Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - After the attack
After an attack is successful, the following happens:
- If not the last hit, show "it’s "super effective" or "it’s not effective", as applicable
- Recoil (If user now has 0 HP, it faints.)
Additional effect ("May...") if it affects user or if the target isn’t
- Note: Effects that contain the word "may" in the list of moves are considered additional effects. An additional effect won’t occur on a target if it has zero HP remaining, but will occur on its user (such as Metal Claw’s additional effect) even if the target is defeated.
- Rage effect
- The target thaws out if attack is a Fire-type attack and isn’t Hidden Power
- If the target is defeated and user isn’t defeated, Grudge effect
Destiny Bond effect
- If user now has 0 HP, it faints.
- The target faints if defeated
Resolve effects based on ability (Static, Synchronize, Rough Skin, Color
Change, and so on.) Here the ability the target had when the damage was
dealt is used.
- If user now has 0 HP, it faints.
- Berry and Herb check (for all Pokémon in battle)
- User’s Shell Bell effect
Additional effects of multi-hit effects (additional effects have the word "may" in the attack descriptions) take place after all hits of the multi-hit attack resolve.
After all hits of a successful attack have resolved:
- User faints if Selfdestruct/Explosion was used
- Player’s unfainted participants gain Exp Points if the target faints, if it’s a Pokémon on the other side from the player’s side
- Player’s unfainted participants gain Exp Points if user faints, if it’s a Pokémon on the other side from the player’s side
- Switch Pokémon if necessary, according to this turn’s priority.
In Single Battles, if a Pokémon faints during its attack segment and the other Pokémon hasn’t taken its attack segment yet, that Pokémon’s attack segment is skipped. (However, if it used Hyper Beam or an equivalent move on the previous turn, it need not "recharge" for the following turn.)