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Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - Items

Pokémon Ruby and SapphirePokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - Items

Tags: pokemon-ruby-sapphire-and-emerald

Items can be sold for half the purchase price, except those whose purchase price is zero.

000: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
001: MASTER BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $0)
The best BALL that catches a POK��MON without fail.
002: ULTRA BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $1200)
A better BALL with a higher catch rate than a GREAT BALL.
003: GREAT BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $600)
A good BALL with a higher catch rate than a POK BALL.
004: POK BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $200)
A tool used for catching wild POK��MON.
005: SAFARI BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $0)
A special BALL that is used only in the SAFARI ZONE.
006: NET BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $1000)
A BALL that works well on WATER- and BUG-type POK��MON.
007: DIVE BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $1000)
A BALL that works better on POK��MON on the ocean floor.
008: NEST BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $1000)
A BALL that works better on weaker POK��MON.
009: REPEAT BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $1000)
A BALL that works better on POK��MON caught before.
010: TIMER BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $1000)
More effective as more turns are taken in battle.
011: LUXURY BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $1000)
A cozy BALL that makes POK��MON more friendly.
012: PREMIER BALL (in Poké Balls; purchase price: $200)
A rare BALL made in commemoration of some event.
013: POTION (in Items; purchase price: $300)
Restores the HP of a POK��MON by 20 points.
014: ANTIDOTE (in Items; purchase price: $100)
Heals a poisoned POK��MON.
015: BURN HEAL (in Items; purchase price: $250)
Heals POK��MON of a burn.
016: ICE HEAL (in Items; purchase price: $250)
Defrosts a frozen POK��MON.
017: AWAKENING (in Items; purchase price: $250)
Awakens a sleeping POK��MON.
018: PARLYZ HEAL (in Items; purchase price: $200)
Heals a paralyzed POK��MON.
019: FULL RESTORE (in Items; purchase price: $3000)
Fully restores the HP and status of a POK��MON.
020: MAX POTION (in Items; purchase price: $2500)
Fully restores the HP of a POK��MON.
021: HYPER POTION (in Items; purchase price: $1200)
Restores the HP of a POK��MON by 200 points.
022: SUPER POTION (in Items; purchase price: $700)
Restores the HP of a POK��MON by 50 points.
023: FULL HEAL (in Items; purchase price: $600)
Heals all the status problems of one POK��MON.
024: REVIVE (in Items; purchase price: $1500)
Revives a fainted POK��MON with half its HP.
025: MAX REVIVE (in Items; purchase price: $4000)
Revives a fainted POK��MON with all its HP.
026: FRESH WATER (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A mineral water that restores HP by 50 points.
027: SODA POP (in Items; purchase price: $300)
A fizzy soda drink that restores HP by 60 points.
028: LEMONADE (in Items; purchase price: $350)
A very sweet drink that restores HP by 80 points.
029: MOOMOO MILK (in Items; purchase price: $500)
A nutritious milk that restores HP by 100 points.
030: ENERGYPOWDER (in Items; purchase price: $500)
A bitter powder that restores HP by 50 points.
031: ENERGY ROOT (in Items; purchase price: $800)
A bitter root that restores HP by 200 points.
032: HEAL POWDER (in Items; purchase price: $450)
A bitter powder that heals all status problems.
033: REVIVAL HERB (in Items; purchase price: $2800)
A very bitter herb that revives a fainted POK��MON.
034: ETHER (in Items; purchase price: $1200)
Restores the PP of a selected move by 10.
035: MAX ETHER (in Items; purchase price: $2000)
Fully restores the PP of a selected move.
036: ELIXIR (in Items; purchase price: $3000)
Restores the PP of all moves by 10.
037: MAX ELIXIR (in Items; purchase price: $4500)
Fully restores the PP of a POK��MON’s moves.
038: LAVA COOKIE (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A local specialty that heals all status problems.
039: BLUE FLUTE (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A glass flute that awakens sleeping POK��MON.
040: YELLOW FLUTE (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A glass flute that snaps POK��MON out of confusion.
041: RED FLUTE (in Items; purchase price: $300)
A glass flute that snaps POK��MON out of attraction.
042: BLACK FLUTE (in Items; purchase price: $400)
A glass flute that keeps away wild POK��MON.
043: WHITE FLUTE (in Items; purchase price: $500)
A glass flute that lures wild POK��MON.
044: BERRY JUICE (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A 100% pure juice that restores HP by 20 points.
045: SACRED ASH (in Items; purchase price: $200)
Fully revives and restores all fainted POK��MON.
046: SHOAL SALT (in Items; purchase price: $20)
Salt obtained from deep inside the SHOAL CAVE.
047: SHOAL SHELL (in Items; purchase price: $20)
A seashell found deep inside the SHOAL CAVE.
048: RED SHARD (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A shard from an ancient item. Can be sold cheaply.
049: BLUE SHARD (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A shard from an ancient item. Can be sold cheaply.
050: YELLOW SHARD (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A shard from an ancient item. Can be sold cheaply.
051: GREEN SHARD (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A shard from an ancient item. Can be sold cheaply.
052: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
053: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
054: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
055: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
056: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
057: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
058: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
059: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
060: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
061: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
062: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
063: HP UP (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the HP of one POK��MON.
064: PROTEIN (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the stat ATTACK of one POK��MON.
065: IRON (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the stat DEFENSE of one POK��MON.
066: CARBOS (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the stat SPEED of one POK��MON.
067: CALCIUM (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the stat SP. ATK of one POK��MON.
068: RARE CANDY (in Items; purchase price: $4800)
Raises the level of a POK��MON by one.
069: PP UP (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the maximum PP of a selected move.
070: ZINC (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the stat SP. DEF of one POK��MON.
071: PP MAX (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
Raises the PP of a move to its maximum points.
072: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
073: GUARD SPEC. (in Items; purchase price: $700)
Prevents stat reduction when used in battle.
074: DIRE HIT (in Items; purchase price: $650)
Raises the critical-hit ratio during one battle.
075: X ATTACK (in Items; purchase price: $500)
Raises the stat ATTACK during one battle.
076: X DEFEND (in Items; purchase price: $550)
Raises the stat DEFENSE during one battle.
077: X SPEED (in Items; purchase price: $350)
Raises the stat SPEED during one battle.
078: X ACCURACY (in Items; purchase price: $950)
Raises accuracy of attack moves during one battle.
079: X SPECIAL (in Items; purchase price: $350)
Raises the stat SP. ATK during one battle.
080: POK DOLL (in Items; purchase price: $1000)
Use to run from any battle with a wild POK��MON.
081: FLUFFY TAIL (in Items; purchase price: $1000)
Use to run from any battle with a wild POK��MON.
082: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
083: SUPER REPEL (in Items; purchase price: $500)
Repels weak wild POK��MON for 200 steps.
084: MAX REPEL (in Items; purchase price: $700)
Repels weak wild POK��MON for 250 steps.
085: ESCAPE ROPE (in Items; purchase price: $550)
Use to escape instantly from a cave or a dungeon.
086: REPEL (in Items; purchase price: $350)
Repels weak wild POK��MON for 100 steps.
087: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
088: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
089: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
090: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
091: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
092: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
093: SUN STONE (in Items; purchase price: $2100)
Makes certain species of POK��MON evolve.
094: MOON STONE (in Items; purchase price: $0)
Makes certain species of POK��MON evolve.
095: FIRE STONE (in Items; purchase price: $2100)
Makes certain species of POK��MON evolve.
096: THUNDERSTONE (in Items; purchase price: $2100)
Makes certain species of POK��MON evolve.
097: WATER STONE (in Items; purchase price: $2100)
Makes certain species of POK��MON evolve.
098: LEAF STONE (in Items; purchase price: $2100)
Makes certain species of POK��MON evolve.
099: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
100: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
101: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
102: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
103: TINYMUSHROOM (in Items; purchase price: $500)
A plain, ordinary mushroom. Can be sold cheaply.
104: BIG MUSHROOM (in Items; purchase price: $5000)
A rare mushroom that would sell at a high price.
105: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
106: PEARL (in Items; purchase price: $1400)
A pretty pearl. Can be sold cheaply.
107: BIG PEARL (in Items; purchase price: $7500)
A lovely large pearl that would sell at a high price.
108: STARDUST (in Items; purchase price: $2000)
Beautiful red sand. Can be sold at a high price.
109: STAR PIECE (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
A red gem shard. It would sell for a very high price.
110: NUGGET (in Items; purchase price: $10000)
A nugget of pure gold. Can be sold at a high price.
111: HEART SCALE (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A lovely scale. It is coveted by collectors.
112: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
113: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
114: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
115: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
116: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
117: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
118: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
119: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
120: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
121: ORANGE MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A ZIGZAGOON-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
122: HARBOR MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A WINGULL-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
123: GLITTER MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A PIKACHU-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
124: MECH MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A MAGNEMITE-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
125: WOOD MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A SLAKOTH-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
126: WAVE MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A WAILMER-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
127: BEAD MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
MAIL featuring a sketch of the holding POK��MON.
128: SHADOW MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A DUSKULL-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
129: TROPIC MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A BELLOSSOM-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
130: DREAM MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
MAIL featuring a sketch of the holding POK��MON.
131: FAB MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $50)
A gorgeous-print MAIL to be held by a POK��MON.
132: RETRO MAIL (in Items; purchase price: $0)
MAIL featuring the drawings of three POK��MON.
133: CHERI BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that heals paralysis in battle.
134: CHESTO BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that awakens POK��MON in battle.
135: PECHA BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that heals poisoning in battle.
136: RAWST BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that heals a burn in battle.
137: ASPEAR BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that defrosts POK��MON in battle.
138: LEPPA BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores 10 PP in battle.
139: ORAN BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores 10 HP in battle.
140: PERSIM BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that heals confusion in battle.
141: LUM BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that heals status in battle.
142: SITRUS BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores 30 HP in battle.
143: FIGY BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may confuse.
144: WIKI BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may confuse.
145: MAGO BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may confuse.
146: AGUAV BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may confuse.
147: IAPAPA BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that restores HP but may confuse.
148: RAZZ BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow RAZZ.
149: BLUK BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow BLUK.
150: NANAB BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow NANAB.
151: WEPEAR BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow WEPEAR.
152: PINAP BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow PINAP.
153: POMEG BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow POMEG.
154: KELPSY BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow KELPSY.
155: QUALOT BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow QUALOT.
156: HONDEW BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow HONDEW.
157: GREPA BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow GREPA.
158: TAMATO BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow TAMATO.
159: CORNN BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow CORNN.
160: MAGOST BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow MAGOST.
161: RABUTA BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow RABUTA.
162: NOMEL BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow NOMEL.
163: SPELON BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow SPELON.
164: PAMTRE BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow PAMTRE.
165: WATMEL BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow WATMEL.
166: DURIN BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow DURIN.
167: BELUE BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow BELUE.
168: LIECHI BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that raises ATTACK in a pinch.
169: GANLON BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that raises DEFENSE in a pinch.
170: SALAC BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that raises SPEED in a pinch.
171: PETAYA BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that raises SP. ATK in a pinch.
172: APICOT BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that raises SP. DEF in a pinch.
173: LANSAT BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that ups the critical- hit rate in a pinch.
174: STARF BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
A hold item that sharply boosts a stat in a pinch.
175: ENIGMA BERRY (in Berries; purchase price: $20)
POKBLOCK ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow a mystery.
176: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
177: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
178: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
179: BRIGHTPOWDER (in Items; purchase price: $10)
A hold item that casts a glare to reduce accuracy.
180: WHITE HERB (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that restores any lowered stat.
181: MACHO BRACE (in Items; purchase price: $3000)
A hold item that promotes growth, but reduces SPEED.
182: EXP. SHARE (in Items; purchase price: $3000)
A hold item that gets EXP. points from battles.
183: QUICK CLAW (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that occasionally allows the first strike.
184: SOOTHE BELL (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that calms spirits and fosters friendship.
185: MENTAL HERB (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that snaps POK��MON out of infatuation.
186: CHOICE BAND (in Items; purchase price: $100)
Raises a move’s power, but permits only that move.
187: KING'S ROCK (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that may cause flinching when the foe is hit.
188: SILVERPOWDER (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of BUG-type moves.
189: AMULET COIN (in Items; purchase price: $100)
Doubles money in battle if the holder takes part.
190: CLEANSE TAG (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that helps repel wild POK��MON.
191: SOUL DEW (in Items; purchase price: $200)
Hold item Raises SP. ATK & SP. DEF of LATIOS & LATIAS.
192: DEEPSEATOOTH (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that raises the SP. ATK of CLAMPERL.
193: DEEPSEASCALE (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that raises the SP. DEF of CLAMPERL.
194: SMOKE BALL (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that can be used to run from a wild POK��MON.
195: EVERSTONE (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A wondrous stone & a hold item that prevents evolution.
196: FOCUS BAND (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that occasionally prevents fainting.
197: LUCKY EGG (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that boosts EXP. points earned in battle.
198: SCOPE LENS (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that raises the critical- hit rate.
199: METAL COAT (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of STEEL-type moves.
200: LEFTOVERS (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that gradually restores HP in battle.
201: DRAGON SCALE (in Items; purchase price: $2100)
A strange scale held by DRAGON- type POK��MON.
202: LIGHT BALL (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the SP. ATK of PIKACHU.
203: SOFT SAND (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of GROUND-type moves.
204: HARD STONE (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of ROCK-type moves.
205: MIRACLE SEED (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of GRASS-type moves.
206: BLACKGLASSES (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of DARK-type moves.
207: BLACK BELT (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that boosts FIGHTING- type moves.
208: MAGNET (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that boosts ELECTRIC- type moves.
209: MYSTIC WATER (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of WATER-type moves.
210: SHARP BEAK (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of FLYING-type moves.
211: POISON BARB (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of POISON-type moves.
212: NEVERMELTICE (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of ICE-type moves.
213: SPELL TAG (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of GHOST-type moves.
214: TWISTEDSPOON (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that boosts PSYCHIC- type moves.
215: CHARCOAL (in Items; purchase price: $9800)
A hold item that raises the power of FIRE-type moves.
216: DRAGON FANG (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of DRAGON-type moves.
217: SILK SCARF (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises the power of NORMAL-type moves.
218: UP-GRADE (in Items; purchase price: $2100)
A peculiar box made by SILPH CO.
219: SHELL BELL (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A hold item that restores HP upon striking the foe.
220: SEA INCENSE (in Items; purchase price: $9600)
A hold item that slightly boosts WATER-type moves.
221: LAX INCENSE (in Items; purchase price: $9600)
A hold item that slightly lowers the foe’s accuracy.
222: LUCKY PUNCH (in Items; purchase price: $10)
A hold item that raises CHANSEY’s critical-hit rate.
223: METAL POWDER (in Items; purchase price: $10)
A hold item that raises DEFENSE.
224: THICK CLUB (in Items; purchase price: $500)
A bone of some sort. It can be sold cheaply.
225: STICK (in Items; purchase price: $200)
A stick of leek. It can be sold cheaply.
226: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
227: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
228: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
229: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
230: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
231: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
232: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
233: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
234: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
235: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
236: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
237: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
238: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
239: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
240: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
241: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
242: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
243: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
244: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
245: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
246: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
247: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
248: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
249: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
250: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
251: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
252: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
253: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
254: RED SCARF (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises COOL in CONTESTS.
255: BLUE SCARF (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises BEAUTY in CONTESTS.
256: PINK SCARF (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises CUTE in CONTESTS.
257: GREEN SCARF (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises SMART in CONTESTS.
258: YELLOW SCARF (in Items; purchase price: $100)
A hold item that raises TOUGH in CONTESTS.
259: MACH BIKE (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A folding bicycle that more than doubles foot speed.
260: COIN CASE (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A case that holds up to 9,999 COINS.
261: ITEMFINDER (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A device that signals an invisible item by sound.
262: OLD ROD (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
Use by any body of water to fish for wild POK��MON.
263: GOOD ROD (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A decent fishing rod for catching wild POK��MON.
264: SUPER ROD (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
The best fishing rod for catching wild POK��MON.
265: S.S. TICKET (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
The ticket required for sailing on a ferry.
266: CONTEST PASS (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
The pass required for entering POK��MON CONTESTS.
267: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
268: WAILMER PAIL (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A tool used for watering BERRIES and plants.
269: DEVON GOODS (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A package that contains DEVON’s machine parts.
270: SOOT SACK (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A sack used to gather and hold volcanic ash.
271: BASEMENT KEY (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
272: ACRO BIKE (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A folding bicycle capable of jumps and wheelies.
273: POKBLOCK CASE (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A case for holding POKBLOCKS made with a BERRY BLENDER.
274: LETTER (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A letter to STEVEN from the PRESIDENT of the DEVON CORP.
275: EON TICKET (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
The ticket for a ferry to a distant southern island.
276: RED ORB (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A red, glowing orb said to contain an ancient power.
277: BLUE ORB (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A blue, glowing orb said to contain an ancient power.
278: SCANNER (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A device found inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
279: GO-GOGGLES (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
Nifty goggles that protect eyes from desert sandstorms.
280: METEORITE (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A meteorite found at METEOR FALLS.
281: RM. 1 KEY (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A key that opens a door inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
282: RM. 2 KEY (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A key that opens a door inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
283: RM. 4 KEY (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A key that opens a door inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
284: RM. 6 KEY (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A key that opens a door inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
285: STORAGE KEY (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
The key to the storage inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
286: ROOT FOSSIL (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A fossil of an ancient, seafloor- dwelling POK��MON.
287: CLAW FOSSIL (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A fossil of an ancient, seafloor- dwelling POK��MON.
288: DEVON SCOPE (in Key Items; purchase price: $0)
A device by DEVON that signals any unseeable POK��MON.
289: TM01 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Powerful, but makes the user flinch if hit by the foe.
290: TM02 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Hooks and slashes the foe with long, sharp claws.
291: TM03 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Generates an ultrasonic wave that may confuse.
292: TM04 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF by focusing the mind.
293: TM05 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $1000)
A savage roar that makes the foe run to end the battle.
294: TM06 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Poisons the foe with a toxin that gradually worsens.
295: TM07 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Summons a hailstorm that hurts all types except ICE.
296: TM08 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Bulks up the body to boost both ATTACK & DEFENSE.
297: TM09 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row to strike the foe.
298: TM10 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
The attack power varies among different POK��MON.
299: TM11 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $2000)
Raises the power of FIRE-type moves for 5 turns.
300: TM12 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Enrages the foe so it can only use attack moves.
301: TM13 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Fires an icy cold beam that may freeze the foe.
302: TM14 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $5500)
A vicious snow-and- wind attack that may freeze the foe.
303: TM15 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $7500)
Powerful, but needs recharging the next turn.
304: TM16 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Creates a wall of light that lowers SP. ATK damage.
305: TM17 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Negates all damage, but may fail if used in succession.
306: TM18 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $2000)
Raises the power of WATER-type moves for 5 turns.
307: TM19 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Recovers half the HP of the damage this move inflicts.
308: TM20 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Prevents status abnormality with a mystical power.
309: TM21 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $1000)
The less the user likes you, the more powerful this move.
310: TM22 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Absorbs sunlight in the 1st turn, then attacks next turn.
311: TM23 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Slams the foe with a hard tail. It may lower DEFENSE.
312: TM24 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
A powerful electric attack that may cause paralysis.
313: TM25 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $5500)
Strikes the foe with a thunderbolt. It may paralyze.
314: TM26 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Causes a quake that has no effect on flying foes.
315: TM27 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $1000)
The more the user likes you, the more powerful this move.
316: TM28 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $2000)
Digs underground the 1st turn, then strikes next turn.
317: TM29 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $2000)
A powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.
318: TM30 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Hurls a dark lump at the foe. It may lower SP. DEF.
319: TM31 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Destroys barriers like LIGHT SCREEN and causes damage.
320: TM32 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $2000)
Creates illusory copies to enhance elusiveness.
321: TM33 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Creates a wall of light that weakens physical attacks.
322: TM34 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Zaps the foe with a jolt of electricity that never misses.
323: TM35 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Looses a stream of fire that may burn the foe.
324: TM36 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $1000)
Hurls sludge at the foe. It may poison the foe.
325: TM37 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $2000)
Causes a sandstorm that hits the foe over several turns.
326: TM38 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $5500)
A powerful fire attack that may burn the foe.
327: TM39 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Stops the foe from moving with rocks. May lower SPEED.
328: TM40 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
An extremely fast attack that can’t be avoided.
329: TM41 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Prevents the foe from using the same move in a row.
330: TM42 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Raises ATTACK when poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.
331: TM43 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Adds an effect to attack depending on the location.
332: TM44 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
The user sleeps for 2 turns to restore health and status.
333: TM45 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Makes it tough to attack a foe of the opposite gender.
334: TM46 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
While attacking, it may steal the foe’s held item.
335: TM47 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Spreads hard-edged wings and slams into the foe.
336: TM48 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Switches abilities with the foe on the turn this is used.
337: TM49 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Steals the effects of the move the foe is trying to use.
338: TM50 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $3000)
Enables full-power attack, but sharply lowers SP. ATK.
339: HM01 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
Attacks the foe with sharp blades or claws.
340: HM02 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
Flies up on the first turn, then attacks next turn.
341: HM03 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
Creates a huge wave, then crashes it down on the foe.
342: HM04 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
Builds enormous power, then slams the foe.
343: HM05 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
Looses a powerful blast of light that reduces accuracy.
344: HM06 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
A rock-crushingly tough attack that may lower DEFENSE.
345: HM07 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
Attacks the foe with enough power to climb waterfalls.
346: HM08 (in TMs & HMs; purchase price: $0)
Dives underwater the 1st turn, then attacks next turn.
347: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)
348: ???????? (in Items; purchase price: $0)