to the man near the rather strange entrance to get TM28 (Dig).
In Route 114, go up the mountains, smashing rocks and defeating trainers along the way. Find the passageway to Meteor Falls.
Going just west from Meteor Falls, you will see some Magma members near a meteor crater, and some people from Team Aqua coming along and claiming it. You will be confronted by an Aqua member, but not battle. Leave Meteor Falls, through Fallarbor Town, and back to Mt. Chimney. The entrance to the cable cars is no longer blocked, and enter the cable car station.
Once you reach the top of Mt. Chimney, it’s raining ash. One part of the area is blocked by an Aqua and Magma member and their dogs. The only place to go is north.
After you defeat the Magma Leader Maxie, he will suddenly end his destructive plans.
If you take out the Meteorite, and return it to Professor Cozmo in Fallarbor Town, you will receive TM27 (Return). |
After this ordeal, go south of the cable car station. From there, it’s just jumping down the Jagged Pass. Eventually you will reach Lavaridge Town.
Lavaridge Town
Lavaridge has hot springs which, apparently, can be reached from its P.Center.
In Lavaridge’s Gym, you will find that its leader, Flannery, uses Fire-type Pokémon. You will also find that the gym is quite foggy inside. The pods teleport you to another location. Sometimes the pods contain hidden trainers that you have to battle against.
- Flannery
- L26 Slugma - Smog, Light Screen, Sunny Day, Overheat
- L26 Slugma - Flamethrower
- L28 Torkoal - Body Slam, Overheat, Attract
Upon defeating Flannery, you will receive the Heat Badge, which forces all Pokémon up to level 50 to obey you and allows you to use Strength outside of battle. You will also receive TM50 (Overheat), which is a powerful Fire-type attack, but lowers the user’s Special Attack after use.
Leave the gym now, and May will suddenly pop up from the herbal shop. She notices that you had just received the Lavaridge Badge and gives you Go-Goggles, which allow you to see in sandy storms. She takes off on her bike.
Now leave Lavaridge Town east and then north to the sandy area. The sand is wild here, but you’re able to navigate thanks to your Go-Goggles. Go northeast and you will find two fossils -- the Root Fossil and the Claw Fossil. If you pick one, the other will sink in the sand. Choose the one you want. At the very southern point, you will find TM37 (Sandstorm).
Go back to the gym in Petalburg, whose leader is your Dad, Norman, who uses Pokémon of the Normal type. In the gym there are two doors you can choose. Go into one and defeat the trainer there. Other doors and other trainers will become available before you can battle Norman. After defeating three preliminary trainers, you will face Norman.
- Norman
- L28 Slaking - Facade, Yawn
- L30 Vigoroth - Facade, Slash
- L31 Slaking - Facade, Focus Punch
Leave the gym and go to Wally’s house. The man inside, Wally’s father, will give you HM03 (Surf), allowing you to move in water. Teach it to a Pokémon now.
Now go back to Mauville City. Now that you can Surf, you can choose to do so by going east through Oldale Town.
Once in Mauville, you will find Wattson (with the pointy white hair). Talk to him, who will tell you to go to Mauville’s underground sector, New Mauville, and switch off the Generator, which has been unsafe. He entrusts you with the Basement Key to New Mauville.
To find New Mauville, start by going south to Route 110. Once you reach water, start surfing. You can find a cavern on the south and east; enter it now. Use the Basement Key to unlock the door.
Once in the building, press the blue buttons to open the blue doors, and the green buttons to open the green ones. The Pokémon Voltorb and Magnemite abound in New Mauville. And some of those item balls may actually be Voltorbs. At the end, press the red button to stop the generator. After doing so, go back to Mauville City.
Talk to Wattson again, and he gives you TM24 (Thunderbolt).
Go east from Mauville City, using Surf. Eventually you will run into Steven, who will give an unimportant talk. Keep following the path.
The big glass-covered building is the Weather Institute. Two Magma members block the bridge next to it. When you enter, you may choose to rest and use the PC. Then you may continue through. After you defeat all the Magma members, including the Admin, they cancel their plans and leave. The scientist thanks you by giving you a Castform, a Pokémon that changes shape according to the weather.
Now rest, if you want, and leave the Weather Institute. Now that the bridge is no longer blocked, go through it. As you continue, you will be stopped by May again. A battle will begin, because May wants to check the status of your training. When you defeat her, she will let you have HM02 (Fly).
Continue north, and eventually you will reach Fortree City.
Fortree City
[second house from left; TM10 (HiddenPower); right,right,left
Apparently, it is currently impossible to reach the gym because something invisible is in the way.
For now, go through Fortree City east to Route 120. While following the path, you will encounter Steven once again. He shows you a device called a Devon Scope. Watch what happens when Steven uses it. A Kecleon appears, which you must catch or defeat. After the battle, Steven lets you have the Devon Scope.
Maybe an invisible Pokémon was what was blocking the Gym. Go back to Fortree
City.[Scorched slab;TM11(Sunny Day)]
Now, try to enter the gym, and once you are blocked, use the Devon Scope to get rid of the Pokémon in the way, making the gym available to you.
The Fortree Gym’s leader, Winona, uses Flying-type Pokémon. Electric types are powerful, and grass types poor, against them. Winona’s gym fashions rotating doors, and it is built in a way that you must battle the trainers before you can reach Winona. Sometimes it can be tricky to get through the doors.
Winona L31 Swellow - Double Team, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace L33 Altaria - Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Dragonbreath, Aerial Ace L30 Pelipper - Protect, Supersonic L32 Skarmory
In this battle, Altaria will be the most difficult of the four, as it is part-Dragon. Upon defeating Winona, you will receive the Feather Badge, which forces all Pokémon up to level 70 to obey you and allows you to use Fly outside of battle. You will also receive TM40 (Aerial Ace).
Now leave Fortree City east again. Follow the path. At one part of the path rain falls.
You will listen to three members of Magma saying to move to Mount Pyre. You should go there too. Nearby is its pier. Surf through the water now. The entrance to Mt. Pyle is at the back.
Mount Pyle was built as a cemetery for Pokémon. Once inside, take the western exit instead of the stairs.
You are now outside. Climb the mountain, and eventually it will fog. Keep going up, and you will confront the members of Team Magma, one by one. The boss, Maxie, will say to take the Blue Orb to Slateport next. They all leave. An old woman says that the Blue Orb and Red Orb are never to be separated and hands you the Red Orb. As yet you don’t know what the Blue and Red Orbs are for.
Fly to Slateport City.
A crowd will gather at Slateport Harbor. Talk to Captain Stern, which is the man just behind the doorway. A TV interview had just ended, and Stern tells you that his team found an underwater cavern on Route 128. You are interrupted by a Magma announcement saying the submarine will be taken. You and Stern rush to the harbor. Keep going, and you see two Magmas diving underwater.
Leave the harbor building.
Fly to Fortree City, and go east until you reach Lilycove City.
You can see several members of Team Magma among its inhabitants. The townspeople will direct you to a cave in Lilycove’s cove. To reach it, make your way to the sand and the shallow water at the edge. You can see one Magma member training three Wailmer. Surf north until you reach the cave.
This cave appears to be a secret hideout for Team Magma. Take the stairs, and make your way using the warp tiles on the floor. Battle the Magma Grunts along the way. Somewhere in the hideout is a Master Ball, which never fails in catching a wild Pokémon. When you reach the water, defeat the Magma Admin. After you defeat her, you may leave the hideout.
Now continue surfing east until you reach Mossdeep City.
Mossdeep City
Go to the house on the northwest. There’s Steven once again. He’ll give you HM08 (Dive), which allows you to go underwater when you see dark patches on the water’s surface.
The boy nearby will give you a King’s Rock, if you keep it a secret from Steven. Mossdeep City has a gym, and its leaders, Liza and Tate, use Psychic-type Pokémon. Fighting and Poison types are easily defeated by them. Liza and Tate’s gym uses force floors. Many of them force you to other trainers. Switches in some areas change the direction of some of the force tiles.
Liza and Tate L42 Solrock - Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Solbeam L42 Lunatone - Psychic, Hypnosis, Calm Mind
After you defeat them, Liza and Tate will give you the Mind Badge, which raises your Pokémon’s Special Attack and Special Defense and lets you use Dive outside of battle. You will also receive TM04 (Calm Mind).
Press the bulls-eye button to leave the gym.
Teach Dive to a Pokémon, and leave Mossdeep City. You can try using the Dive ability now by pressing A on any dark spots in the water. Go south, then use Dive on the huge patch of dark. Once underwater, make your way through. Search for a submarine. Once you find it, press B to surface up. You are now near a seafloor cavern, so enter it. Use Strength and Rock Smash to guide your way. Some of the floors can be challenging puzzles, and some doors can lead you back to the entrance. At the very end, you see a Pokémon there. The boss stops you and a battle begins.
Ruby Version: After the battle, Maxie recognizes his defeat, and holds up the Blue Orb. As soon as it shines, the Pokémon, Groudon, rises up and the sun burns brightly; unfortunately, the sun has become so hot to be dangerous. Team Aqua will arrive and tell you to leave the cave. You are now in shallow water, and Team Aqua’s leader says that they will handle the situation if they can. Steven then comes along and tells you that the solution is near somewhere called Sootopolis. |
Sapphire Version: After the battle, Archie recognizes his defeat, and holds up the Red Orb. As soon as it shines, the Pokémon, Kyogre, rises up... will arrive and tell you to leave the cave. You are now in shallow water, and Team Magma’s leader says that they will handle the situation if they can. Steven then comes along and tells you that the solution is near somewhere called Sootopolis. |
Surf to the north and a little west, then dive down when you see a huge expanse of rock. Underwater, go south to find an entrance. Enter it, and surface up. You are now in Sootopolis City.
Sootopolis City
Now enter the cave. The second part of the cave is very dark. Use Flash to light it up. The cave will shake at times. Somewhere along the surface you will find HM07 (Waterfall). When you reach the ancient Pokémon, face it and the Red Orb will glow. You engage in a battle. After defeating or catching it, the Pokémon will settle down. Leave the cave now.
You will find that Sootopolis is now filled with people again. Go to the gym. You can find Steven at its entrance. Talk to him, and he will give his thanks and leave. You may now enter.
Wallace, the Gym Leader, uses Water-type Pokémon. Use electric and grass types against them. To get to Wallace, you have to walk on thin ice, and if you’re not careful, you could fall to the trainers below. The trick here is to walk on each tile exactly once. When you do, a stairway will pop up.
Wallace L40 Luvdisc L42 Whiscash - Amnesia, Rain Dance, Earthquake, Water Pulse L40 Sealeo - L42 Seaking L43 Milotic - Recover
The L42 Whiscash can be difficult, as it is also a Ground type, making it immune to electricity. When you defeat Wallace, you receive the Rain Badge, which forces all Pokémon to obey you and allows you to use Waterfall outside of battle. You also receive TM03 (Water Pulse).
Fly back to Mossdeep City. Teach Waterfall to a Pokémon. From there, surf south and east to reach Evergrande City.
Evergrande City is bordered by a huge waterfall. Use Waterfall to rise up it easily. Then visit the Pokémon Center, and go through the entrance to Victory Road...
Just as you are about to leave, Wally catches up with you. Now that he’s made it into the Pokémon League, he wants you to battle with him. This is merely a test of strength, for after the battle ends, you may leave Victory Road.
Now you have entered the Pokémon League. The building has a Pokémon Center and item shop. Beyond that point is the Elite Four, which consists of the four trainers of the league. You must defeat all four in four successive battles. Once you fail you must start over, and there is no turning back. Be sure your Pokémon are trained to level 50 or higher, and stock up on recovery items. After defeating a trainer, perform any necessary repairs with the recovery items. Talk to the people blocking the entrance, and they will look at your badges and let you pass.
You will first encounter Sidney, who uses Dark-type Pokémon.
Sidney L46 Mightyena (Intimidate) - Take Down L46 Cacturne - Leech Seed L48 Sharpedo - L48 Shiftry - L49 Absol -Next is Phoebe, who is a master of ghosts.
Phoebe L48 Dusclops - Curse L49 Banette - Shadow Ball, Spite L49 Banette - L50 Sableye - L51 Dusclops - Shadow BallYou will then meet Glacia, who prefers Ice Pokémon.
Glacia L50 Glalie - Hail, Ice Beam L50 Sealeo - Hail L52 Sealeo - Blizzard L52 Glalie - Ice Beam L53 WalreinFinally, you will battle against Drake, a master of dragons.
Drake L52 Shelgon - Dragon Claw, L53 Flygon - Dragonbreath, Dig, Fly, Sandstorm L53 Flygon - Dragonbreath, Flamethrower L54 Altaria L55 Salamence - FlyAfter defeating Drake, you will find that the Champion is Steven, whom you’ve already met.
Steven L55 Claydol - L56 Aggron - Dragon Claw, Thunder, Earthquake L56 Cradily - Confuse Ray, Ancientpower L56 Armaldo - L57 Skarmory - Steel Wing L58 Metagross - Psychic, Earthquake, Hyper BeamWhen you defeat Steven, you become the Champion, thus ending the game.
After Beating the Game
west, battling swimmers and triathletes. Eventually you will reach Pacifidlog
Pacifidlog Town is a town of boathouses standing on the water, and the roads consist of logs.
To the southwest there is a man who is the younger brother of the Pokémon Fan Club’s Chairman. At the house on the east two men are talking about "Mirage Island".
Now leave Pacifidlog and keep going west. The current is also in that direction, so you may choose to be swept away by it. But try finding a patch of dark between the current. Once there, dive down, and go south. At the end you will encounter an inscription in Braille: "GO UP HERE." Surface up.
You now reach a sealed chamber with more inscriptions in Braille. Read the top inscription: "DIG HERE." The other inscriptions merely indicate the alphabet in Braille, for your assistance. Teach Dig to a Pokémon, and go up to the top inscription and use Dig. A hole will appear; enter it now.
Read the new inscription at the top: "FIRST COMES RELICANTH. LAST COMES WAILORD."... Relicanth refers to a Pokémon that you can get in the underwater areas east of Lilycove City. Wailord is the evolved form of Wailmer, which you can fish for if you use the Super Rod in Mossdeep City. You can get Wailord if you train Wailmer to level 40. The other inscriptions are merely explanatory. Place Relicanth at the top of your party, and Wailord at the bottom. Inspect the inscription. The room will shake.
Leave the chamber and go to Route 111, north of Mauville City. Get to the very sandy area, and from there go south. You will notice a door being open there; enter it now.
Read the new inscription: "RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN. THEN USE STRENGTH." Follow the inscription. A door will pop up. From there, you will meet a Pokémon called Regirock, at level 40. You may catch it if you want.
Leave the chamber and fly to Dewford Town. Surf on the water north of the town, and go all the way west, and all the way north. You will reach another chamber.
The inscription will read: "STOP AND WAIT. WAIT FOR TIME TO PASS TWICE." After reading the inscription, don’t press anything. When enough time has passed, the door will open. You will meet a Pokémon called Regice.
Fly to Fortree City. From there, go east, and then south, keeping to the west. At the corner, take the steps to go north. Continue north as far as you can, and you will see the entrance to another chamber.
Read the inscription: "WITH NEW TIME, HOPE AND LOVE, AIM TO THE SKY IN THE MIDDLE." Stand in the middle of the cave and use Fly. The door will open. You will meet a Pokémon called Registeel.
Now fly to Slateport City. Go to the harbor, and flash your ticket to take the ferry to Lilycove City. As you explore, you will find Mr. Briney, who has been made captain of this ship. You may visit every room and talk to the passengers there, who are more than willing to battle. Your cabin is number 2, where you may rest and use the PC. When you rest, the ship has reached Lilycove City. Surf either south of Slateport City or east of Dewford Town. Along the way you will find an abandoned ship; enter it now. You can find many rooms, many trainers, and many items inside the ship. You will soon find water to surf on. Use Surf, and then dive down and make your way. Go into the small room, and surface up. You are now in an area with six rooms. Four doors are locked. The third door is unlocked. Go through it, and look for the tiny spark. Inspect the area where the spark was, and you will find a key to room 1. Use it to unlock the first door, and keep looking for tiny sparks to find the other keys. At the end you will find something called a Scanner.
Now leave, and find the way to a room with a scientist inside. Nearby is a Storage Key. Talk to the man there, who wants you to deliver the Scanner to Captain Stern.
Next, find a locked door, and you use the Storage Key to unlock it. Go inside to find TM13 (Ice Beam).
Leave the ship now, and fly to Slateport City.
You can find Captain Stern in Slateport Harbor. Talk to him, who will trade the Scanner for a Deepseatooth or a Deepseascale, which raises Special Defense or Special Defense, respectively, of Clamperl when it holds it.
Trick House
Just look for the tiny spark and inspect it to find the Trick Master. After you find him, your challenge begins. Inspect the scroll to get started.
The first stage is to use Cut to cut down the trees to reach chambers. Your task is to find the scroll on which is written a secret password (you need not write it down). You may battle other trainers along the way. Continue cutting through until you reach a door, in which you enter the password. For now, the Trick Master will reward you with a Rare Candy, but more is coming.
In the second stage, follow the maze to push buttons opening and closing certain doors. After getting through the maze, and entering the password, the Trick Master gives you a Timer Ball as a reward.
In the third stage, use the Rock Smash ability to help you push the buttons opening and closing certain doors. Sometimes the buttons are under the rocks. You will be rewarded with a Hard Stone.
Your fourth challenge involves using Strength to move the boulders blocking your way. You must move them in just the right places. After reading the scroll and reaching the end, the Trick Master will give you a Smoke Ball.
In your fifth challenge, you take a five-question quiz. If you get a question wrong you must start over. Once you answer all five correctly, you may read the scroll and leave the room. You will receive TM12 (Taunt).
The sixth challenge involves rotating doors reminiscent of Winona’s gym in Fortree City. Get through this room to receive a Magnet.
In the seventh room, you’ll face force floors reminiscent to those in Liza and Tate’s gym in Mossdeep City. Find the switches to change the direction of several force tiles. It will be difficult, but when you reach the end you will receive a PP Max.
The eighth challenge becomes available after you beat the game. It involves skating through ice floors. After getting through that, the Trick Master will have no more ideas for new tricks and will leave indefinitely. He will let you have a Red Tent (Ruby version), or a Blue Tent (Sapphire version), which is a room decoration, before he goes.