Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - Battle Tower - General
The Battle Tower is a facility for trainers to test their skills in battle. It becomes available through the ferry, after beating the game. Two Battle Rooms are available: Level 50 and Level 100. Each Battle Room has seven trainers you must defeat. To make a challenge in the Tower, you must bring three Pokémon equal to or less than the level for that Battle Room. The three Pokémon must be of a different species and hold different items. Eggs as well as Mewtwo, Mew, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, and Deoxys are not eligible.
Once in a Battle Room, you can’t leave until you lose to a trainer or you defeat seven trainers in a row. Your Pokémon get healed after each battle. Defeat all seven trainers, and you will receive a prize. The number of consecutive wins against trainers is recorded on the counter and in your Trainer Card.
If you win 50 or more battles in a row in a Battle Room, the participants of each challenge won after that receive a ribbon according to the Battle Room chosen.
If you won less than six challenges in a row in a Battle Room, the prize is one of HP Up, Iron, Protein, Carbos, Calcium, or Zinc.
If you won six or more challenges in a row in a Battle Room, the prize is one of the Focus Band, Mental Herb, Brightpowder, King’s Rock, Choice Band, White Herb, Scope Lens, Quick Claw, or Leftovers.